* ***** ** **** * r ive, Apt. #*2
Manchester, N. H. 03102
Memorial High School, Manchester, N.H.
Graduated in 1979
Hesser College, Manchester, N.H.
Graduated in 1981 with an Associate’s Degree
Franklin Pierce College, Concord, N.H.
Graduated in 2005 with a Bachelor’s in Arts Degree in Criminal Justice
M H M Services, Concord, N.H.
1998 – Cu r rent
Administrative Assistant
Duties included, but are not limited to:
• Ma intain schedules of all forensic examiners
• T ranscribe all competency to stand t r ial reports for examiners
• Oral/Written communications for office with court
r epresentatives, attorneys, defendants, police depa rtments,
sheriffs, jails.
• Compile monthly reports as needed for Regional D i rector
• Ar range inte rviews between counsel, defendants and
• Ma intain and order office supplies for office equipment
• P rocess all mail including the receiving of all subpoenas for
• Ma intain Confidentiality
State of N.H. – Depa rtment of Cor rections
1991 – 1998
P rogram Assistant
Duties included, but were not limited to:
• I nput classified data of inmates into department-wide system
• One-to-One at Reception & Diagnostic Depa r tment with new
i nmates to assess personal needs and court-ordered
p rogramming
• P rocess all mail
• Respond to inmate request slips
• Telephones
• Filing
• Ma intain and order office supplies for office equipment
• Attend t rainings
• Ma intain Confidentiality
I was assigned special assignment by the Warden involving the
V isiting Room. This included improvements to the area and
i ncluded family-oriented activities. A suggestion box was in place
t o gather data to attend to requests which were w ithin my
I also received numerous awards in my employment with the
D epar tment of Cor rections.
U.S. Depa rtment of Agricultu re, Concord, N. H.
1995 – 1998
Enumerator, Pa r t-T ime
I n this position, I gathered information from telephone calls made to
a ll New England state fa rmers. This was achieved by inputting
i nformation into computer programs and was done on var ious-type
surveys such as livestock, production/yields of produce and the like.
I a ttended numerous t raining sessions in this position.
Abramson, Reis, Brown & Dugan Law Office, Manchester, N. H.
1989 - 1991
Assistant to Paralegal
Duties included, but were not limited to:
Assist paralegal w ith all aspects of legal cases
Receive all ‘cold calls’ prepa ring summa ries and delivering to
a ttorneys to review in an attempt to secure new business
All t ranscribing
F iling
Maintaining Confidentiality
M cDonough & O’Shaunessy Law Office, Bedford, N.H.
1987 - 1989
Legal Secreta ry
Duties included, but were not limited to:
Communications w ith various legal personnel
F iling
P repa ring and filing w ith courts legal documents
Maintaining Confidentiality
H a r tford I nsurance, Manchester, N.H.
1983 – 1987
Policy Typist and Supervisor of T ranscription Depa rtment
Duties included, but were not limited to:
Policy Typing
T ranscribing for all depar tments
Assigning and proofing work of others
Maintain and order office supplies for office equipment
While employed w ith the company I received numerous moneta ry
a wards for suggestions to improve procedures resulting in an
i ncrease in cost-effectiveness, efficiency and ease of use. One such
a ward was adapted count ry-w ide.
N. H. I nsurance Group, Manchester, N.H.
1979 - 1981
Data Ent ry Cler k, Pa r t-T ime
This position consisted enti rely of data ent ry and was held on a pa rt-
time basis as I was still in college.
City of Manchester, F i re Depa rtment, Manchester, N. H.
1981 – 1983
Secreta ry
Duties included, but were not limited to:
P repa ring reports for Commissioner Monthly Meeting
P repa ring daily fi re reporting logs for local media
Maintaining attendance on all employees
Maintaining maintenance reports on all fire apparatus