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Engineer Engineering

Wooster, OH, 44691
March 03, 2011

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Hongyoung Jeon

**** ******* ***. *** ************** Building, Wooster, OH 44691 U.S.A.

E-mail: ********@*****.***/*********.****@***.****.*** Phone: 330-***-**** (H) 217-***-**** (C)


• Ph.D. Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, October, 2008.

GPA 3.30/4.0

Critical courses: Off-Road Vehicle Mechatronics (AGE 561), Introduction to Robotics (ECE470), Industrial Control System (ME460), Applied Machine Vision (AGE 315), Computer Vision (ECE 549)

• M.S. Biosystems Engineering and Environment Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, December 2003.

GPA 3.63/4.0

Critical courses: Electronic system, Instrumentation and measurement, GIS and GPS Application in Biosystems, Computer Simulation of Agricultural System, Mechanical Vibrations and Design and Analysis of Biological Research

• B.E. Agricultural Machinery Engineering, Chungbuk National University, CheongJu, South Korea, February 2000.

GPA 3.92/4.5

Critical courses: Fluid mechanics, Fluid machines, Material mechanics, Statics, Dynamics, Machine design, Heat transfer, Thermodynamics

Professional Experience

• Research Agricultural Engineer of Application Technology Research Unit, United State Department of Agriculture, Wooster, OH: 2008 – Present

Research areas are:

Developing a variable rate sprayer for tree liner nursery farm. Duties included designing the sprayer, selecting components, developing the operating program and testing the sprayer.

Developing chemical dose control system. Duties included designing the system, selecting components and developing the operating program

Developing sensors and microcontroller systems for sensing tree canopy

• Graduate Research Assistant of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL: 2004 – 2008

Research areas are:

Machine vision and neural network

Design an end effector for robot application

Developing a vision-based instrumentation for measuring particle size and speed

• Teaching Assistant: The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL: 2004 – 2008

Designed and taught in laboratory sessions, held office hours, grade laboratory report, homework and exam, served as guest lectures in following courses: TSM 465 Chemical Application System (Spring 2004 – 2008), ABE 361 Principles of Off-Road Machines (Fall 2005, Fall 2007), TSM 262 Off-Road Equipment Management (Fall 2006)

• Graduate Research Assistant of Biosystems Engineering and Environment Science Department, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN: 2002 – 2003.

Research areas are:

Building an instrumentation system to monitor 90 ft spray boom dynamic

Measuring spray patterns in field experiment

Statistical analysis between boom dynamics and spray deposit variations

• Undergraduate Research Assistant of Agricultural Machinery Engineering Department, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea.

Award and Honors

• ASAE Superior Paper Award, American Society of Agricultural Engineer, Tampa, FL, July 2005

• Third place of Graduate Student Research Competition, American Society of Agricultural Engineer, Ottawa, CN, August 2004

• Chancellor’s Citation for Professional Promise, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, April 2004

• Graduate Student with Professional Promise, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, Biosystems Engineering & Environmental Science Department, April 2003


• Computer: MS-Office, SAS, C++, Matlab, Visual basic and AutoCAD.

• Bilingual: Korean and English (reading, writing and speaking)

Professional, Leadership and Honorable Activities

• Technical Paper Reviewer for Transactions of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineer, Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Biosystems Engineering, and Crop Protection.

• Judge for Robotics Competition for American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineer, 2009

• Member of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers since 2002

Member of PM-23/6 (Application Sys & US TAG ISO/TC23/SC6, Formerly PM-41) committees in ASAE since 2002.

Member of PM-23/6/1 Liquid Materials Application (Formerly PM-41/1) committees in ASABE since 2002.

Member of IET-318 Mechatronics and Biorobotics committees of ASABE since 2009.

• Alpha Epsilon, the Honor Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineer, Illinois Delta chapter since 2004

Served as Secretary from 2006 fall to 2007 summer.

• Gamma Sigma Delta, the Honor Society of Agriculture, Tennessee chapter since 2003

Immigration Status

• Permanent residence card (U.S.A.) holder

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