Sumani A mbati
Contact: + ** * *********E mail:s *********@*****.***
A career in a reputable organization with challenging opportunities for growth and shouldering responsibilities in any suitable position to prepare for emerging advances with intent to serve the company.
Having 5 y ears’ e xperience a s S enior P rocess A ssociate i n C ognizant G lobal S olutions. Having 2 y ears’ e xperience a s S enior P rocess A ssociate i n C ore L ogic I ndia P vt L td. EDUCATIONAL Q UALIFICATION
● Graduation in BSc. Computer Science from Affiliated with Sri Venkateswara University. Tirupati.
● "Kaizen", h ave d one k aizen f or p rocess i mprovement u sing e xcel
● Awarded a s a b est p erformer b y C oreLogic ( India) i n t he p rocess. TECHNICAL A ND C OMPUTER S KILLS
● MS O ffice P resentation a nd d ocumentation.
● C, C ++
● Java
● M.S.Access
● Operating S ystem
● Worked a s P OC ( Point O f C ontact) i n t he t eam
● Allocation o f w ork t o t he t eam a nd c larifying t he q ueries.
● Maintaining t he u pdate t racker a nd e xplaining t he n ew u pdates t o t he t eam.
● Maintaining t he p roduction r eport a nd c onducting D aily H urdles.
● Calculating the monthly Error percentages and delivering in the team meetings to the team Members.
● Maintaining w eekly a nd m onthly R eport ( Production a nd Q uality).
● Training t o t he n ew j oiners.
● Duration : April 2 013 t o T ill n ow
● Process : ADV( A dvisory D ata V aluation) a nd F LV( F ast L egal a nd V esting).
● Nature o f J ob : Comparing t he c orresponding a reas a nd d ifference t o b e n oted. Job D escription
ADV: Property Ownership Report Quality Check wherein we use the PDF version of the report attached to the Title tab in Advisory Portal and compare to the corresponding areas of Advisory Portal. Specific differences are to be noted on a master spreadsheet and provided to client o n a d aily b asis.
Work on the Vendors delay notification that we receive via email and the update the template provided b y c lient b ased o n t he n otification r eceived a nd r eturn t o t he c lient E OS e veryday. FLV:
QA process is a review of the order, to identify that important elements of the Fast Legal and Vesting o rder a re i ncluded a nd c orrect b y u sing t he c lient a pplications N extace a nd R ealQuest. PROCESS 2
● Duration : Jan 2 011 t o M arch 2 013.
● Process : FASLO(First A merican S ubordinate L ien O utsourcing)
● Nature o f J ob : Legal P rocess a ttempts t o r ecover t he b alance o f l oan f rom Borrower.
Job D escription
Legal process in which lender attempts to recover the balance of a loan from a borrower who has stopped making payments to the lender.By checking Loan Application, Note and Deed of Trust documents, R ecovery F axes w hich h as b een s ent b y c lient t hrough c lient c reated G mail. PROCESS 1
● Duration : March2009 t o D ecember 2 010.
● Process : Tax R esearch(Lien V alidation)
● Nature o f J ob : Validating t axes b y u sing d ifferent a pplications Job D escription
By using BPM Application we used to check the loan details by matching Property address, property owner name, SSN number, Legal Description, Meets and Bounds.Need to match all these fields by using different applications like Netronline, PLS, Mega Metrix along with that particular county applications.For each State and county will be having their own State and County i nstructions w hich w e n eed t o f ollow b efore p roceeding w ith r esearch. PERSONAL P ROFILE
Name : S umani A mbati
Husband N ame : Ramesh R eddy
Gender : F emale
Marital S tatus : M arried
DOB : 5 t h, J uly 1 984
Nationality : Indian
Languages K nown : E nglish, T elugu, a nd K annada DECLARATION
I h ereby d eclare t hat t he i nformation a bove i s t rue t o t he b est o f m y k nowledge. Place: B angalore
Date: (Sumani A mbati)