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Power Plant Chemical

North Hollywood, CA, 91605
March 19, 2012

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Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Gregory A. Poskrebyshev


Mail Address: 6949 Laurel canyon blvd, #114, North Hollywood, 91605

Telephone: 626-***-****

E-mail: *****@*****.***/*****@*******.***


US status/Citizenship: Green Card/Russian Federation


PhD in Physical Chemistry (November, 1995) at Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (INEP CP, RAS), 38 Leninsky prosp., Bldg. 2, Moscow, 117829, Russia;

BS/MS in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (September, 1982 – February, 1988) at D.I. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (MUCTR/RUCT), Department of Physical Chemistry/Radiation Chemistry, 9 Miusskaya Sq., Moscow, Russia 125047;



The removal of SO2 from fluxes gases of fossil fuel power plant;

Modified molybdenum blue method for measurement of Arsenic in drinking water;


Sponsorship by Catalysis Center for Energy Innovation for participation in CCEIs Spring Symposium at Delaware University, 2010;

SpectraSensors, Inc. sponsorship of invention disclosure rights, 2006

SpectraSensors, Inc. sponsorship for development of method of measurement of Arsenic in drinking water, 2005-2006;

Metal Processing Institute sponsorship for participation in PMRC Consortium Meeting, 2004

One of the top contributor to workforce preparation of Pasadena Community College Office of Economical Development and Vocational Education program for under/graduate students (OCIS, 2005), award by California State Legislature;

Presiding on 226th meeting of American Chemical Society (Inorganic Division), San Diego, 2004, Session: Computational and Experimental Chemistry, Wednesday (papers 908 915);

The contribution to international cooperation in Science and Technology (NIST, 2001);

Sponsorship by Russian Fund for Basic Research, NIST and DOE for participation in “International conference on chemical kinetics” at National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1997, 2001, 2005.

Works are listed as the achievements of Russian Academy of Science for period 1990-1995 years.

Languages: English, French, Russian


June, 2010 – Present

Independent Research Scientist, collaboration with University of Southern California, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA; group of Prof. Wang, H

Determination of the detailed mechanisms and rate constant of reactions involved in conversion of bio-oil to fuels using quantum mechanics approaches; calculation of thermochemical properties of compounds; compiling mechanism of bio-oil pyrolysis.

May, 2008 – June 2010

Staff Research Associate, University of Southern California, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA; group of Prof. Wang, H

The chemical composition of surrogate bio-oil is defined; the mechanisms of reactions involved in conversion of bio-oil to fuels are re-evaluated for furan derivatives; the main gas phase products of flames are measured for different fuels using a new sampling approach. Pd acetate is invented as source of nanoparticles. The compositions of several kerosine fuels are measured.

February, 2007 – December, 2007

Staff Research Associate, University of California, San Diego, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 9500 Gilman dr., La Jolla, CA 92093, USA; group of Prof. Molina, MJ

The new mechanism of hydrocarbons' surface oxidation by OH radicals and pH effect of atmospheric particles on formation of Cl2 are proposed; new mechanism of formic acid formation in atmosphere is estimated; the setup for CI-MS measurement of radicals is modified.

October, 2003 – December, 2006

Research Scientist, Oak-Crest Institute of Science, 2275 E. Foothill blvd, Pasadena CA; Visitor Associate Dr, California Institute of Technology, 1200 E. California blvd., Pasadena CA; group of Prof. Hoffmann, M

The catalytic effect of powder metallurgy compact (PM) surface on decomposition of lubricants is found at elevated temperatures; the custom setup for delubrication of PM compact and gasification of lubricant is made; the main gas phase products of PM compact delubrication are measured; the molybdenum blue method used for measurement of arsenic in drinking water is modified; new pilot instrument for arsenic measurement is designed; the method for collecting samples from car exhaust is modified for measuring HCN.

March, 2001 – October, 2003

Research Associate, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 33 Lewis rd., bldg. 555A, Upton NY; group of Dr. Miller, JR

The physical and chemical properties of products of NO reduction and oxidation are determined; the potential effect of products of NO reduction on biochemical processes is introduced.

