Jon P. Anderson
Quincy, Massachusetts 02169
**/** - **/** **** Machine, Inc. Braintree, MA
* Setup and Operate CNC Mori Seiki Lathes
* Edit and Prove Out Programs
* Minor Programming Capabilities
* Inspect parts to ensure blueprint specifications
12/06 – 05/07 Classic Manufacturing, Ltd. Oakdale, MN
CNC Operator - Temp Assignment
Laid Off
* Operated and Maintained CNC 3-Axis Milltronics Milling Machine
* Received additional training and strategies in CNC programming
* Maintained professional atmosphere to ensure the flow of work to be completed
02/06 – 10/06 KEB America Shakopee, MN
CNC Operator
Laid Off
* Setup and Operated Mazatrol 5-Axis CNC Integrex Lathe
* Maintained accurate log on machine maintenance
* Documented cycle times and inspection procedures
04/05 – 08/05 Precision Fabricator’s, Ltd. Boston, MA
CNC Operator
Temp Assignment
* Setup and Operated CNC Slant Lathes
* Edit program when needed
* Inspected parts to ensure blueprint specifications
07/07 – 08/07 STRIVE/Employment Service, Inc. Boston, MA
Professional Development Training Program
Certificate Received
2001 – 2002 Mount Washusett Community College Gardner, MA
Injection Molding Machine Training Program
Certificates Received
12/84 Worcester Public School Worcester, MA
Adult Learning Center
G.E.D. Certificate Received
References Furnished Upon Request