Mr. Cochrane is the Managing Director of Bohemia River Consultants, a firm that provides program, project,
construction management, claims resolution and scheduling services for engineering and construction
Previously, Mr. Cochrane was a Construction Manager and Project Manager for Bechtel Corporation in San
Francisco; the corporate Manager of Contracts for Bechtel with functional responsibility for the management
of all Bechtel construction subcontractors and the resolution of engineering or construction claims arising on
Bechtel projects; and a senior operations auditor for Bechtel, for both domestic and international projects.
Mr. Cochrane’s assignments at Bechtel began as a Contracts Engineer and advanced to Assistant Project
Manager for Contracts, Construction Manager, Project Manager, and corporate Manager of Contracts on
domestic and international projects such as nuclear, fossil, and cogeneration power plants; gold mining
projects; airports; refinery projects; gas pipeline projects; aluminum smelters; and hydroelectric plants.
Subsequently, Mr. Cochrane was the Vice President and Manager of Construction for United Engineers and
Constructors in Philadelphia, the union construction division of Raytheon Engineers and Constructors; and
later Vice President of O’Brien-Kreitzberg, the largest pure construction management firm in the U.S. at that
At United Engineers, Mr. Cochrane was responsible for all of the firm’s domestic and international
construction projects, including the construction of the Nuclear Waste Vitrification Project for the U.S.
Department of Energy at the Hanford Reservation in the state of Washington; the construction of a grassroots
pharmaceutical plant in Ireland; the construction of enhanced oil recovery facilities for Aramco in Saudi
Arabia; the construction of several cogeneration plants; the construction of scrubbers for fossil power plants;
the upgrading of domestic oil refineries for Amoco; the construction of steel mill facilities; and the
construction of food industry facilities.
While with O’Brien-Kreitzberg, Mr. Cochrane was responsible for engineering management on the $2.5
billion Toronto, Canada subway expansion project; and was the Resident Engineer responsible for the
completion of the Denver International Airport after the airport failed to open as scheduled for the fourth
At the Denver International Airport, Mr. Cochrane’s responsibilities included managing the design and
construction of the conventional baggage handling facility and completion of outstanding construction work
to permit the opening of DIA after the $500 million automated baggage handling system failed to operate
properly and delayed the opening of the airport.
Prior to being named the Resident Engineer for the completion of DIA, Mr. Cochrane had been responsible
for resolving construction claims at DIA (where $1.5 billion worth of claims were unresolved at the time Mr.
Cochrane was asked to address the claims).
Additional assignments while with O’Brien-Kreitzberg included being the Project Manager responsible for
managing the project controls effort and establishing the baseline budget and schedule for the $2.5 billion
expansion of the San Francisco International Airport; and a grass roots diesel powered cogeneration plant
being constructed by a South Korean firm for the U.S. government in Guam.
Additional services provided by Bohemia River Consultants, Inc. include providing scheduling and
management services for manufacturing facilities; performing operational audits for construction and
engineering firms and their projects to determine their conformance with contract requirements, company
procedures, and good industry and business practice; and providing construction claims services for sureties,
owners, contractors, and attorneys.
On behalf of sureties, those claims services On the DIA AGTS Maintenance Facility
typically include providing engineering and Expansion Project, under Mr. Cochrane, Bohemia
construction consultants to investigate and River Consultants directly hired the separate
evaluate the circumstances surrounding design firms (civil, structural, architectural,
contractors’ terminations or defaults on bonded mechanical, and electrical) on a fixed price basis
projects, advising law firms regarding recovery to design the expansion of the Maintenance
against indemnitors and/or owners in the event of Facility; developed the project Master Schedule,
a loss, and providing monthly status reports to the including design, bidding and procurement
sureties regarding their potential/actual exposure activities; reviewed and approved the successful
to losses. contractor’s initial and monthly schedules; and
managed both the design and the construction of
On behalf of owners, contractors, sureties, and the facility, not only completing it ahead of
attorneys, the construction claims services schedule and under budget but 1 years earlier
typically include investigating the facts and than the competing design and construction
circumstances related to cost impacts, schedule management firms had forecasted they could do.
delays, and efficiency issues experienced on a The facility is designed as an extension of the
construction project, analyzing schedules to permanent underground baggage and transit
determine responsibilities for impacts and delays, tunnel and the permanent running surface and
evaluating and pricing the measure of damages guideway for the rail cars and will be a permanent
related to the impacts and the extent of the part of the airport rail car system when the 56
excusable, non-excusable, concurrent, and square mile airport is expanded northward beyond
compensable delays, developing written reports the current three concourses.
