Here are three of my favorite responses to the objection to meet
for the first appointment:
“If I could uncover just one thing that you and Mary felt was extremely important that you have
overlooked all these years, wouldn’t it have been worthwhile for us to meet”? “With most of my
clients I usually uncover 2 to 3 very important issues that have been overlooked”. “Let’s get
together for a cup of coffee next week”.
“If I could help you accumulate substantial, additional wealth over the next 20-30 years without
you spending any additional money out of pocket, wouldn’t it have been worthwhile for us to
meet”? “Let’s meet for a cup of coffee next Thursday morning for 15 minutes”.
“If I could show you a way to substantially enhance your employee benefits without you
spending any additional money, wouldn’t it be worthwhile for us to meet”? “Let’s get together
for 15 minutes next week. What time of day is the least hectic”? (Voluntary Payroll Deduction
and Worksite Seminars).