E -mail:
M obile No:
Career Objective
C areer
I am willing to be at challenging and growth oriented position in a progressive
organization, where my talent & technical skills are utilized in terms of acquiring
k nowledge in cutting edge technology and contributing handsomely to the growth of the
P rofessional Qualification
1. B.Sc (C.S) f rom H NB Garhwal University in 2009.
( 64.03%)
2. M CA from Gurukul Kangri University(2009-2012).
Academic Qualification
H igher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C) - Year: 2003 –
2004 ( 68%)
Roorkee Public School,Dhanauri Hardwar
Secondary School Leaving Certificate (S.S.L.C) Year: 2005 –
2006 ( 69.4%)
B MSSS,Hardwar
S kills P rofile
B asics : M S Office
DB MS/RDB MS : SQL Server 2000
Operating System : W indows XP/Win 7.
Languages : B asics of V isual Basic.Net, Core java
Web Technologies : ASP.Net (2.0, 3.5)
P roject Experience
O rganization : Aptech Ltd.
D u ration : Jan 2012 – May 2012.
P roject : Online Shopping Portal
P latform : Windows 7
E nvi ronment : Asp.Net, C# (3.5), SQL Server 2005
T eam Size : 2
Role & Responsibil ity: Software Developer
1. Designing of Front-end and back-end, implementation of Business logic.
1. Learnt to work on live project according to the customer requirements.
2. Won meri torious student award in 2000 & 2001.
Ext ra Cu r r icular Activities
Participated in certain academic competitions.
1. D ancing
2. Sports
3. Q uiz
Personal I nformation
Fathe r’s Name : Sh. Chandra Prakash Badoni
Date of Bi rth : 21st April 1988
Sex : Female
P ermanent Address : H no. 89,C/O Mehta Properties, Govindpuri
Ranipur, Hardwar
N ationality : I ndian
Languages Known : E nglish, H indi
Hobbies : L istening to music, Playing Badminton at
I hereby declare that all the information provided by me is factual and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
Dated : 12/08/2013 Swati Badoni