October, 1998 – March, 2001

Guest Researcher, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 100 Bureau dr., Stop 8381, bldg. 245, Gaithersburg, MD; group of Dr. Huie, RE

The impact of reactions of NO3 radicals on Cl2 formation in atmospheric aerosols is found; the physical and chemical properties of NO3 and OH/O- radicals in aqueous solutions are re-evaluated; the environments impact of NH2Cl on aqueous life is investigated; physical and chemical properties of NH2Cl in aqueous solution are determined; the formation of many ferrous sulfites complexes is found; the thermodynamics properties of several environmentally important N-centered organic compounds in aqueous solutions are measured;

The gas phase reactions of OH radicals with several freons and H2 are measured using photo-induced fluorescence (PIF) and the values of rate constants of these reactions are re-evaluated.

January, 1998 – August, 1998

Postdoctoral Researcher, Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Lab. Cinet.& Chim. Comb C11, Villeneuve D’ASCQ Cedex, France; group of Dr. Devolder, P

The effect of temperature and pressure on decomposition of i-propoxy radical is determined using Laser induced fluorescence (LIF).

March, 1988 – August, 2006

Research Scientist, Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 38 Leninsky prosp., Bldg. 2, Moscow, Russia; group of Prof. Yermakov, AN

The insignificant impact of radicals oxidation of S(IV) in aqueous solution on removal of S(IV) from atmosphere are found; the importance of SO5- radicals self-recombination reactions on S(IV) oxidation is observed; the catalytic effect of transition metals on radicals oxidation of S(IV) is observed under irradiation conditions; effect of aerosols on oxidation of S(IV) is found; semi-empirical method for determination of thermodynamics properties is proposed; the catalytic removal of S(IV) and NOx from flux gases of fossil fuel plants is observed and new technology is proposed; new method of S(IV) measurements is proposed and validated.



Measurement of chemical compounds: using FTIR-UV-VIS spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, chemical ionization (CI) and ion mobility MS, GC-PDD/ECD/TCD, GC-MS, wet chemistry (pH-meter, titration etc), IC, HPLC, XRD; modification, developing and validation of analytical methods (Iodometry, S(IV), Fe2+, As, light hydrocarbons, aromatics, NOx); impurity analysis; laser induced fluorescence (LIF) under high vacuum and high pressure.

Measurement of physical and chemical properties: thermodynamics/thermochemical properties of chemical compounds using chemical kinetics approaches; the rate constants of chemical reactions (in situ and steady state) in the gas phase and solutions; physical properties of PM materials; adhesive analysis; the catalytic properties of materials; the rate constant of reactions of oxidation of organic surface by radicals; mechanisms of multisteps chemical reactions, rate of dissolution, stability analysis; aerosols measurements and particles counting;

Activation of chemical reactions: using Van der Graaff accelerator, Variant Linear accelerator (LINAC), Eximer laser, UV photolysis, gamma-rays reactors and X-rays sources under pulse and steady state conditions; crown discharge; fast pyrolysis;

Works with industrial processes: removing pollutants from flux gases of fossil fuel power plants, water cleaning (As, NH2Cl, HClO, Cl2), productions of PM compacts (high porosity and composite materials); generation of particles and liquid thin films, methods transfer, conversion of bio-oil to biofuels.

Field measurement: chemical components of car exhaust;

Analysis of experimental results

Statistical analysis of experimental results; critical review of reported data and their comparison with current measurements; the formulation of future measurement and experimental conditions. Works with electronic tables (SigmaPlot, Origin, Excel). Manipulation with data using custom made programs. Fitting of experimental data using software that is modeling kinetics of chemical processes.


The modeling of chemical processes: solving direct and secondary chemical kinetics problems; compiling chemical kinetics mechanisms and thermodynamics tables (Kinetika, PR, Chemkin III). Some experience with Fluent, ChemCAD.

The calculation of physical and chemical properties: thermodynamics/thermochemical properties of chemical compounds (DFT and ab-initio); the values of rate constants of gas phase reactions; IR-UV-VIS and NMR spectra (Gaussian, Hyperchem).

Programming: Custom made program for calculation of gas phase impurity uptake by aerosols particles (Turbo Basic), program for fitting of experimental data (SigmaPlot), creating of Macros (SigmaPlot, Excel), conceptual knowledge of LabView and MatLab, some experience with Mathematica.

Writing papers, reports and reviews

Monographs: 3 publications.

Corresponding author: 5 publications.

First author: 10 publications.

Total: 34 publications are published and > 6 in preparation.

Reports: the preparation of first draft and/or data for more than 15 technical reports.

Reviews: 2 manuscripts at NIST (internal), 9 manuscripts for Journal of Hazardous Material, 7 manuscripts for Talanta, and 1 manuscript for Journal of Environmental Monitoring (external).

