Sa mi ksha Yadav Life style girls PG, kundalahalli gate
marathahalli Bangalore .
E ma il: sa mi ks ha ya da ***@*****.***
A Confident, Enthusiastic, Hardworking and highly motivated Engineering
graduate with good communication skills, who is able to work efficiently and a
great team player with high Technical skills.
Tanner 14.1
Mentor graphics CAD Tool
Git hub ( fo r clie nt server)
(QUESTA SIM 10.0b)
Int ern at Pravahya Co nsu lt ing Pvt. L t d, Banga lo re. Dft testcra ft tool
M athematical Tool
Wo rk ing o n “Lo w po wer delt a s ig ma modu lato r fo r med ica l
app licat io ns” MATLAB (2012b)
PAPER PUB LISHED in EEECCS’15 Programming Experience
A sur vey on SNR limit for diff er ent or der of delta sigma modu la tion C, C++
for medica l a pplica tion in “ 7 Int er na tiona l Conf er enc e on
Ver ilog
Electr ica l, Electr onics a nd Comput ing a nd Commu nica tion syst em
(EEECCS’15) ” Organizational Experience
B .TECH Project Profile Anchor ed and Vol unt eered
in Nationa l wor ks hop on
M ajor Project Microwa ve a nd RF
Technol ogies(MRT 2011).
Project : RF Modu le C ontr olled Car . Vo lu nt eered Int ernat io nal
Plat for m : us ing Micr ocontr oller. Wo rksho p o n Ad va nces in
Descript io n : Designed a wirelessly remote controlled ca r thr ou gh Co nt ro l S yst e ms a nd
RF M odu les ha ving diff erent fea tur es. var io us o t her co nfere nces.
Intra colla ge Quiz Competiti on.
M inor Project
Project : F PGA implementation of Hamming Code Encoder
& Decoder
Plat for m : Model Sim 6.2 c-SE
Descript io n : It is an Err or det ect ion a nd Cor r ection met hod dur ing
Da ta tra ns miss ion.
Project : Electr onic Vot ing Ma chine
Plat for m : PIC Micr oc ontr oller, MPLAB
Descript io n : Coding for vot ing mac hine
Other Projects
Neura l networ k f or VLSI a pplica tions : Diff er entia l
amp lif ier on neura l net wor k
Seminar Presented
GSM technology (held in Nokia S imens, Ja ipur )
Design Experience
La yout of Co mb ina t iona l a nd Sequ ent ia l cir cu it ba sed c ir cuits using Ta nner EDA.
Int er fa cing of DC mot or a nd 16x2 LCD using PIC Microcontroller .
Summer Training
Organizat io n: N okia Simens, Ja ipur.
3 mont hs cer tif ied cour se in E mb edded Syst ems.
Attended a wor kshop on Susta ina bility L ea der s hip Pr ogra m-Gr een T ec hnology Or ga niz ed by GREEN ADD+ at
Ja ipur Engineer ing College & Res ear ch Centr e, Ja ipur.
Volu nta r ily co- or dina t e the c ollege I ndustr ia l Vis it to SAH A Industr ia l ar ea, Ambala in 2011.
Extra Curricular Achievements
Event coor dina tor of Da nc e in Techf est- Sar wa tra.
Par ticipa ted in Fa shion Show in Cultura l Fest.
Public it y T ea m Coor dina tor in T echf est.
Memb er of NGO Zar ura t.
Won va r ious pr ize in Deba t e c omp et it ions a t school level.
S. No. Qualifying Examinat io n Year o f Pass ing College/Sc hoo l Board/U nivers ity Perce nt age
M. T ec h (upto III S emest er ) 2015 MODY Univer sit y MODI Univer sit y 71%
B.T ech. 2013 JECRC-UDML, Ja ipur R.T .U 68%
Sr. Secondar y. 2009 India n Public Sc hool R.B.S.E. 67%
Nit in Sr .Sec.School
S ec ondar y. 2006 R.B.S.E. 67%
I hereby dec lar e tha t the a bove inf or ma tion provided is tr ue to the b est of my knowledge.
Pla ce: Ba nga lor e Sa miks ha Yada v