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Project Software Engineer

Hyderabad, AP, India
June 24, 2012

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Email: ****.**********@*****.*** Mobile:+91-970*******


• 5.2 years of experience in software Analysis and Development in the area of standalone / web applications using Java, J2EE, Adobe technologies.

• Worked on Financial Domain stand alone and web based Applications, RIA Applications.

• Expertise in Core Java, Servlets, Struts, Adobe Flex3.0 and Action script 3.0.

• Designed and implemented the components using Design Patterns like MVC, Cairngorm, Singleton, Factory, etc

• Involved in project analysis, design, Build, Deployment and documentation.

• Wrote SQL queries and Stored Procedures to Fetch the data from Sybase Database.

• Possesses excellent technical, inter personal and communication skills.

• Good team player can work collaboratively with team members to achieve common goals, while maintaining responsibilities and commitments.

• Has the motivation to take independent responsibility as well as ability to Contribute and be a productive team member.


Languages : C, XML, XML-Beans, Linux shell scripting, Tibco JMS, RV, EMS

Java Technologies Core Java, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, JNDI

Adobe Technologies Flash Builder 4, Action Script 3.0, Flex3, Flex4

Databases : Sybase

Software Tools : Eclipse, Net Beans, Aqua Data Studio, CVS,SVN, Jira, SVN, Crucible, log4j, Ant

Architectures/ Frameworks : MVC, Cairngorm, Parsley, Struts, Nineveh

Dev. Methodology/ Approaches : Water Fall, Scrum and Agile

Operating Systems : Windows XP, Linux

Servers : Tomcat 5, WebLogic 8.1, IBM MQ


Company Designation Duration

ValueLabs, Hyderabad System Analyst 7th Apr. ‘11 to 31st May 12

ProKarma, Hyderabad Software Engineer 1st Nov. ’10 to 1 Apr. ‘11

WizcomTechnologies, Hyderabad Software Developer 20th Oct. ‘06 to 31 May. ’10

Scient Institute of technology, Hyderabad C Lab Programmer 11th July. ’05 to 14th Oct. ‘06


Completed Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology) from J.N.T University in year 2005.



Project : Multi Fraction Applet Editor and Template Apr ’11 May ‘12

Client : T2K Israil

Role : Module Lead Team Size - 4

Organization : Value Labs


Multi Fraction Applet Editor is an application where a Teacher can post the information and Students can login and view the information. By default a Teacher is given with Admin permissions, where a Teacher explains a lesson and stores the state. Teacher can set a paper and examine the student’s levels.

This information is mathematical lessons which are easily understandable by the students. For easy understanding we used the graphical representations. A student can acquire knowledge on Additions, Subtractions, and Fractions.

The teacher specifies which options are to be enabled for the student to view and practice. For Each option the Teacher disables a new skin will be placed on that, showing this component is going to disabled. When a preview runs the disabled skin components will be permanently disabled to the student.

• Created communication between the Editor and the Template which are in different swc.

• Used Nineveh Event mechanism for Communication.

• Controlled the template components state for the Initial and Settings mode.


• Analyzing and understanding Multi Fraction Applet Editor and Template specifications.

• Developed Action script classes to handle Editor and Template.

• Created graphical Skins for Template components.

• Created communication between Template and Editor.

• Project integration and testing at DEV environment.

• Coding, unit testing, code commits.

Technologies/OS Used: Adobe flex4.0, Action Script3.0, MVC, Nineveh Framework, Flash Builder 4, CGE Tomcat, Windows XP, CVS.


Project : Quik View Nov ‘10 Apr ‘11

Client : T-Mobile, USA

Role : Software Engineer Team Size - 8

Organization : ProKarma


QuikView is a web based Application used for Customer support for T-Mobile. This Application stores customer information, Handset information and rate plans and provides more of services to the operators which in turn give the flexibility to the customers who are using the T-Mobile Handsets.


• Developed Action script classes to handle the services.

• Client interactions and discussions for development activities

• Status reporting (Daily and Weekly) and attending scrum calls

• Coding, unit testing, code review and commits

• Coordinating testing activities with QA team

Technologies/OS Used: : Adobe flex3.0, Action Script3.0, Web-logic, eclipse, Maven, Cairngorm, Parsley, Web Services, Crucible, Jira, Windows XP


Project : Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE) GUI Jan’10 May ’10

Client : JPMorgan, USA

Role : Senior Developer Team Size -3

Organization : Wizcom Technologies


Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine is a reporting service which reports the trades to different banks. For JPM, TRACE GUI shows the record of trades as a report. Each trade reported to banks through TRACE Application will be stored in database. TRACE GUI polls the database to show up the trade information up to date. TRACE GUI has different options like re-reporting the trades to banks, updating the information, showing history of trades, exporting the trade reports to excel sheets and pdf files.


• Requirements gathering from on-site team, clients.

• Responsible for source code and version control using CVS.

• Project integration and testing.

• Developed Action script classes to generate excel reports.

• Developed Action script classes to generate pdf reports.

• Implemented MVC - Struts navigation involving coding using Servlets and integrating with Adobe Flex to develop GUI.

• Successful delivery of product.

Technologies/OS Used: Adobe flex, Action Script3.0, MVC – Struts, Tomcat, eclipse, CVS, Net Beans, Sybase and Windows XP, Linux.