Software used: MS Word, MS Power Point, MS Visio, MS Excel, Open Office, SigmaPlot, Origin, Jmol, GaussView, ChemDraw.


The Preparation and presentations (3 oral and 11 poster) of theoretical and experimental results on meetings, symposium and conferences (ACS, Gordon conference, PM symposium, Russian conferences).


Experienced in project leading (mentoring students) and in collaboration with others scientists (NIST, BNL, USC, Caltech, SpectraSensors, Inc.).

Self motivated and independent worker that is capable to solve complex problems, plane, initiate and conducts fundamental and applied research.

Area of expertise

Physical and analytical chemistry, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, radiation/photochemistry, atmospheric and environment chemistry.

Member of Society

Professional society: American Chemical Society (since 2001)

Additional interests

Computing: C#, TurboBasic/Basic (DOS)

Science: Origin of Life (prebiotic Geochemistry, Biochemistry),

Entertainment: Music (Jazz, Progressive Rock, Classical), Movies (Opera, Historical, Social, Psychological, Documentary, Classical)


Research, Research and Development (R&D), Chemistry, Reaction kinetics, Process modeling, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Radiation Chemistry, Dosimetry, X-Ray, Gamma-irradiation, E-beam accelerator, Biofuels, Sintering.

List of Publications (Dr. Gregory A. Poskrebyshev):

1. Vladimir L. Orkin, Gregory A. Poskrebyshev, and Michael J. Kurylo, “Rate Constants for the Reactions between OH and Perfluorinated Alkenes”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 115, 6568–6574, 2011

2. Shimizu, T., Abid, A. D., Poskrebyshev, G., Wang, H., Nabity, J., Engel, J., Yu, J., Wickham, D., Van Devener, B., Anderson, S.L., Williams, S. “Methane ignition catalyzed by in situ generated palladium nanoparticles”, COMBUSTION AND FLAME, 157, 421-435, 2010

3. G.A Poskrebyshev, V. Shafirovich, S.V. Lymar, “Disproportionation Pathways of Aqueous Hyponitrite Radicals (HN2O2•/N2O2• )”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 112, 8295-8302, 2008;

4. Gregory A Poskrebyshev, Marc M Baum, John A Moss, Diran Apelian, “Catalytic effect of Fe/C powder on the formation of gas-phase products of vacuum pyrolysis of N,N'-Ethylenebisstearamide”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED CATALYSIS: A, 327, 52-65, 2007;

5. Susanna Tsang, Frank Phu, Marc M. Baum and Gregory A. Poskrebyshev, “Determination of phosphate/arsenate by a modified molybdenum blue method and reduction of arsenate by S2O42 “, TALANTA, 71, 1560, 2007

6. Marc M. Baum, John A. Moss, Stephen H. Pastel, and Gregory A. Poskrebyshev, “Hydrogen Cyanide Exhaust Emissions from In-use Motor Vehicles”, ES&T, 41, 857, 2006

7. Vladimir L. Orkin, Sergey N. Kozlov, Gregory A. Poskrebyshev, and Michael J. Kurylo, “The Rate Constant for the Reaction of OH with H2 between 200 K and 480 K”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 110, 6978-6985, 2006

8. S.V. Lymar, V. Shafirovich, G.A. Poskrebyshev, “One-electron reduction of aqueous nitric oxide: a mechanistic revision”, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, Vol 44., No 15, 5212-5221, 2005 (Journal cover page)

9. G.A. Poskrebyshev, V. Shafirovich, S.V. Lymar “Hyponitrite radicals, a stable adduct of nitric oxide and nitroxyl”, JACS, 126, 891, 2004

10. S.V. Lymar and G.A. Poskrebyshev, “Rate of ON OO- Bond Homolysis and Gibbs Free Energy of Formation of Peroxynitrite”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 107, 7991, 2003

11. G.A. Poskrebyshev, P. Neta and R.E. Huie, "Radiolytic Reactions of Monochloramine", JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, 107, 7423, 2003

12. G.A. Poskrebyshev, P. Neta and R.E. Huie, "The rate and Equilibrium constant for the reaction Cl + NO3 = Cl + NO3 in aqueous solution", JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 107, 1964, 2003;

13. G.A. Poskrebyshev, P. Neta and R.E. Huie, "Temperature Dependence of the Acid Dissociation of the Hydroxyl Radical", JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, Vol. 106, 11488, 2002;

14. G.A. Poskrebyshev, P. Neta and R.E. Huie, "Equilibrium constant of reaction OH + HNO3 = H2O + NO3 in aqueous solution", JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCHES, Vol. 106, D5, 4995-5004. 2001;

