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Alexandria, VA
November 20, 2019

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Available upon request: References, writing samples, and speaking engagements.

Michael F. McCullough

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Alexandria, Virginia 22304-7731




Attorney with nearly 20 years of experience promoting democracy and governance (“D&G”) reform through U.S. government justice programs in over a dozen countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (“LAC”) including:

• Field experience leading programs in Colombia, Bolivia, and Mexico.

• Home office experience as director of D&G for LAC in Chemonics International, and director for LAC at the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative.


• Leadership: coordinator of multinational staffs as large as 75 across multiple regional offices, and manager of budgets as large as $46 million.

• Technical: expertise in D&G issues, including the rule of law and justice reform.

• Business development: editor/writer of over ten successful proposals.

• Intercultural: professional fluency in Spanish, and broad knowledge of the LAC region.

• Communications: trainer and speaker, published author, and editor/writer.

• Litigation: 13 felony jury trials conducted, and over 1,000 justice operators trained. Experience

Chemonics International, Inc.

• Chief of Party, “Justice for a Sustainable Peace” Program. Bogota, Colombia. May 2017 to August 2019. Managed a $46-million U.S. Agency for International Development (“USAID”) program supporting justice reform in Colombia in the post-peace accord period. Duties included development and implementation of program work plan, supervision of ~75-member Colombian staff in one nationwide and eight regional offices, oversight of program operations, and technical oversight of programmatic components. Duties included consultation with component coordinators on programmatic issues; coordination of relations with USAID, the U.S. Embassy, government counterparts and civil society organizations; preparation of quarterly and annual activity reports; oversight of program communications; response to USAID and counterpart information requests; and management of budgetary, financial, and administration issues.

• Director, Democracy and Governance, Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington, D.C. January 2016 to May 2017.

Led various project management units, provided staff development and supervision, and provided technical assistance. Developed effective and collaborative working relationships with clients, counterparts, and stakeholders and continually promoted client service with home office staff and field teams. Planned and directed home office and field technical activities through project startup, implementation, and closeout. Additionally conducted new business development, including supporting proposal development efforts conceptualizing teaming, technical approaches, and cost strategies. Assumed role of proposal lead or technical writer on multiple occasions, providing vision and leadership to proposal teams, and mentoring and supervising the application of best practices throughout the entire proposal process. American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative

• Director – Latin America and Caribbean Division. Washington, D.C. October 2008 to December 2015. Managed a $20-million portfolio for justice programs providing legal technical assistance in 12 countries in LAC. Duties included oversight of grant awards; management of over 30 employees in Washington, D.C. and multiple offices overseas; business development work including preparation and editing of funding proposals; coordination with donors including the U.S. State Department and USAID, and with foreign counterparts; preparation of activity reports; management of operational issues; and development and monitoring of work plans. Duties also included oversight of legal technical assistance activities. Portfolio expanded 20-fold during tenure, from one program with less than $1 million in funding to ten programs and $20 million in funding.


Available upon request: References, writing samples, and speaking engagements. Checchi and Company Consulting, Inc.

• Chief of Party. La Paz, Bolivia. April 2007 to August 2008.

• Deputy Chief of Party. La Paz, Bolivia. January 2007 to March 2007. Managed an $11-million USAID justice program, including supervision of 25-member local staff and oversight of programmatic components providing legal technical assistance (Criminal Justice Reform, Integrated Justice Centers, and Justice Houses). Duties included consultation with component coordinators on programmatic issues; coordination of relations with USAID, the U.S. Embassy, and justice sector counterparts; preparation of quarterly activity reports; oversight of publications with nationwide dissemination; response to USAID and counterpart information requests; and management of operational issues.

Federal Public Defender, District of Columbia

• Attorney. Washington, D.C. September 2006 to November 2006. Assisted lead defense counsel with litigation of a major complex federal and transnational criminal case. This case was a federal prosecution by the U.S. Justice Department, arising from events in Colombia. Duties included frequent and extensive client meetings, legal research and writing, review of documents and audio-visual materials, and translations. Checchi and Company Consulting, Inc.

