Seeking employment within your company to help the company and myself prosper and
grow. I have over 13 years experience in the automotive manufacturing field and 13 years with the local utility company.
Meter Reader/Gas Service Dept.
CMS ENERGY, Clinton Twp., MI
04/2001 to Present
Responsible for reading meters, inspection of gas meters both residential and commercial for Macomb and Oakland County.
CNC Operator/Quality Control
Masco Tech Forming Technologies, Farmington Hills, MI 01/1993 to 12/2001
Responsible for operating a CNC Lathe, inspection of parts. On second shift training new employees for CNC Lathe and inspection of parts.
Production Tech. /Quality Control
Huron Products, Clinton Twp., MI
07/1987 to 11/1992
Responsible for production of fuel lines, fuel line connectors, seat belt restraints and quality control during processing of parts.
High School Diploma-1987, Anchor Bay High School, New Baltimore, MI, 4 year(s) Machinist Certification, Machinist Training Center, Roseville, MI Timothy M. Scholl
15859 13 MILE ROAD
FRASER, MI 48026