Name: Litvin Timofei
Address: **-* ****** ******, ***********, 623100, Russia
phone: +7-912*******
skype ID: timoshkalitvin
Date of birth: 13.08.1993
Gender: male
From 10 June to 15 september
Previous work experience:
1) June 2010 - October 2010
Ekaterinburg city, restaurant "Scotch" as a server
2) October 2010 - June 2011
Ekaterinburg city, restaurant "Ben Hall" as a waiter
3)June 2011 - August 2011
Ekaterinburg, Vasaby(sushi) , cook assistant
4)August 2011 - March 2012
Ekaterinburg, Vasaby, cook
Language ability:
Fluent english (Upper - Intermediate level) Native russian
Hobbies & Interests:
I playing on the guitar, I like football, basketball, table tennis/ping pong, improving my English, I'm hardworking, flexible, have driving license
My speciality is Electrical Networks and systems, I study subjects like: English, Mathematical problems in energetic, basical theoretic of electrotechnic and so on
Anticipated duration in the US: 10/06/2012 - 15/09/2012