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Management Manager

Vienna, VA
December 23, 2014

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C el l 7 03-28 2-569 8

r o gh o u z e 3 @ ao l . c o m


Senior financial e xecutive wit h more than 2 5 years of experience and achievement s in all facets of commercial

business, Federal contracting, financial management, accounting, compliance, program control, and program management . A

r esults- o riente d self-starte r who takes initiative, generate s an e xtremel y h igh-energ y level, a ttract s and retains

dynamic managemen t t alent, and achieves b otto m -lin e results . Special strength s in planning, organization,

compliance, management, budgeting, cost control, and improved efficiency . Ad ditiona l s trength s in corporat e and

strategi c planning, management-informatio n systems (MIS), and innovation . Excellent communicatio n and conflic t

resolution skills. Promotes team work in all aspects of management.


Director Corporate Compliance, F inance, and A ccounting (2009-Present), M e t t e r s Incorporated, a

technical service provider, including e nterprise informatio n t echnolog y solutions, c ybersecurity, logistics and

system s engineering, and simulation and training. Initiall y joined t h e compan y as Corporat e Contr o ller. Manag ed a

finance and accountin g departmen t of 11 staff. Reported d irectly t o t h e Executiv e Vice - President. A uthore d all new

financial policies and procedures, replacing ones t ha t were o ve r 1 0 years old. The main p oin t of contact for DCAA,

DCMA, DSS, and DOL, in additio n t o t h e o utsid e CPA auditin g firm. Provid e t h e firm wit h strategi c plannin g

consideration s and forward-rat e audit submissions. Also designed and implemented corporate-wide trainin g for all

staff relative to compliance issues. Promoted teamwork concepts with all staff.

Manage r o f G overnmen t F inanc e a n d A ccountin g C omplianc e ( 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 9 ), B earingPoin t C o n s u l t i n g,

I nc ., a global business and t echnolog y service company offerin g custo m softwar e solution s encompassing Compliance,

Telecommunications, and Data Management, among a host of o the r areas. Reported to t he CFO. Acte d as t h e p oin t o f

contact wit h DCAA and DCMA. Was t h e financial interfac e wit h th e company's COO and Operations, in a dditio n t o t h

e legal d epartmen t. Develope d risk strategie s and compliance d ocumentation . Conducted numerou s investigation s t

o assure company policies and guidelines were properly enforced.

Controlle r ( 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 7 ), I nfoRelianc e C o r p o r a t i o n, a global IT t e c hnolog y and consultin g service company

staffing ove r 350 consultants worldwide, specializing in designing, d eveloping, deploying, and securing e nterpris e IT

solutions that transform busines s operations across the globe. Directed all areas of accounting and finance and managed

an accounting and finance group of six individuals. Performed trend analysis and forecasting. Advised the CEO relative t o

strategie s t o increase revenu e and improve p rofitability . Was t h e main p oin t of contact wit h all Federal and s t at e

government audit agencies, in additio n to the outside CPA auditin g firm.

Controller, F edera l S ystem s ( 2003-2004), U nisy s C o r p o r a t i o n, a global IT company. Returned to Unisys a

t their request. Responsibl e for producin g all P&Ls, balance sheets, budget versu s cost analysis, and all variance

r eporting. Develope d all budgets for 22 programs . Worked wit h t h e marketing d epartmen t t o assess t h e c ost/benefi t

analysis f o r all new busines s prospects . Performed trend analysis and forecasting. Increased profitabilit y for the group by

an i n-dept h unbilled analysis, yieldin g millions in additional bottom line.

Engagemen t M anage r ( 1999-2003), J efferso n W ell s I nternational, I nc., a financial services consultin g firm,

wit h over 5,000 professiona ls, p rovidin g interna l audit, accounting, compliance, and tax services t o business e nterpr i ses.

Led a group of 48 professional financial consultants . Managed numerou s e ngagement s which include d performin g t h

e " Controller " f unctio n in many g overnmen t contractin g businesses, as well as commercial firms. Further,

d e v eloped corporate and division overhead rates, G&A rates, and budgets for many large and mid-sized businesses.

Co n t roller, F edera l S ystem s ( 1 9 8 5 - 1 9 9 9 ), U nisy s C o r p o r a t i o n, a global IT company. Responsible f o

r producing all P&Ls, balance sheets, b udge t versu s cost analysis, and all variance reporting . Develope d all budget s f

o r multipl e programs. Worked wit h t h e marketin g d epartmen t t o assess t h e c ost/benefi t analysis for all new

business prospects, increasing revenue by about 30% per annum. Performed trend analysis and forecasting. Increased

p rofitability for t h e group t hroug h enhanced cost contro l method s and change-orde r monitoring, d eliverin g millions

in a dditional bottom lin e profits. Manage d the conversio n and upgrading of both the inventory and payroll systems.

Previous t o being p romote d t o Controller, held t h e followin g a n teceden t position s (in reverse chronological o rder):

Financial Manager, Planning and Analysis; Business Operation s Manager; and Financial Manager. Variousl y serve d as t h

e primary poin t of contact for both DCAA and DCASMA, develope d contrac t close-out procedures, t rained analysts,

h andled key compliance issues, create d budgets, and generated numerou s overall strategic plans.

Director, F inancia l M anagemen t G roup, S trategi c P etroleu m Oi l R eserv e (1979-1985), OAO

C o r p o r a t i o n, a management consultin g and g overnment-contractin g firm, providin g IT, financial, and program s upport

services t o g overnmen t organizations and business enterprise . Led t h e group t ha t provide d planning, scheduling, and

performance report s t o t h e DOE. Develope d and implemente d t rainin g programs for p roject staff relativ e t o e ffectiv e

financial control s and cost management . Participated on t h e committe e t ha t recommended efficienc y and c os t

improvement s for the entire Strategi c Petroleu m Oil Reserve Program. Finally, created a progra m contro l manual

d etailing activities and procedure s to contro l cost and increase efficiency.


Graduate Studies Law University of West Virginia, Law School

Maste r of Business Administration Finance and Management Central Michigan University

Bachelor of Science Accountin g and Business Management University of Maryland

Bachelor of Arts Political Science Texas Christian University


Procurement Assistance Skills Training Program (DOE, 40 hours)

Program Control and Program Management (DOE, 80 hours)

Cost/Schedul e Control Systems Criteri a (Unisys, 80 h ours)

Performance Measurement and Reporting Training Program (DOE, 40 hours)

Financial Management, (Unisys, 80 hours)

Financial Control Framework (Bearingpoint, 80 hours)

Budge t and Cost Control (Inforeliance, 80 hours)

Internal Control and Accountin g Review (Unisys, 80 hours)

Earned Value Management (Unisys, 80 hours)


D elte k Costpoint

Deltek GCS Premier



Federal Acquisition Regulation s (FAR)

Cost Accounting Standard s (CAS)

Cost Disclosur e Statement s ( DCAA)

Incurred Cost Submissions (DCAA)

Earned Value Measurement System

Audit Functions (DCAA and DCMA)


Inactive Secret on file at DISCO, Columbus, Ohio issued 1989

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