Projects : Niids Gateway, Niids Gateway GUI, Niids Munis Adapter, Niids Munis Adapter GUI, Niids Munishop Adapter, Niids Municipal VRDO Adapter, Niids Municipal Notes Adapter, Niids Municipal TAX Exceptions Adapter May ’07 to Jan ‘10

Client : Lehman Brothers, Barclays Capital USA

Role : Senior Developer, Tester, Support Team Size – 2

Organization : Wizcom Technologies


Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) requires the information about the Trades to disseminate to the Customers who are registered with DTCC. The information of each trade should go through the Trading System, where the New Issue Information Dissemination System (NIIDS) is going to work. Participants and Dealers uses NIIDS Application to announce the Offerings to DTCC.NIIDS get the Announcements and submits all the Announcements to DTCC. It’s not all, getting the Announcements and submitting to DTCC, internally it modifies the Announcements according to DTCC specifications. The Announcements which fulfills the requirements of DTCC will be disseminated to the registered Customers. Any Announcement which doesn’t fallow the requirements of DTCC, will report back with errors to Participants and Dealers


• Working closely with on-site team, in designing the Architecture and Database

• Supporting the application pre and post release versions.

• Discussions with clients to make an interface for un-interrupted communications between applications.

• Involved in Intermediate, final release of the application through the Quality process.

• Responsible for source code and version control using CVS.

• Project integration and testing at DEV, QA, UAT machines.

• Analyzing and understanding DTCC specifications.

• Guiding the fresher’s and junior level programmers

• Creating Low-level design documents.

• Creating the java classes in JMS, java and SQL according to business logic and unit tested.

• Creating Test Cases and Test Data for DTCC and User approvals (certification).

• Creating and testing using Linux shell scripts.

• Developed JSP pages to generate excel reports

• Implemented MVC - Struts navigation involving coding using JSP, Servlets, HTML and integrating with server API to develop GUI.

Developed Action classes to write the routing logic and to call different services and develop Form Beans for Business logic validations

Technologies Used: J2SE, J2EE (JDBC, Servlets, JSP), XML, MVC – Struts, Tomcat, eclipse, CVS, Net Beans, Sybase and TIBCO, IBM MQ, Linux, Windows XP.


Project : Pre Issuance Messaging Service (PIMS). Feb ’07 to Jul ‘07

Client : JP Morgan, USA

Role : Tester Team Size – 3

Organization : Wizcom Technologies


PIMSGateway is a stand-alone application that interacts with IPA Bank via DTCC’s network. PIMSGateway listens to requests from PIMClients on TIBCO channel. The request message will be in XML format, with a header and a body. The message is parsed into IPA understandable format and is sent to the IPA Bank via DTC over MQ. When the response comes back from the IPA Bank, its parsed and reformatted into XML and is sent back to respective PIMClient. Although this initiative contains PIMClient and Server (PIMSGateway application), PIMClient applications will communicate with PIMSGateway for IPA services.


• Working closely with on-site team, in Testing the application logic and flow

• Involved in preparing the approach document for the modules given.

• Developed client tools to simulate real-time application. This has been accepted and used by all testers in the company for this project

• Created and executed the Test Case documents for Testing

• Involved in Intermediate and final release of the application through the Quality process.

Technologies Used: Tomcat Server, Tibco Server, IBM MQ Server, Linux.


Project : Real-Time Transaction Reporting System (RTRS). Oct’06 to May’07

Client : Lehman Brothers, USA

Role : Developer and Tester Team Size – 5

Organization : Wizcom Technologies


The RTRS Gateway is a stand-alone application that interacts with MSRB via FICC’s network. RTRS Gateway listens to requests from RTRS Clients on a Tibco channel. The request message will be in XML format, with a header and a body. The message is parsed and formatted into a SWIFT message (MT515) and is sent across to the MSRB via FICC over MQ. When the response comes back from the MSRB, its parsed and reformatted into XML and is sent back to the RTRS Client.

RTRS Client applications will communicate with RTRS Gateway for MSRB services. The official message specification is essentially a customized version of ISO15022, namely MT515 and MT509 message formats. MSRB’s RTRS subsystem accepts message in SWIFT MT515 format and responds in SWIFT MT509 message format. The response could be a successful (ACK) message back from RTRS or an error (NAK) message, which has to be corrected and resubmitted


• Used JMS (Point – to Point) to send messages, and receive messages from the client

• Developed XML documents for data transfer between the web clients and the server.

• Developed stored procedures for data manipulation.

• Implemented MVC - Struts navigation involving coding using JSP, Servlets And integrating with server API to develop GUI.

• Developed Action classes to write the routing logic and to call different services and develop Form Beans for Business logic validations

• Developed Custom Tags for the presentation Logic so that it can be reused.

• Involved in coding reviews and enhancement of application

• Created and executed the Test Case documents for Unit Testing

• Involved in preparing the approach document for the modules given.

• Involved in Intermediate and final release of the application through the Quality process.

Technologies Used: J2SE, J2EE (JDBC, Servlets, JSP), XML, MVC – Struts, JavaScript, Tomcat, eclipse, CVS, Net Beans, Sybase and TIBCO, IBM MQ, Unix, Windows XP

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