15. Devolder P., Fittschen C., Frenzel A., Hippler H., Poskrebyshev G., Striebel F., Viskolcz B., "Complete falloff curves for the unimolecular decomposition of i-propoxy radicals between 330 and 408 K", PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, Vol. 1, 4, pp. 675-681, 1999;

16. Deminskii M.A., Ermakov A.N., Poskrebyshev G.A., Potapkin B.V., Rusanov V.D., "Heterogeneous electron-beam oxidation of NOx", HIGH ENERGY CHEMISTRY, Vol. 33, 1, pp. 40-44, 1999; (;

17. Poskrebyshev G.A., "The difference of the energies of the lower singlet (S-0) and triplet (T-1) states of S2O102 in aqueous solutions and the mechanism of pair interaction between SO5 ions", ZHURNAL FIZICHESKOI KHIMII, Vol. 72, 9, pp. 1597-600, 1998; (;

18. Poskrebyshev G.A., "A method for estimating the standard enthalpy of formation of low-atomic uncharged compounds and anions in aqueous solutions", ZHURNAL FIZICHESKOI KHIMII, Vol. 72, 2, pp. 210-213, 1998;

19. A.N. Yermakov and G. A. Poskrebyshev, "Radiation-induced heterogeneous oxidation of NOx and SO2 in the droplet phase", Environmental Applications of Ionizing Radiation, Wiley, p. 139, 1998;

20. Poskrebyshev G.A., "Standard enthalpies of formation of SOx radicals (x from 2 up to 5) involved in oxidation of S(IV)", ZHURNAL FIZICHESKOI KHIMII, Vol. 71, 8, pp. 1360-1363, 1997;

21. Yermakov A.N., Poskrebyshev G.A., Purmal A.P., "On the kinetics of bisulfite autoxidation catalyzed by manganese(II) ions", PROGRESS IN REACTION KINETICS, Vol. 22, 2, pp. 141-171, 1997;

22. Ermakov A.N., Poskrebyshev G.A., Purmal A.P., "Sulfite oxidation: The state-of-the-art of the problem", KINETICS AND CATALYSIS, Vol. 38, 3, pp. 295-308, 1997; (;

23. Yermakov A.N., Poskrebyshev G.A., Purmal A.P., "Radiation-induced autoxidation of bisulfite catalyzed by manganese (II) ions", ATMOS. ENVIRON., Vol. 31, 4, pp. 621-625, 1997;

24. Yermakov A.N., Poskrebyshev G.A., Stoliarov S.I. and Popov V.N., Photo-Oxidation of Organic Pollutant Molecules in Aqueous Solutions by Metal Complexes both in Solution and Absorbed onto Supports, Annual Report, INTAS, Grant 93-1226, Brussels, 1996;;

25. Yermakov A.N., Poskrebyshev G.A., Purmal A.P., "Oxidation in the droplet phase of NOx and SO2 initiated by ionizing radiation", PROGRESS IN REACTION KINETICS, Vol. 21, 2-3, pp. 133-168, 1996;

26. Yermakov A.N., Poskrebyshev G.A., Stoliarov S.I., "Temperature dependence of the branching ratio of SO5 radicals self-reaction in aqueous solution", JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 100, 9, pp. 3557-3560, 1996;

27. Yermakov A.N., Poskrebyshev G.A., Purmal A.P., "The formation of acid rain, and means of its prevention", IZVESTIIA AKADEMII NAUK, Applied Energy (Energetika), Vol. 34, 9, p. 26, 1996;

28. Yermakov A.N., Zhitomirsky B.M., Sozurakov D.M., Poskrebyshev G.A., "Water aerosols spraying for SO2 and NOx removal from gases under e-beam irradiation", RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY, Vol. 45, 6, pp. 1071-1076, 1995;

29. Yermakov A.N., Zhitomirsky B.M., Poskrebyshev G.A, Stoliarov S.I., "Kinetic-study of SO5 and HO2 radicals reactivity in aqueous-phase bisulfite oxidation", JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 99, 10, pp. 3120-3127, 1995;

30. Yermakov A.N., Zhitomirsky B.M., Poskrebyshev G.A, Sozurakov D.M., "Radiation-induced oxidation of HSO3 in aqueous-solution", RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY, Vol. 43, 3, pp. 281-289, 1994;

