Grimes, IA *****
Walmart, Grimes — Cashier/personal shopper
I worked at walmart for about 8-9 months i loved the experience i had with customers and the ability to be socially involved the reason for leaving i needed time o for my upcoming cna classes/school Started - March 21st
Ended - November -24th
Babysitting, Grimes
I babysit whenever i have extra time on my hands i've been babysitting for a friend for about a year now and i love the experience i get with children
References - Melisa walmart co-worker 515-***-****) Reference - Sandra (babysitting) 515-***-****)
Reference - Laura Hackfort (DMACC advisor)
DMACC, Ankeny — CNA certification
Started - August 25th
Finished - December 16th
Johnston high school, johnston — high school diploma Clinicals
Clinicals — Iowa lutheran, On with life
I appreciated the experience I got to get with clinicals because I was very hands-on with all patients. I made sure my patients felt safe and cared for.
-Interpersonal skills gained
from direct interaction with
-Time management and
organizational skills
-Preparation of rooms for
patient admittance, Vital
signs and patient monitoring,
Providing a safe environment
, Providing privacy and
respecting my patients
English, Bosnian