Zebardi Kamel
** ***, ********* *******, ****** / Algeria
Algerian nationality
Work Experience
General electric GE via 01/01/2016 to 01/12/2016
IEPC International Energy Personnel consulting,
*Power plant CCGT 900MW, Kirikkale / Turkey,
Shift supervisor / Operator Commissioning
Duties and responsibilities:
Operation commissioning of power plant unit & utility (Field & Control room),
(2 x Gas Turbine GE 9-FB 300MW + Steam Turbine GE-D11, 300MW + ACC+ HMI Distributed control systems DCS Mark 6E,
Flushing oil, Flushing CCW, Washing GT compressor, Filling H2 generator, Water treatment plant (UF, RO-EDI, Filtration, Demineralisation Etc.
Provide training for local operators and Writing of operating procedures.
General electric GE via IRMA consulting. 01//04/2015 to 31/12/2015
*Power plant Open Cycle 600MW Hassi r’mel/HRM2 / Algeria,
Shift supervisor / Operator Commissioning
Duties and responsibilities:
Operation commissioning of power plant unit & utility (Field & Control room),
3 x Gas Turbine GE 9-FA 200MW + HMI Distributed control systems DCS Mark 6E Flushing oil, Flushing CCW, Washing GT compressor, Filling H2 generator Etc.
Provide training for local operators and Writing of operating procedures.
General electric GE via
IEPC International Energy Personnel consulting, 01/06/2014 to 31/08/2014
*Power plant CCGT 900MW, Erzin / Turkey,
Shift supervisor / Operator Commissioning
Duties and responsibilities:
Operation commissioning of power plant unit & utility (Field & CCR),
(2 x Gas Turbine GE 9-FB 300MW + Steam Turbine SKODA 300MW + 2xHRSG/DOOSAN+HMI Distributed control systems DCS Mark 6E+ Water treatment plant (Filtration, Demineralisation Etc.
Flushing oil, Flushing CCW, Washing GT compressor, Filling H2 generator...Etc.
Provide training for local operators and Writing of operating procedures.
Dietsmann Maintaining Energy,
*Power plant Open Cycle 300MW pointe noire / Republic of Congo.
04/07/2011 to 13/10/2013
Operation shift manager
Duties and responsibilities:
Manage and lead the shift operation team and plant equipments (2 x Gas Turbine Siemens-Ansaldo V94.2, 150MW + Turbine solar TurboMach-Caterpillar 10MW + Distributed control systems DCS ABB 800XA + BOP + Diesel Engine EDG).
Application and respect the start-up and shutdown of the plant installation with norms PI&D.
Ensure that all staff are operating safely and using equipment appropriately.
Initiate work requests for the maintenance, (WPT) Logging / tag out of mechanical & electrical and process equipments.
Prepare daily reports for Power & Fuel consumption, Fired time and operating data and events and Maintain log book.
Provide training for local operators and Writing of operating procedures
Snc lavalin international,
*Power plant Combined Cycle CCGT-820MW multi-shaft, Skikda / Algeria.
Operation shift supervisor
01/11/2009 to 03/07/2011
Duties and responsibilities:
Manage and lead the shift operation team and plant equipments (2 x Gas Turbine GE-9FA 250MW + 2 x Steam Turbine Alstom 180MW + Distributed control systems DCS Alstom P320 + DCS GE Mark6 + HRSG + BOP+ Diesel engine EDG).
Application and respect the start-up and shutdown of the plant installation with norms PI&D.
Ensure all staff are operating safely and using equipment appropriately.
Initiate work requests for the maintenance, (WPT) Logging / tag out of mechanical & electrical and process equipments.
Provide training for local operators and Writing of operating procedures.
Snc lavalin international,
*Power plant Combined cycle 820 MW, Skikda / Algeria.
01/05/2005 to 31/10/2009
Control room DCS CCR-Operator,
Duties and responsibilities:
Phase Commissioning participate in Start-up of 02 Units combined cycle + BOP.
Operate and monitor the Gas & steam Turbines ensuring plant is operated within defined parameters from the control room.
Start and synchronize the turbines in established procedure, tackle emergency situations and take a quick and safe corrective action in case of plant upsets.
Work independent particularly during night shift and take immediate action for proper power plant operations.
To control and analyze of the parameters: pressure, temperature, flows, level, voltage, amperage on the deferent’s principal and auxiliary equipment of the power plant.
Starting and shut-down of a section of production, Implement shutdown, isolation, depressurizing and cleaning of equipment required for maintenance, purging and de-isolation.
Supervise the good function of the plant from the Distributed control systems DCS panel (HMI), operate the equipments, started and down the plant…etc.
Gather and collect data for the process and utility equipment, identify actions to be taken to minimize equipment and machinery failure.
Sonelgaz (Algerian company of power & gas), *Thermal Power plant, Steam turbine Skoda270MW, Skikda / Algeria.
01/05/2001 to 31/03/2005
Production operator,
Duties and Responsibilities:
Worked on various pieces of equipment within the power station (boiler, turbines posts pre-heating, condenser, circuits, auxiliaries, electric equipment of commutations... etc).
Controlled and analyzed the values for pressure, temperatures, flows, tension, currents, power of the equipment and installs quoted above.
Sonelgaz (Algerian company of power & gas), *Thermal Power plant, Steam turbine 270MW, Skikda / Algeria.
25/10/1995 to 31/12/1999
Safety HSE operator.
Completion of Secondary technical education (13 years) + Capacity as Operation Technician (2 years).
Training in the capacity as Operation technician (gas turbine – steam turbine) near the technical college of Sonelgaz (Algerian company of power and gas).
Training of the system Mark6 Speedtronic GAS Turbine GE 9FA with GE energy learning centre, UK.
Training of control & operate simple cycle and combined cycle (gas turbine-steam turbine) whit ALSTOM centre of training.
Training of operate DCS ALSTOM – ALSPA P320 CENTRALOG (interface human machine).
Training of system management of maintenance per computer CMMS: MAXIMO, COSWIN, INFOR (work and request for control on equipment).
First aid (first-aid worker).
Training course on the fire fighting & electrical risk near the petrochemicals platform fire college.
Language (Arabic and French fluently– English intermediary).
Hobbies and Interests
Painting, jogging, swimming, subsea diving, tennis.
*References are available on request.