E ma il: n eha.sa va ***@*****.*** M y LinkedIn P ortfolio
* * * *** * Alphonsu s s treet, Apt 201, Boston, MA 02120
M ore tha n 3 years of professiona l experience in informa tion technology with extensive experience in t he field of enterprise d ata
w arehousing and data integration.
E xperienced in developing stored procedures, fu nctions, views a nd triggers, complex qu eries u sing SQ L server a nd Oracle PL/SQ L.
D eep u nderstanding of the data wa rehou sing SDLC a nd architectu re of ETL, O LAP c ubes, r eporting a nd BI tools.
T eam player with ex cellent communication a nd problem solving skills.
P a ssiona te in learning and excelling at new ETL & BI technologies.
A ug 2015
N ortheaster n University, B osto n, M A
C andidate for Master of Science in Information Systems, G PA 3.4 /4.0
C oursework: D ata Warehou se & Bu siness Intelligence Data Ma nagement & Da taba se Design Bu siness Analysis & Inf ormation
E ngineering Web Development Tools & Methods Web Design/User Experience Engineering
V isvesvar aya T echnological University, B angalore, India J un 2 011
B achelor of Engineering, Electronics & Communications, G PA 3.97 /4.0
R eceived Certificate of Merit in BE, 2009 - 2010
O perating Syste ms: W indo ws, UNIX, Mac O S X
P rogramming Languages: S QL, PL/SQL, J avaScript, H TML, XML, CSS, J AVA & J2EE, C#
E TL Tools: I nfor matic a 7.1 /8.1/8.6.1, Datastage, Co mposite, SSIS, S SAS, T alend
B I Tools: T able au, QlikVie w, QlikSe nse, Po werPivot, Jaspersoft
D atabase: M S SQL Server, MySQL Wor kbe nch, Or acle, PostgreSQL, TO AD
F unctional Skills: D ata Modeling, Re quire ment Analysis, Business Analysis, SDLC, Ag ile Metho dology
N ortheaster n University, Bosto n, M A M ay 2015 - P resent
G raduate Teaching Assistant
A ssisting Professor Richard Sherma n in D ata wa rehou sing & Bu siness intelligence course.
P reparing gu ida nce tu torials for stu dents a nd evaluating students performa nce.
W ork ing on Data Integration project for demonstra tion to students.
P er kinElmer, Bosto n, M A M ay 2014 – D ec 2014
A ssociate Software D evelopm ent Engineer (co - op)
C o - developed a n ASP.NET MVC 5 ba sed Support Center Porta l for Cu stomers u sing .NET framework 4.5.
W ork ed directly with cu stomers, DB tea m for efficient requirements ga thering, bu siness a nalysis a nd d esigning.
D eveloped normalized Logical a nd Physical data ba se models in MS SQL Server 2014 for the portal.
I mplemented instant chat fa cilities, various for u ms API’s, a nd integrated with third party softwa re u sing Single Sign On.
I ntegrated Bootstra p fra mework version 3 to mak e a responsive User Interfa ce, compatible with all de vices.
I nfosys Tec hnologies Ltd, Bang alore, India S ep 2011 – J un 2013
D ata Analyst
W ork ed extensively on Da ta warehousing, Data modeling, Data integration, Data Migration, and ETL pro cess.
D esigned a nd executed V iews, Stored Procedures, Triggers a nd SQL queries for data loa ding.
D eveloped Interfa ces u sing UNIX Shell Scripts to automa te the bu lk load & u pda te Processes.
U sed Informa tica Designer, Work flow Mana ger a nd Repository Manager to create source and target d efinition, design ma ppings .
C ollabora ted with clients and off - shore tea ms in ga thering requirements a nd mentored new junior tea m members.
D ata Integration Project : Modeled a Da ta warehouse, in MySQL from a SQL Server databa se ba sed on sourc es – F lat file a nd CSV file .
D eveloped ETL jobs in T ALEND a nd SSIS to loa d the data and ca ptured u nidentified records (bad da ta) i n Error Tables.
B usiness Intelligence Project: D eveloped BI da shboards, reports & visualizations for Contoso R eta ils DW d a tas et in, Tableau, Qlik Sense,
Q lik View a nd P ower Pivot, Power View & Power Ma p .
J aspersoft Researc h Project: R esearched & thoroughly used the fu nctionalities a bout Ja spersoft to implement da shboards a nd report s.
C ompared the product with other BI tools wid ely used in the mark et.
B anking Enterprise Database : Designed a n E - R model of a data ba se to replicate a real time ba nking system. I ncluded in databa se were
u ser specific pr ivileges, 3 NF r ela tions, Triggers a nd Procedures performing specific a ctions.
H usky Adv antage Web site : Designed a nd developed a website u sing J2EE, Spring MVC framework and Hiberna te fra mework tha t ena bles
s tu dents to review a nd purchase offers a nd vendors to a dd new deals. Authentication and access cont rol wa s incorporated u sing Spri ng
s ecurity and J a va Script. Google ma ps API wa s integrated for additional functionality.