N iovis R obaina, L PN
* *** * * * **t h P ath
M iami, F L 3 3193
O bjectives:
Looking f or c hallenging c arriers w ithin o rganizations t hat w ill a llow m e the o pportunity f or a dvancement a nd g rowth a s a n urse. Qualifications:
UnitedHealth C are ( D isease M anagement N urse)
(June 2 016-Present)
As a D isease M anagement m y s cope i s t o r eview a ll o urs m ember’s medication d epended o n a s pecific d iseases ( Alzheimer’s, D iabetics, COPD, A dvance I llness a nd m ore). C ontact D octor’s o ffice i f i s n eed i t and N ursing H ome f acilities t o h elp t he m ember w ith a ll t here m edical’s needs.
United H ealthcare
Working a s C ase M anager ( L PN) w ith t he L TC p rogram, p roviding t o t he new m embers a nd e xisting m ember w ith a ll t heir n eeds r elated t o t he program. C ontact t he d octor’s o ffice, N ursing H ome a nd c oordinate a ll their s ervices a nd m ore.
University o f M iami S chool o f M edicine
Department o f S elf P ay ( Financial)
I w as r esponsible t o o btained p atients p ayments, w orked w ith p atients with t he p ayment p lan. S ubmitted t he b ill s tatement t o t he c orrect insurances c arrier f or p ayment s uch a s M edicare, M edicaid o r p rivate insurances a nd m ore.
Dade M edical C olleges
RN p rogram f inish ( License P ending)
Med V ance I nstitute
LPN D iploma a nd L icense.
Some C ollege C redits
South M iami H igh
Graduated D iploma R eceived.
English a nd S panish ( Writing, R eading)
Computer S kills.
R eferences a vailable u pon r equest.