Address Contact Details
Gujraat Colony, Paud Road, MOB:
Kothrud, Pune. E-mail:
r ****.******@*****.***
M aharashtra.
O bjective
In tended to build career by having experience in leading companies of H i-tech environment,
and willing to work in challenging environment.
I n d ust r ial T r a in ing and Expe r ience
1. As an In-plant t rainee in T.E. course in Structural Dynamics Department of
D uration: 6 months
A utomotive Research Association of India (ARAI), Kothrud, Pune, Maharashtra.
2. As an In-plant t rainee in B.E. course in Joshirao Engineering,
D uration: 6 months
Sinhagad Road, Pune, Maharashtra.
P roject Details
1. I was member of team Wind racing; and we had manufactured a go kart for national event
N GKC organized by ISNEE (Indian society of new era engineers)
2. Prepared a project on “Automotive Seat Designing” in ARAI during my third year t raining
3. Prepared a Design report of “Dual Rotor Helicopter Power Transmission to Shaft” in second
4. Prepared a project named “Operational Chain & Inventory Optimization” in Joshirao
E ngineerings during my last year t raining period.
E ducational Qualif icat ion
Name of the University/ Year of % Of Mar ks
I nstitution
E xamination Board P assing Obtained
Maharashtra State
SSC R.S.S.P.School, Pune. April2008 90%
Board, India
Abasaheb Garware Maharashtra State
HSC May2010 79%
college, Pune. Board, India
F.E A.I.S.S.M.S COE, Pune. University of Pune May2011 54%
S.E. A.I.S.S.M.S COE, Pune. University of Pune June2012 55%
T.E. A.I.S.S.M.S COE, Pune. University of Pune June2013 59%
B.E. A.I.S.S.M.S COE, Pune. University of Pune June2014 61%
Compute r Skills
Operating System : Windows-XP, Windows-07.
Software known : MS-Office, Auto CAD, PRO/E Wildfire 5.0 etc.
Subjects of in te rest:
Mechanics, Strength of material, Machine Design, Theory of machines, & Automotive technology etc.
Ex t racu r r icula r activi t ies:
1. Had participated in different Singing & Dance competitions
2. Attained workshop of Robotics & Automobile in Sinhagad College of Engineering.
3. Participated in Model Making Competitions
S ignificant achievements:
1. Topper of college and rank 1st in school.
General P rofile
Name : Rushikesh Gholap
Father’s Name : Mr. Vijay Gholap
Mother’s Name : M rs. Rohini Gholap
Date of Bir th : 15/04/1993
Sex : Male
Nationality : I ND IAN
Mari tal Status : Unmar r ied
Language Knows : Hindi, English, & Marathi.
Hobbies : Playing Cricket, Soccer& Computer Games, Reading
K nowledgeable
Books, Singing, Dance & Drama, Watching Movies etc
D ecla rat ion
I hereby declare that all the statements made by me are t rue to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Dated: 15/08/2014
P lace: Pune (Maharashtra) (Rushikesh
V Gholap)