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Introduction to Retail
Management Course
NQFS [80 Credits]
** ** *****?Ys1ty of Juh.1 1111 l>ur~
NQF 4 W&R Sf TA Wholesale
& Retaif Operations
Supervision [120 Credits}
- 2012 ( e1 t # CTQA}0U/ Ju43.2
Matriculated 2002
M ohloph0nti I ll~!h Sr h1.>ol
SI\P &. CI\S Sottv, .irr·
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t r,ade Service Mcnagcr (Wholesale/Retail) ~ 'Sale-s H"ud\, .ue., B .. · .: ._ - 'Rett -~~ :-~ VV~ .. "' -:: • ·
+27 27 -y9 775 6377 J...ekanar~,@gmait corr~
determined to succeed
further with a passion for
people - I ha" e bPN 1 f 0rtunate h)
h;--i, t? worl-.ed \\ itll Builders
W .1 rl"hous~ r r c-toria G:i rdcn:; frorn
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Quick Career Sumrnary
1..), I ' 1l 1~ Oft!OJ 9 1 IU\11 (, t- tn/1 0 l\ tJ\N .1\ lif R (,t 1h', R,•1.,•) Jun 'tl l, 1. ), t '1\I S rn, P,'\1 CH/ \ AHl) 1\1.1\N •\ l~t- ', ' l,11 1 ' 1lU~• h t1 1 '1l l\ 01~ •,\ l ( HC"l tHI\ J,H\] 005 l,11 1 '1)p :; CA~Hlt H ' ·,'I ' \ ' · \ I 1\llll nt H.~ \1V1\ "! 11nu,1 i'1 t't,1i..1 \ 1,1 11k 11'> t t
Ir,Hl<• 1 lpc, & Serv1rr•
C" h .11111(•1 ~u lC'5 Ir, '.)1Qr[I 8, Or, ll11 r
C u•,to rne, 1 rv,r (•
Mc•ntnrinB & Mr111aeinfl S1 aff
I IR/IH l u C" l~csolution
Upl·t c1 ti o 11 al Mc,nuecmc>nt
l~~11idlne/1JIY Prod u, 1 s, 1 ools &
rqulpn-w nt
Po int-of-Sol0
Mcm lvrndisinr. & Di~pl;:i y
·1 uret·l SP! Unr,
Stock Control
I con fl rm the listed ref ere es are
awo,e t.hal they may be
co 11 tdctcd and have given their
permission l o have their
persu11;:i l details listed on my
Builders Warehouse
Pretoria Gardens
H.:i nneke Labushulk
/\dmin M anager - Builders W/H
Lucinia Mashing
HR M anager - Builders W/H
Khomotso Rhiah Kekana
South African Citizen
Code Cl Drivers Licence
Own Vehicle
Residmg,n Polokwane
In Excellent Health
w,11 travel for Work.
Seped1, Tsonga, English (fluent]
I declare the contents o f t hi~ CV
arP t ruf' and that I do not have
a cnmrnal record.
Detailed Job descriptions f or prior positions can be provided on request.
,J f Pflf' Hie; toq Summary of Skills, Experience & Competencies An overall summary of my positions
• Trade Service Manager (a Sales Role) 12 Months in this role - To achieve all relevant sales, growth & margin targets - by managing the human resources [the staff] effectively, ensuring Client Service is always the priority. Keeping Trade Clients happy providing the products they need when they need them, resolving any issues as they arise, probl em-solving logistical & operational issues if they arise to ensure that profit margin and sales targets are met.
• Despatch/Yard Manager - 5 Years in the role - Ensuring all applications for dispatch processes were in place across both the In-Store and the Online Store Channels. M easuring & improving on Quality Customer Service & increasing the entire Yard Team's efficiencies. Promoted based on performance.
• Despatch Clerk - 5 Years in the role - Managing the Admin & Document Control, completing/creating delivery schedules, en$uring equipment is operational (printers, PC's etc) reporting any issues to management. Authorised to sign-off Yard Refunds . Promoted based on performance.
• Cashier - 3 Years in the role. Promoted based on performance. Personal Achievements:
0 Achieved both an NQF4 and NQFS Wholesale & Retail Management Courses (detailed page 1).
0 Promoted 3 Times based on my performance
0 Proud to have overcome a personal set-back (armed vehicle hi-jacking).
- Madiba :