31. Yermakov A.N., Zhitomirsky B.M., Poskrebyshev G.A, Sozurakov D.M., "The branching ratio of SO5 radicals self-reaction in aqueous-solution", JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 97, 41, pp. 107**-*****, 1993;

32. Yermakov A.N., Zhitomirsky B.M., Poskrebyshev G.A, "Radiation-induced wet scavenging of NOx from flue-gas", MENDELEEV COMMUNICATIONS, 2, pp. 42-43, 1993;

33. Yermakov A.N., Zhitomirsky B.M., Poskrebyshev G.A, "Radiation-induced gaseous admixture oxidation in the droplet phase", RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY, Vol. 39, 5, pp. 455-461, 1992;

34. Selin D.L., Tarasova N.P., Malkov A.V., Poskrebyshev G.A., "Gamma-induced reduction of Eu(III) in aqueous-solution", REACTION KINETICS AND CATALYSIS LETTERS, Vol. 39, 2, pp. 273-278, 1989;


1. "The conference on radiating chemistry of USSR", Obninsk, 1989; "Aerosol removal of SO2 impurities from gas phase under radiation", Poskrebyshev G.A. (oral)., Yermakov A.N., Zhitomirski B.M.

2. "FIFTH WORKING MEETING ON RADIATION INTERACTION", Leipzig, 1990; "Removal of SO2 and NOx impurities from gas phase under radiation", Yermakov A.N. (oral), Zhitomirski B.M., Poskrebyshev G.A.

3. Seminars on a theme: "APPLICATION OF ELECTRON-BEAMS AND PULSING CATEGORIES FOR CLEANING OF FLUE GASE", Moscow, IHTAS, 1991 and 1992; "The radiation induced aerosol cleaning of the flue gases from SO2 and NOx impurities", Yermakov A.N. (oral), Zhitomirski B.M., Poskrebyshev G.A.,

4. Seminar on heterogeneous chemical reactions of oxidation SO2, Karlsruhe, 1992; "The radiation induced aerosol cleaning of the flue gases from SO2 impurities", Yermakov A.N. (oral), Zhitomirski B.M., Poskrebyshev G.A.

5. "Workshop on Data Needs for Modeling Aqueous Chemical Kinetics for the Global Atmosphere", Gaithersburg, 1994;"The radiation induced oxidation of S(IV) in aqueous solution", Yermakov A.N. (oral), Zhitomirski B.M., Poskrebyshev G.A.

6. Meeting on radiating chemistry devoted 100th anniversary of N.A. Bash, Moscow, 1995; "The chain oxidation of S(IV) in water", Yermakov A.N. (oral), Zhitomirski B.M., Poskrebyshev G.A.

7. "Interchem 95", Hawaii, 1995; "Heterogeneous oxidation of SO2 and NOx", Yermakov A.N. (oral), Zhitomirski B.M., Poskrebyshev G.A.

8. 4th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, July 12-19, 1997, NIST, Gaithersburg, USA; "The Semi-Empirical Estimation of fH0298(SOx ) (x from 2 up to 5) for Aqueous Solutions"", Poskrebyshev G.A. (poster),

9. 220th ACS meeting. Washington DC, 2000; "Equilibrium constant of reaction NO3 +H2O = HNO3+ OH", G.A. Poskrebyshev (poster), P. Neta, R.E. Huie,

10. 221th ACS meeting. San Diego CA, April 1-5, 2001; "Reaction of the sulfite radical with ferrous ions in bisulfite solutions, G.A. Poskrebyshev, P. Neta, R.E. Huie (oral)

11. XXV Informal conference on photochemistry, June 2-7, 2002, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, “Rate Constant Measurements for Reactions of Hydroxyl Radicals with Halogenated Alkanes, Alkenes and Ether from 210 K to 480 K”, Vladimir L. Orkin (oral), Sergey N. Kozlov, Gregori A. Poskrebyshev, Robert E. Huie, and Michael J. Kurylo

12. 5th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, July 14-20, 2001, NIST, Gaithersburg, USA; "Temperature Dependence of the Acid Dissociation Constant of the Hydroxyl Radical", G.A. Poskrebyshev (poster), P. Neta, R.E. Huie,

13. 5th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, July 14-20, 2001, NIST, Gaithersburg, USA; "Kinetic Study of the Hydroxyl Radical Reaction with H2 from 200 K to 480 K", Gregory Poskrebyshev, Sergey Kozlov, Vladimir Orkin (poster), Robert E. Huie, and Michael Kurylo,

