James D. Screws
Oracle Developer Visual Basic Developer
I have over thirty seven years of progressive data processing experience and over seven years experience as a team leader. I have worked primarily in ADABAS NATURAL/COBOL environments. I have worked over ten years with NATURAL and COBOL using DB2 for the state of Texas. I have thirty seven years mainframe COBOL experience. I have thirty years NATURAL experience. As a consultant, my responsibilities have ranged from coding applications programs to large system design from extensive user requirements definition. I have thirty years OS/MVS experience. I have over 4 years’ experience using NATURAL CONSTRUCT. I am also qualified as an
entry level Oracle developer and a Visual Basic developer.
Skills Summary:
IBM 30XX onward
NATURAL 1.0 - 2.2
WORD Perfect
Oracle Visual Basic .NET
Professional Experience:
Texas Railroad Commission
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (04/2017 – 09/2017)
Worked on Phase I of the Data Extract Project for Well Bore.
COBOL using IMS was used.
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (11/2016 – 01/2017)
Worked on the Crude Oil - Natural Gas (CONG) system providing support.
NATURAL using DB2 was used.
Teacher Retirement System of Texas
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (07/2014 – 01/2015)
Worked on the General Ledger and Refunds systems using NATURAL
with ADABAS and DB2. Worked on the Decommissioning project.
Texas Office of Attorney General – Child Support Division
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (06/2013 – 06/2014)
Worked on the Vehicle Registration Renewal Denial process
Texas Commission On Environmental Quality – Austin, TX
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (01/2013 – 03/2013)
Worked on the reporting side of Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) writing SQL queries in
Oracle. Also worked on the Surface Water sub system writing SQL queries in Oracle.
NTT Data – Austin, TX
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (03/2012 – 04/2012)
Worked as a NATURAL consultant on the Proof of Concept for the conversion project for Texas Workforce Commission. This project will convert NATURAL to JAVA. It will also convert COBOL VSAM to COBOL DB2.
Texas Department of Criminal Justice – Austin, TX
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (12/2009 – 04/2010)
Worked as a senior analyst and developer on the conversion of the Victim Notification System for APRISS
Coded and installed the software to create the notification letter file to allow TDCJ to communicate via FTP with APRISS to create the victim notification status letters
Utilized COBOL using DB2
Texas Comptrollers of Public Accounts – Austin, TX
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (08/2006 – 09/2009)
Worked as a senior systems analyst and developer on Crude Oil – Natural Gas
Worked on HB 11 TABC Permit Interface
Designed, coded and installed the software to allow CPA to communicate via FTP with TABC, (Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission)
Utilized NATURAL and COBOL using DB2
TIAA-CREF – New York, NY
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (03/2005 – 03/2006)
Worked as a senior systems analyst on the conversion from legacy ADABAS systems software to OMNI software
Wrote several conversion programs in NATURAL to format the data to be loaded onto a VSAM platform
Once the programs were written, I performed maintenance on these programs for the various releases of the project. NATURAL CONTRUCT was used
The mainframe was a IBM OS/390
All of these programs were for batch use
Dr Pepper Seven Up – Plano, TX
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (02/2001 – 02/2004)
Worked on the support and maintenance of the Rebate System
This entire system was written in NATURAL using ADABAS
Coded numerous programs in NATURAL in support of this system
Coded several NATURAL programs for the conversion project to PROBE, which is a server based system
A portion of the NATURAL programs were written using CONSTRUCT.
The mainframe was a IBM OS/390
All of these programs were for batch use.
