personal information
Australian (E-3 visa holder)
Date of Birth
(M) +1-917-***-****
work experience
Senior Data Analyst, Ziff Brothers Investments
Jan 2011–
Ziff Brothers New York, NY, USA
Investments Developed the statistical methodology and the automation framework for
summarising firmwide portfolio risk in a single weekly document. Played a
software development role in building an object-oriented framework for the
efficient cleaning of the firm’s datasets. Assumed lead development role on a
data project with the global macro investment group. Lead a small team of 6
analysts tasked with making research-based recommendations for the equities
data set architecture. Developed a Hadoop prototype for processing financial
time-series data, in own time, to demonstrate its relevance for another
July 2010–Jan
Quantitative Analyst, Queensland Studies
Queensland Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Studies Authority Developed algorithms to perform quantitative analysis of a state-wide student
database. Used various machine learning models including k-means clustering
and decision trees.
Systems Engineer, g2 Microsystems
Jan-Dec 2005
g2 Microsystems Sydney, NSW, Australia
Developed algorithms for a startup working on low-power WiFi RFID and
geolocation chipsets. Oversaw the implementation of these algorithms in
integrated circuits.
Graduate CPU Engineer, ARM Limited
ARM Limited Cambridge, United Kingdom
Worked on the design of the Cortex-M3 low-power microprocessor.
The University of Queensland
PhD, Theoretical Studies of Infinite Two-Dimensional Quantum Lattice Systems with Projected
Physics Entangled Pair States
Pioneered the development of new representations and algorithms for
simulating strongly correlated physical systems. Designed and implemented
algorithms in Matlab and C++, results published in peer reviewed journals.
Advisors: Prof. Guifre Vidal & Dr. Roman Orus
2000-2003 The University of Queensland
Bachelor of GPA: 7.0/7
Engineering Specialized in computer architecture and signal processing.
p ublications
Physical Review Jordan, J., Or s, R., Vidal, G., Verstraete, F. and Cirac, J.I., Classical simulation of
Letters infinite-size quantum lattice systems in two spatial dimensions, Phys. Rev. Lett., 101,
250602 (2007).
Physical Review B Jordan, J., Or s, R. and Vidal, G., Numerical study of the hard-core Bose- Hubbard
model on an infinite square lattice, Phys. Rev. B., 79, 174515 (2009).
Physical Review B Corboz, P., Jordan, J., Vidal, G., Simulation of 2D fermionic lattice models with
Projected Entangled Pair States: next-nearest neighbor Hamiltonians, Phys. Rev. B.,
82, 245119 (2010).
PhD Thesis Jordan, J., Studies of infinite two-dimensional quantum lattice systems with Pro-
jected Entangeled Pair States (2010).
computer skills
Languages Matlab, sql, java, R, C++
Platforms Linux, Microsoft Windows
Tools and Hadoop, HBase, L TEX, Microsoft Office, Eclipse, Maven
other information
Awards 2007-2010 Australian Postgraduate Award
2006 School of Physical Sciences PhD Scholarship
2003 Telstra Australia Honours Scholarship
2003 Hawken Memorial Scholarship
2002 The Sir Thomas McIlwraith Engineering scholarship
2001 Lucent Global Science Scholar
2001 Telstra Undergraduate Education Fellowship
2001 The Alstom Prize
2000-2003 Dean’s Commendation for High Achievement
1999 Australian Students’ Prize
1999 Dux, Indooroopilly High School
professional courses
Applied Project Management
Jan 2012
Applied Project Australian Institute of Management, Brisbane, Australia.
Sep-Oct 2012 Advanced Calculus with Financial Engineering
Advanced Baruch College of the City University of New York, September-October 2012
Calculus (completed with distinction).
leadership and community service
Coach and Academic Tutor, South Bronx
Mar 2011–
South Bronx Provided volunteer soccer coaching, academic tutoring and mentoring to male
United and female youth soccer players. Emphasize teamwork, hardwork, persistence
and respect towards teammates, opposition and officials.
Club Captain, Coach and Board Member, Oxley
United Football Club
Oxley United Lead the club as Club Captain for 3 years. Coached various junior sides.
Football Club Member of the Club Management Committee.
Languages English Native
Spanish Beginner
Technical Interests Theoretical physics; algorithms; Big Data; information theory; numerical
optimization; machine learning; signal processing; quantum technology;
stochastic calculus; portfolio optimization and risk management;
Non-technical Reading; soccer; running; sailing; guitar;
October 13, 2013