14. 5th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, July 14-20, 2001, NIST, Gaithersburg, USA; "The Rate and Equilibrium Constants for the Reaction NO3 + Cl = Cl + NO3 in Aqueous Solutions", G. A. Poskrebyshev (poster), P. Neta, and R. E. Huie,

15. 5th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, July 14-20, 2001, NIST, Gaithersburg, USA; "Kinetics of Hydroxyl Radical Reactions with Fluoroalkenes from 230 K to 480 K", Gregory A. Poskrebyshev, Vladimir L. Orkin (poster), Robert E. Huie, and Michael J. Kurylo,

16. Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium, November 27 - 29, 2001, Washington, DC; "Atmospheric Fate of Short-Lived Hydrohalocarbons - Bromofluoroalkenes, Fluoroalkenes, and a Bromofluoroether: OH Reactions and UV Spectra", Vladimir L. Orkin (poster), Gregory A. Poskrebyshev, Florent J. Louis, Sergey N. Kozlov, Robert E. Huie, Michael J. Kurylo;

17. Atmospheric Chemistry in the Earth System: from Regional Pollution to Global Change, and, 10thScientific Conference of the IAMAS Commission for Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution, and, 7th Scientific Conference of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project, September 18 - 23, 2002, Crete, Greece; "", Vladimir L. Orkin (poster), Gregory A. Poskrebyshev, Florent J. Louis, Sergey N. Kozlov, Robert E. Huie, Michael J. Kurylo

18. Gordon Research Conference, Nitric Oxide, February 9 - 14, 2003, Ventura, CA, “The Stable Adduct of NO and Nitroxyl: Hyponitrite Radical”, G.A. Poskrebyshev (poster), S.V. Lymar

19. 226th ACS meeting, September 7 – 11, 2003, NY, NY “Physical and chemical properties of Hyponitrite Radical” G.A. Poskrebyshev (poster), S.V. Lymar

20. 226th ACS meeting, September 7 – 11, 2003, NY, NY “Self-recombination of Hyponitrite Radical” G.A. Poskrebyshev (poster), S.V. Lymar

21. Gordon Research Conference, September 7-12, 2003, Big Sky Resort, Big Sky, Montana “A Kinetic Study of the Reaction of Hydroxyl Radicals with H2 Over the Temperature Range 200K to 480 K”, V. L. Orkin, G. A. Poskrebyshev, S. N. Kozlov, R. E. Huie, and Michael J. Kurylo (poster)

22. 227th ACS meeting, March 28 – April 1, 2004, Anaheim, CA “Semi-empirical estimation of E(NO/NO ) and pKa of nitroxyl” G.A. Poskrebyshev (poster),

23. PMRC Consortium Meeting, April 28 – April 29, 2004, WPI, MA “Mechanism of EBS pyrolysis” G.A. Poskrebyshev, M.M. Baum, J.A. Moss, D. Apelian

24. 229th ACS meeting, March 12 – March 17, 2005, San Diego, CA “Mechanism of EBS pyrolysis at 300 < T < 700 C” G.A. Poskrebyshev (oral), M.M. Baum, J.A. Moss, D. Apelian

25. 229th ACS meeting, (Sci-Mix/Phys. Chem Div.), March 12 – March 17, 2005, San Diego, CA “Decomposition of monochloramine and formation of NH2 , NHCl , NHClO2 and [CO3NHCl] radicals under radiation” G.A. Poskrebyshev (poster), P. Neta, R.E. Huie

26. 230th ACS meeting, (Sci-Mix/Phys. Chem Div.), August 28 – September 1, 2005, Washington, DC “Reactions of monochloramine with OH and eaq- and subsequent reactions of NH2 and NHCl with O2”, R.E. Huie (oral), G.A. Poskrebyshev and P. Neta

27. 6th International conference on chemical kinetics, July 24 – July 29, 2005, Gaithersburg, MD, “Self-Recombination of the Hyponitrite Radicals” G.A. Poskrebyshev (poster), S.V. Lymar

28. 232nd ACS meeting, (Analytical Chemistry Div.), September 10 – 14, 2006, San Francisco, CA; “Determination of phosphate/arsenate by a modified molybdenum blue method and reduction of arsenate by S2O42 “, Gregory A. Poskrebyshev (#269, oral), Susanna Tsang, Frank Phu, Marc M. Baum;

29. Catalysis Center for Energy Innovation (CCEI) Spring Symposium, March 28 – 29, 2010, University of Delaware, Newark, DE; “Surrogate bio-oil“, Gregory A. Poskrebyshev and Hai Wang;

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