• Deputy Chief of Party. Bogotá, Colombia. September 2004 to June 2006. Managed a $28-million USAID justice program in conjunction with the chief of party, including supervision of 35-member local staff and oversight of programmatic components. Duties included consultation with the chief of party and component coordinators on programmatic issues; assistance with coordination of relations with USAID, the U.S. Embassy, U.S. Justice Department, and justice sector counterparts; management of procurement processes; preparation of activity reports; oversight of multiple publications with nationwide dissemination; response to USAID and counterpart information requests; coordination of operational issues; and continued technical assistance as trial techniques instructor for justice operators. Programmatic accomplishments included delivery of 23 Justice Houses, 32 courtrooms, four public defense offices and one criminal defense clinic; and training of over 3,000 attorneys in the accusatorial system and over 2,000 community leaders in equity conciliation.

• Public Defense Specialist. Bogotá, Colombia. September 2002 to September 2004. Coordinated the “Public Defense Strengthening” Component of a $28-million USAID justice program, entailing supervision of activities including instruction in nationwide public defender training workshops on trial techniques, formulation and implementation of Public Defender’s Office “Pilot Office” program model based on U.S. legal system, close consultation with systems engineers on creation of information management system, technical oversight of media campaign management, planning of inter-institutional legal clinic for indigent criminal defense representation, supervision of technology investment including hardware and software, coordination of magazine publication, and institutional strategic planning.

Ryley Carlock & Applewhite

• Attorney. Phoenix, Arizona. October 2000 to June 2002. Litigated civil and criminal cases in both federal and state court. Casework included a large-scale, multi-jurisdictional, racketeering case; complex collections matters; aggrieved shareholder representation; fraud cases involving alleged breaches of confidentiality agreements; and limited criminal defense and personal injury representation. Responsibilities included drafting and filing motions; legal research and preparation of memoranda; preparation for trials, mediations and arbitrations; and settlement negotiations with opposing counsel. Office of the Maricopa County Public Defender

• Attorney. Phoenix, Arizona. April 1997 to September 2000. Litigated felony criminal cases in Maricopa County Superior Court. Representation included litigation of 13 felony jury trials, including charges of first-degree murder, sexual assault, aggravated assault, sexual conduct with a minor, stalking, burglary, prohibited possession of a weapon, possession of marijuana for sale, driving while intoxicated, and personal drug possession. Casework included general client representation, supervision of investigators, crime scene visits, consultation with expert witnesses, and conduct of witness interviews in preparation for hearings and trials, plea negotiations, and extensive motion practice and court hearings related to suppression of evidence, voluntariness/Miranda determinations, in limine admissibility issues, sentencings, and probation matters. 3

Available upon request: References, writing samples, and speaking engagements. Centro Jurídico para el Comercio Interamericano/National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade

• Attorney/Assistant Research Coordinator. Monterrey, Mexico. August 1995 to December 1996. Supervised a U.S.-Mexican team in producing legal studies and hosting international conferences as part of U.S. State Department-funded research project. Conducted interviews of interested parties from Mexico and U.S. in preparation for completion of studies and hosting of conferences. Wrote significant portions of final studies. Translated portions of studies from Spanish to English. Additionally, taught a course in Spanish to Mexican and U.S. law students entitled, “Business Law in the Context of Free Trade and Economic Development.” Education

University of Arizona. Juris Doctor, 1995.

• Semester, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey; Monterrey, Mexico, 1995. Studied Mexican law, including constitutional law, family law, labor law, and independent study.

• Clerkship, U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee; Washington, D.C. Summer 1994. Conducted research, including for the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, and federal criminal law.

University of Arizona. Bachelor of Arts, Spanish and Political Science, cum laude, 1992.

• Semester, Universidad de Sevilla; Seville, Spain, 1991. Presentations

• Trainer and speaker in the U.S. and LAC for over two dozen conferences, workshops and lectures in Spanish and English on rule of law issues, trial techniques, and the accusatorial system.

• Trainer of over 1,000 justice sector operators in LAC on litigation skills. Publications

• Author, “La Nueva Metodología Estratégica para Litigación bajo el Sistema Acusatorio: Teorías, Temas, y Planes de Acción para Juicios (The New Strategic Methodology for Litigation Under the Accusatorial System: Theories, Themes, and Trial Action Plans),” Derecho en Libertad (Monterrey, Mexico), No. 8, pp. 158-175.

• Author, “El Trabajo Cotidiano de un Defensor Público en los Estados Unidos (The Daily Work of a Public Defender in the United States),” La Defensa, No. 2, pp. 84-91. Professional Licenses

• Member, State Bar of Arizona #16650 (In good standing).

• Applicant for admission by motion/reciprocity, District of Columbia Bar (filed 12 March 2019; status pending). Languages

Professional fluency in Spanish.

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