R amesh E mail:
r *************@*****.***
M obile: +91-903*******
P rofessional summa ry:
• Having 5 years of total I T experience in Oracle SQL, P L/SQL and
p rogramming.
• Having development and Support experience on various domains.
• Ability to work independently.
• Experience in m essage propagation from I B M MQ to Oracle Advanced Queue .
• Experience in O racle streams A dvanced Queuing ( enqueue, dequeue
X MLmessages and loading data in the tables).
• Experience in generating XML messages.
• Experience in dynamic SQL with bind variables.
• Expertise i n writing stored procedures, functions, packages, t riggers .
• Expertise i n job scheduling using D B MS_SCHE D U LER .
• Having good experience in Analytical Functions.
• Expertise in SQL, PL/SQL, SQL*Loader.
• Well verse Expertise in Writing SQL*Loader control files to migrate data from f lat files
to oracle database tables.
• Experience in a dvanced P L/SQL programming .
• Having experience in P a rtition Tables.
• Expertise on working Distributed Databases (Database Links) for accessing remote
• Expertise in U T L_F I L E to t ransfer data from database tables to text files.
• Expertise in creating m aterialized views .
D ell - I n te rnal Use - Confidential
• Experience in S FTP and U N I X Shell Scripting.
Work Experience:
• Working as Senior Softwa re Engineer i n D E L L I n te rnational services P V T
L TD., Bangalore since Nov 2012.
• Worked as Software Engineer i n M phasis, Bangalore from Mar 2010 to Oct 2012.
• Worked as Software Engineer for W IPRO on the payrolls of Source One,
Bangalore f rom Oct 2009 to Mar 2010.
E d u c a t i o n Q u a l i f i c a t i o ns:
M.C.A f rom A ndhra University
Technical Skills:
R DB MS : O r a c l e 10g, 11g
L a n g u a g es : SQ L, P L/SQ L
O p e r a t i n g S ys t e m : U N I X a n d W i n do ws/ N T
Ut ilities : SQL* Loader
T oo ls : T OA D a nd SQ L Na v iga to r
P roject Summa ry:
P roject: E2E lead times
Client: DE L L
Du ration: Aug 2013 to Till Date
Description :
D ell - I n te rnal Use - Confidential
T he purpose of this project is to automated feed from Harmony to GII for synchronizing lead
t imes. Harmony system will publish the lead t imes data to a Message Queue from where GII
consume these messages. The message contains data fields and elements. When GII reads a
new message, it will transform perform operations on the received data based on the action
f ield of the message. The message queue polled scheduled through an Oracle job.
• Creating AQ and Queue table.
• Mapping Oracle AQ with IBM MQ.
• Writing procedure to enqueue messages to queue table.
• Writing package to dequeue messages from queue table
and perform operations on the received data in the data base table.
• Job scheduling using DBMS_SCHEDULER.
P roject: G I I Archival / Purge
Client: DE L L
Du ration: Nov 12 to Jul 13
Description :
The goal of the project is to archive/purge the Gii database, which is growing
exponentially over the last number of years for EMEA and APJ business regions.
Based on the business selection whether the tables data needs to be archived or
p urged for particular retention period. Business needs to be able to set retention
period for each data element (data elements are Quote, Order, In terface, Audit, CFO,
D AM and ORL).
D ell - I n te rnal Use - Confidential
R esponsibilities:
• Designing and creating database tables.
• Designing and inserting data into control table.
• Creating schemas.
• Writing PL/SQL stored procedures.
• Creating database links.
• Writing PL/SQL stored procedures using dynamic SQL.
• Scheduling jobs using DBMS_SCHEDULER.
P roject: World Bank Group
Client: I FC
Du ration: Aug11 to Oct 12
Description :
IFC is a member of the World Bank Group, is the largest global development institution
focused exclusively on the private sector in developing countries.
Java Report application, it is one of the channel under iDesk application.
Java reports includes following Financial Products and Investment Services.
• Loans
• Syndicated Loans
• Equity Finance
• Structured Finance
• Risk Management Products
• Local Currency Financing
• Trade Finance
• Writing and enhancement of PL/SQL stored procedures for bug fixes.
D ell - I n te rnal Use - Confidential
• Writing complex SQL queries.
• Writing SQL queries to fetch the requested data by the user.
• Working on data fixes.
• Creating views.
T i tle: A gilent H R I T (WE DB & Bluebook M a i n tenance)
Client : Agilent Technologies, U .S.A
Du ration: April 10 to July 11
Description :
Agilent HRIT is responsible to maintain all the HR and IT related applications for the World
w ide client Agilent. Amongst those applications two of the reporting applications are
maintained by Reporting Stream. They are WEDB: This is a workforce database which
maintains all the HR and Finance related data of all the Agilent and Non Agilent Employees’
data. The database is of Oracle 9.1.2. BLUEBOOK: This is one of the beautiful reporting
applications in the modern era and which is implemented using Data Warehousing concepts.
• Extensive Coding and enhancement of PL/SQL stored procedures, functions and
• W riting SQL queries.
• Generating text files and placing in various servers using SFTP.
• Responsible for Communicating with the onsite to take decision while fixing any
B usiness perspective bugs in any of the modules.
• Data loading using SQL*Loader.
• Writing SQL scripts to generate f lat files and send to down streams.
D ell - I n te rnal Use - Confidential
• Resolving Service calls in t ime without crossing SLA.
• Worked extensively on many Change Requests and got client appreciation for the work
T i tle : MAC H1
C lient: M E RCK, U.S.A
Du ration: Oct 09 to M a r 10
Description :
The goal of this project is to develop reusable database technology that will extract and
t ransform clinical data collected on a standard library of Inform™ forms into a format
consistent with the CDISC Study Data Tabulation model format DB (SDTM DB), Merck is
using Inform to collect and store clinical data into Inform DB. Within Inform, Merck is creating
a standard library of Inform forms, with each form collecting data for a dimension of a clinical
study. The instructions for converting Merck’s InForm standard library data to SDTM DB is
derived from various sources Annotated InForm eCRFs prepared by Merck(Data
base),Additional conversion specifications provided by Merck Flat file formats SDTM creates
structure and format of tabulation data sets for submission to regulatory authorities. A
t abulation dataset is defined as all patient level data collected in a clinical t rial which is then
used to prove the hypothesis of the clinical t rial. This does not contain any enrichment. (i.e.,
Data derivations, calculations), Patient profiles; listings and analysis files are also submit ted
to the FDA along with the SDTM datasets. There is usually one data set submitted per domain
(Findings, Interventions, and Events) by using various t ransformations CRIS Code checks
(check_COSEQ, Check sequences, Check_supp_idvarval, preflow checks) has to be performed
to make sure that the data is in the required format.
D ell - I n te rnal Use - Confidential
• Writing SQL queries and generating cognos reports
• Providing code fixes as well as data fixes for bugs raised in Team Track QC Calls
• Writing Stored Procedures / Functions / Packages / Triggers
• Optimizing SQL Statements
• Created Views.
• I nvolved in writing the queries, joins to access the data
• Created Index for Better Performance
• Coordinating with the Onsite team in resolving the issues.
D ell - I n te rnal Use - Confidential