As a BizTalk Developer I Performed reqirement gathering,analysis,system design,enterprise application integration by using biztalk server. Developed schemas,adapters,pipelines,maps,
Orchrestration in visual studios as per Client Requirement and for better performance we used
Biztalk EDI transactions.
C,C++,C#.NET 4.0/3.5/2.0, ASP.NET 4.0/3.5/2.0,
HTML,Web Services,WCF,Win Forms,CSS,Web Forms, SQL.
SoftWare Packages
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013,2012,2010,2008 & SQL,BizTalk.
Server Technologies
Internet Information Server(IIS) .
Operating Systems
Windows Family,Linux,IOS.
BizTalk Tools
Schemas,Mapper,Functoids,Orchrestration,Pipelines,Adapters,ESB ToolKit 2.1.
BizTalk Adapters
SQL Server 2008 R2/2005/2000.
BizTalk Developer, Aditya Birla Group,INDIA Oct 2014-Apr 2015
●Used HTTP,FTP and SQL adapters for Integrations.
●Created BizTalk Maps,Schemas,Pipelines,Orchrestrations using Visual studio 2008
●Created Receive and Send Ports.
●Created and maintain full Technical Integration Documentation.
●Involved in designing and developing source and destination schemas
●Interact with client and business teams to provide a solution for integration and analyse different vendor interfaces and provide realiable code for deployment.
●Worked on ESB ToolKit 2.0,Troubleshoot and update BAM Portal.
●Datafiles:XML,FLATFILES,ANSI X12,Used EDI 810,820,829,850,855,856,857 tansation set.
BizTalk Developer, C.S.C, Hyderabad, Telangana,INDIA Aug 2012-Sep 2014
●Designed and developed the windows application in .net using c#.
●Attending regular weekly team meetings related to application development progress and future targets.
●Used validation by logical coding for validating front-end forms.
●Client interaction to understand their requirements and get feedback on the existing application.
Master’s of Computer Engineering from Silicon Valley University May 2016
Bachelor’s of Electrical and Electronics Engineering from JNTUK May 2012