Florida Community College at Jacksonville – Jacksonville, FL
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (01/1999 – 02/2001)
Worked as a senior systems analyst on the design and implementation of Credit & Collections portion of the general ledger process
Worked on miscellaneous general ledger and accounts payable reports
NATURAL 2.2 was used in the effort
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston – Galveston, TX
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (04/1994 - 01/1999)
Worked as a team leader on the design and implementation of the HRMS interface for the University of Texas, Austin payroll system which was installed at UTMB to replace their current payroll system
NATURAL 2.2 was used in the effort
Worked with the user community in testing the UTA payroll system and its various accounting interfaces
Worked on installation of HRIS interface for the University of Texas
Worked on Y2K conversion of payroll system to bring it into compliance
Provided support for HRMS and payroll systems for the last four years
Sprint – Dallas, TX
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (11/1992 – 03/1994)
Worked as a member of Release 9 Darwin project
Performed analysis and design functions of plan type processes
NATURAL 2.2 and COBOL 2 were used in the effort
After implementation of Release 9, transferred to Production Support in June, 1993
Performed trouble shooting duties as well as code modifications in the support role
All versions of NATURAL as well as VS COBOL and COBOL 2 were used
Also, extensive use of Microsoft EXCEL and WORD were used for reporting purposes
Shipholding Company – New Orleans, LA
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (05/1992 – 10/1992)
Worked as a senior systems analyst on Voyage Scheduling System
Duties included analysis, design, programming, and implementation of the Voyage Scheduling System
Worked on design and implementation of Automated Cargo Entry System
COBOL using direct calls and NATURAL 2.1 were use in the effort
Santa Fe Railway – Topeka, KS
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (12/1991 – 04/1992)
Consultant to IBM on Service Scheduling project
Duties included detail systems design using IBM documentation tools
Program coding using CONSTRUCT to generate NATURAL/DB2 programs
Worked on cleanup of the crew portion of the Transportation Service System which was written in NATURAL 2.1
Arkla Gas Company – Shreveport, LA
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (02/1991 – 11/1991)
Worked as a senior systems analyst on enhancement project to upgrade a Metered Volume system
Responsibilities included extensive online NATURAL 2.1 development and batch modifications
Coding system feature changes from minimal requirement definitions
Meridian Oil Company – Fort Worth, TX
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (02/1990 – 01/1991)
Worked as a senior systems analyst on Material Transfer System, Joint Interest Billing, and Tax systems providing technical support and maintenance
COBOL and NATURAL 2.1 were used in the effort
Dow Chemical Company – Plaquemine, LA
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (02/1989 – 02/1990)
Worked as a senior systems analyst on developing reporting side of Materials and Services Management System using CICS and COBOL with direct calls and NATURAL 1.2
Developed interface for MSMS receipts to Dow Company Store using NATURAL
Developed online screens for Investment Recovery using NATURAL
SOHIO Petroleum – Houston, TX
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (06/1988 – 12/1988)
Worked as a leader of a conversion team to convert existing accounting files to new format using NATURAL 1.2
Developed online update system for accounting using NATURAL 2.0
Dow Chemical Company – Houston, TX
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (01/1987 – 06/1988)
Worked as a leader of design and implementation team for miscellaneous master files, contract master, and volume files
Designed the online interface for the reporting system
Conducted feasibility study of conversion of NATURAL 1.2 to 2.1. NATURAL 1.2, 2.1, COBOL, and FOCUS were used in the effort
Enron Company – Houston, TX
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (08/1986 – 12/1986)
Worked as a senior systems analyst on merging an interstate gas accounting system with an intrastate gas accounting system to create a gas accounting system which can handle multiple states with their corresponding tax reporting requirements
COBOL, VSAM, EASYTRIEVE, and CULPRIT were used in the effort
Citgo – Tulsa, OK
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (02/1986 – 08/1986)
Member of development team for the Southland Billing Project
Designed and developed the Carrier Master System which was a part of the Southland Billing Project
Designed the files used in the Carrier Master System. COBOL and NATURAL 1.2 were used in the effort
SOHIO Petroleum – Houston, TX
Senior Programmer Analyst Contract (09/1984 – 09/1985)
Worked on ADABAS conversion of General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Joint Venture, Capital Allocations, and Management Reports systems
Modified programs and JCL to use ADABAS files
Member of acceptance team which tested jobs and paralleled the converted systems for production
NATURAL, COBOL, MARK IV, and CICS were used in the effort
Superior Oil Company – Houston, TX
Programmer Analyst (03/1982 – 08/1984)
Worked on the development of the PREMIS system
Participated as technical advisor in the design of the system for data entry of oil and gas volumes
Wrote and tested online input programs for this system. Worked one year in Revenue Accounting with oil valuations and allocations
Programs were written in COBOL and NATURAL 1.2
Pennzoil Company – Houston, TX
Programmer Analyst (03/1980 – 08/1982)
Participated in the design and implementation of the Automated Clearing House (ACH) check deposit system for payroll
Worked with development and maintenance of payroll, personnel, and branded products systems
COBOL and MARK IV were used in the effort
Austin Community College
Visual Basic .NET
Texas State Technical Institute - Waco, TX
Associate of Applied Science