summarizing the findings and estimates of
damages, and providing expert testimony related Other recent assignments were to provide
to those issues. scheduling support for the approximately $1.8
billion worth of construction work completed at
Examples of Bohemia River Consultants’ the Baltimore-Washington International Airport
assignments for which Mr. Cochrane has been for the Maryland Aviation Authority; schedule and
responsible include providing construction claims analysis for the new student center and
management services for the expansion of the library projects at Morgan State University; and
cargo facilities at Newark International Airport for claims analysis and/or preparation on behalf of
Continental Airlines; management and scheduling sureties and contractors for various bridge and
services related to the manufacture and highway projects being constructed for the
refurbishment of rail cars for SEPTA NJDOT, MDDOT, and the New Jersey State
(Philadelphia) and BART (San Francisco); project Parkway Authority.
and construction management consulting services,
including all project scheduling, related to the Mr. Cochrane has managed the teams providing
construction of a new runway and taxiway and claims services for owners, sureties, attorneys,
related infrastructure at the private Princeton, and contractors on such projects as airports,
New Jersey Airport; program, project, design, and power plants, pharmaceutical plants, bridges,
construction management services for the highways, petrochemical plants, asbestos
expansion of the maintenance facility for the abatement projects, public school projects,
Automated Guideway Transit System (the rail car apartment complexes, and hotels and hotel
people mover system) at the Denver International conference centers.
Airport (DIA); and project and construction
management services for the renovation of Earlier, Mr. Cochrane’s experience included
warehouse facilities in Elkton, Maryland. working as an estimator, procurement manager,
and chief operating officer for smaller
mechanical, electrical, and general contracting
firms in the Philadelphia area. Those firms schedules. Examples of projects on which Mr.
specialized primarily in public, commercial, and Cochrane has provided expert testimony include
industrial construction, including public and a highway and bridge project in New Jersey
private schools; colleges and universities; during which Mr. Cochrane provided two weeks
libraries; municipal, state, and federal facilities; of sworn testimony; a condominium development
and retail shopping facilities. Clients included the in northern Virginia; an airport runway extension
Army Corps of Engineers, the Navy Department, and relocation project in New Jersey; an HVAC
the federal General Services Administration, and installation project in Pennsylvania; and an
the Pennsylvania Department of General Services electrical power line transmission and distribution
(earlier the General Services Administration), as project in Minnesota.
well as many school districts.
While the Corporate Manager of Contracts at
Other recent and/or ongoing project management Bechtel, Mr. Cochrane provided week-long
and claims services assignments include several contract administration training seminars
grassroots public school projects in Pennsylvania; regarding scheduling techniques and procedures,
a new apartment and condominium complex in proper project documentation, and claims
Alexandria, Virginia; a new grassroots hotel in avoidance and resolution approaches for clients
Delaware; and the expansion of a hotel and such as Public Service Electric & Gas, Illinois
conference center in New York. During 2013 and Power, and Bombardier.
2014, Mr. Cochrane filled the role of Director of
Operations for a New Jersey-based contracting Mr. Cochrane has training and experience with
firm and for Washington Gas Energy Systems on MS Project and Primavera Scheduling Software.
several projects constructed for the general He has developed construction schedules from
Services administration in Washington, D.C. scratch and has analyzed existing schedules using
both MS Project and Primavera P3 and P6
In addition to studying mechanical engineering at software.
Cornell University, Mr. Cochrane was also
licensed in the mechanical and electrical trades, Mr. Cochrane’s most recent assignments have
including having been a registered master been as Project Manager for an 8(a) firm
plumber, licensed electrician, and licensed to performing design/construction work as the prime
perform air conditioning, refrigeration, sheet contractor for the General Services
metal, and oil burner work. Administration on two ARRA projects in
Washington, D.C. Mr. Cochrane continues to
Mr. Cochrane has served as an expert witness in provide construction services on those and
numerous engineering- and construction-related another ARRA project on which another 8(a)
trials and arbitrations. In that role, Mr. Cochrane contractor is the prime contractor.
has provided expert testimony regarding schedule
analyses to establish the durations and Mr. Cochrane has been the guest speaker for
responsibilities for delays; the efficacy of many professional societies and engineering-
contractors’ schedules; and whether the construction symposiums, including for the
contractors followed established and/or Project Management Institute and the Merck
contractually required scheduling procedures in Pharmaceuticals Engineering Symposium.
the course of preparing and updating their