Prathibha Sai subramaniam
Solon, OH 44139
Phone 440-***-****
Objective: To find a suitable position to apply and develop my skills in Bio chemical and Nutrition fields.
Summary of qualification: Highly motivated, creative and well trained individual. Good communication skills. Has ability to work independently and in a team.
Education: Master of Science in food science and Nutrition
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of higher learning (1995-1997)
Bachelor of science in Home science
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of higher learning (1992-1995)
Graduate courses:
. Analytical Biochemistry
. Diet engineering
. Macronutrients
. Toxic constituents in foods
. Research Methodology and applied statistics
. Post harvest technology
. Nutritional Biochemistry
. Clinical Nutrition
. Micronutrients
. Advanced food science
. Maternal and child nutrition
. Community Nutrition
Master degree projects:
. Animal study to assess Protein efficiency ratio and nitrogen metabolic studies. Study conducted on Albino rats.
. Sensory evaluation of food by subjective and objective tests.
. Analysis of food for proximate principles (calcium, phosphorous, iron, carotene, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, and vitamin C).
. Analysis of blood for glucose hemoglobin, Cholesterol, A/G ratio phospholipids, alkaline phosphotase and bilirubin
. Analysis of urine for Creatinine, urea, nitrogen, phosphorous and vitamin C
. Epidemiological study of anemia in adolescent girls.
-The experimental method included dietary survey of the subjects through a questionnaire.
Abstract of master’s Dissertation:
“Dietary intake and nutritional status of woman suffering from arthritis”
The study was undertaken to evaluate the dietary habits of Arthritic subjects. A total of 45 arthritic and normal women with the age range from 25 to 80 years were selected from different different areas of Anantapur district in India. The investigation was on the impact of the consumption of different foods on arthritis. The intake of refined food products had a positive impact on exasperation of arthritic symptoms. Anthropometric data reveals significantly higher weight, BMI and adiposity of arthritic than normal subjects in both the categories. The intake of energy and certain vitamins and certain trace minerals viz., iron, copper and zinc was recorded below the recommended dietary allowances for the age group
2004-2007 Pre school teacher assistant (Our redeemer Lutheran school)
1997-2004 Volunteer/homemaker (Solon center for arts, Preschool in Lyndhurst, helping in food preparation and serving for various cultural events in temples and churches, have a special flare for eastern vegetarian cusine).
1996-1997 Nutritional intern at the government hospital of Anantapur. Planning and
Preparation of various therapeutic diets. The disease conditions include
Kidney, gastro intestinal disorders and diabetes
Technical skills:
. Operating Systems: Dos, windows 95/98,windows2000
. Software tools: MS Word, MS Power point & MS Excel
Parijatha Narahari
5734 West minister Drive
Solon OH 44139
440- 542- 9551
Lalitha balasubramaniam
35800 Sedge circle
Solon OH 44139