Wendy Cornelius
Very skilled with people, computers.
Exton, PA 19341
In addition to work nistorv was Miss Sacramento/miss America Pagent. Am also verv skilled in research
In particular medical
Authorized to work in the US for any employer
Work Experience
First Class Flight Attendant
US Airways - Philadelphia, PA
August 1989 to March 2011
While at Sacramento State University getting my 5 year degree, I worked in a very high end restaurant
as a server. Once graduating I became a First Class Flight attendant. Then moved to Philadelphia and
became assistant to Base Manager of Inflight for 4 years. I was right hand to Base Manager which included
responsibilities such as all office correspondence, charting and graphing and fundraising. In addition
wrote a newsletter that was distributed to over 14.000 Flant Attendants includina a rather arge travel
section. The popularity of that section led to an even greater knowledge and passion of researching and
stavina in notes. resorts, and cruises all over the world with mv travel beneuts. also lived in Germanv
for 6 years which enabled me to travel easily throughout most of Europe. Total time at UsAiways was
I ears includina a 3 vear 9ll sabbatical. Durina a 4 montn furlouan worked as a server at oriainal
Cheesecake Factory until called back to flying. After retiring from UsAirways, I ran my own pet sitting
business for 2 ears until became oreanant and became a risk. More recentlv atter raisina mv son wno Is
now at Drexel, I sing wedding, funerals and qive 1 hour concerts in Senior homes. In addition was a server
at the Merion Cricket cluo durina the pandemic for o months. Currentv working at harvest seasonal Gril
and Wine bar. Will leave May 30 and available to start June 2 nd. Also have trained students for plays
and musicals. And ave individual voice lessons to children and teenagers. Even thouan'm no longer a
tignt atendn, I contnue my passion for travel to tis day and keep up with the latest and greatest
on resorts/cruises and vachts
Bachelors of Music 5 year degree in Music
Sacrament State Universitv - Sacramento CA
August 1982 to August 1987
Bachelors of Music
• Administrative Experience