Dmytro R eva
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* * **** * * h ands-on e xperience i n S o ftware T esting w ith e xposure t o t he f ull development c ycle f rom r equirements g athering t o f ormulating T est P lans, T est cases, T est S cenarios a nd o ther s upporting t est d ocumentation
Experienced i n b oth M anual a nd A utomated ( Selenium W ebdriver, R uby) t esting
Working k nowledge o f d evelopment l ifecycle i n b oth W aterfall a nd A gile p rocesses
Experienced i n d ifferent T ypes o f T esting - I ntegration, S ystem, F unctional, G UI, Regression, P erformance, S moke, U ser A cceptance T esting ( UAT), C ross-browser and C ross-platform C ompatibility
Experienced i n t he p reparation o f t est d ata, w eekly s tatus r eports, i n w riting S QL queries f or b ack-end t esting
Performed f unctional t esting o f t he f ront e nd u sing S elenium W ebDriver w ith Cucumber/ R uby
Ability t o w ork e fficiently i n f ast p aced, d ynamic e nvironment
Proven l eadership s kills i n m otivating o thers t o a chieve o bjectives i n h igh-demand situations
Experienced c ommunicator b etween s takeholders/owners, s oftware d evelopers, e nd users a nd c ustomer s ervices
Great a nalytical a nd p roblem s olving s kill, e xpertise i n R CA ( Root C ause A nalysis)
US G reen c ard h older
Test A utomation T ools : S elenium W ebDriver, C ucumber w / R uby, J Meter Bug T racking T ools : B ugzilla, M antis, J IRA Languages / S cripting : S QL, R uby, J avaScript, X ML, H TML, C SS, U ML Database M S S QL S erver, O racle, M S A ccess Operating S ystems : M icrosoft W indows, m acOS, Virtual M achines : V MWare, P arallels
10/14 – P resent Software Q A E ngineer, L os A ltos S oftware T esting H ouse C orp.,
(Los A ltos, C A)
Testing m ultiple W EB/Mobile a pplications d eveloped b y c ompany’s i nternational a nd domestic c lients
Analyzed r equirements d ocuments, t echnical s pecs, m ock-ups a nd u se c ases t o prepare t he d etailed t est d ocumentation
Participated i n f ormal r eviews o f d evelopment d ocumentation ( requirements a nd design d ocuments)
Involved i n r equirements m anagement, p lanning, s cheduling, r unning t ests, d efects reporting a nd m anagement
Developed t est p lans a nd t est s trategy d ocuments. I nvolved i n p eer r eviews o f t he team’s t est c ases.
Performed G UI, F unctional, S ystem, S moke, C ompatibility, I ntegration, R egression, UAT a nd B ack-end t esting
Tested t he a pplication c ompatibility i n v arious v ersions o f C hrome, F irefox a nd S afari browsers
Took p art i n a ll a gile s crum m eeting, w rote a nd u pdated s tatus r eports
Provided Q A t eam w ith i nitial a nd n ew r eleases t hrough T estFlight d istribution c hannel
Tested m obile a pplications b ehavior u nder v arious i nterruptions: b attery s trength l evel
(full/ m edium/ l ow), i ncoming c alls, S MS, v ideo c alls, a larms, n otifications, e tc., checked t hat a pp i s w orking p roperly u nder d ifferent n etwork c onditions
Installed a nd s etup A ndroid S tudio A VD t o c reate d ifferent A ndroid e mulator d evices for t esting v arious a ndroid v ersions o f t he a pplication, c ollected l ogs u sing A DB command t ool
Constructed c omplex S QL q ueries t o v alidate t he d ata
Developed T est S cenarios f or a utomation t esting a nd e xecuted t hem u sing S elenium WebDriver
Performed D ata D riven T esting f or m ultiple s ets o f d ata u sing S elenium W ebDriver
Provided e fficient l ocators v ia X Path a nd C SS t o r un W ebDriver s cripts
Enhanced S elenium S cripts f or e very l oad t o s upport n ew a nd e xisting f unctionality o f the a pplication f or e nd t o e nd a nd r egression t esting
Involved i n U ser a cceptance t esting o f t he a pplication
Communicated w ith d evelopers a nd o ther t eam m embers u sing S lack m essenger t o resolve i ssues
Reported p roblems i n t he B ug T racking S ystem, m onitored b ug s tatus u ntil c omplete resolution
Prepared T est e stimation a nd T est m etrics d ocuments
Identified p roblems, p erformed r isk r ating, p roblem r eporting a nd r eferral t o appropriate p erson o r t eam
Maintained T raceability M atrix f or c onsolidation o f t est r esults
Checked t he d ata f low t hroughout f ront-end a nd b ack-end, a nd u sed S QL q ueries t o extract t he d ata f rom t he d atabase
Participated i n p roject u pdates m eetings, d efect r eview m eetings a nd d efect r eport meetings
Provided e xtensive f eedback o n t he a pplication’s f eatures
Collaborated w ith B usiness A nalysts, d evelopers a nd b usiness u sers t hrough t he l ife cycle o f t he p roject
Environment: S elenium W ebDriver, C ucumber, R uby, O racle, S QL, W indows, m acOS, H TML, XML, C SS, J ava, U NIX i OS, A ndroid, A DB, A ndroid S tudio, x Code, T estFlight, U nix S hell OTHER E XPERIENCE:
2010 – 2 014 Business A nalyst, C BRE ( Kiev, U kraine)
Analyzed v arious a spects o f P roperty a nd F acility m anagement o perations f or n umerous retail a nd o ffice f acilities a ll o ver U kraine i ncluding B udgeting a nd P &L p rocesses
Estimated a nd r eviewed n ew m arkets a nd c ustomers
Worked o n o ptimizing o peration p rocesses a nd c ontrolling c osts b y f ocusing o n e very operational d etail/procedure
Had a r ole o f k ey P roduct O wner a nd l ed a p roject o f F M/PM s oftware ( well-implemented system a imed t o h elp r educe t he c osts o f m aintaining c ompany’s f acilities, i mprove t he flow o f i nformation a cross d epartments a nd b oost o perational e fficiencies d evelopment) with C RM/ERP d eveloper T errasoft
Executed a nd t ested t ransition o f s upply c hain m anagement o nto n ew o nline p latform Prozzoro,
Run a nd t ested e lectronic s ignature p roject
Supervised E RP, o ptimized d ocuments f low 2006 – 2 010 R etail B usiness A nalyst, P RAKTIKER ( Germany, U kraine) 2000 – 2 006 C all-Center/IVR E ngineer, U MC M obile o perator ( Ukraine) 1996 – 2 000 S tore M anager, M cDonald's C orporation EDUCATION:
2005 MBA, B usiness S chool ( Kiev, U kraine)
2000 MA i n I nternational B usiness/Management, S tate U niversity ( Kiev, U kraine) REFERENCES A VAILABLE U PON R EQUEST