Dennis Rawling
Palmdale, CA *****
Objective: part time job to supplement further development in occupational skills.
Education: Antelope Valley College 2005 - present
Majoring in Film, Television, and English.
Work Things Remembered 09/2003 - 02/2004
Experience: I was able to do voluntary work for this job during my senior year in high school
through the ROP program I was in. The duties I performed at this job were cash
register maintenance, stock room maintence, customer assistance, sales
associate, and house keeping. I worked with everyone and made sure our goals
were met.
Rite Aid Distribution Center 10/2004 - 12/2004
Here i worked as a shipper/receiver where most of the work is solo. I did my job steadfastly and made sure I reached my personal goals for the week. I stacked
and filled totes and kept my area clean afterwards.
Dish Network 03/2005 - 05/2005
I worked as a Sales Representative for Dish Network. I helped sell their product to
people interested in buying a service for their home. I learned the job in and out and
was selling in no time. Maintainance of a professional atmosphere was high on my
Marauder Bookstore 11/2005 - 08/2006
Here I worked as a sales associate and book maintainer. Being apart of a team
and achieving goals was imperative for success at this establishment and I did my
best to follow company guidelines to be the best worker possible. Job duties performed were cleaning books and stacking them, helping customers find what
was needed, and maintaining book order. I rarely made mistakes to ensure a professional outlook for customers.
Skills: I am proficient in communicating, keeping things professional, learning on the
job as fast as possible, and never tiring out.