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Stores Supervisor / Stock controller / Warehouse Supervisor

Navi Mumbai, India
December 07, 2011

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Nasir Shaikh

Address: D/*, Al-Madina Colony, Al-Mas Colony, B/H Wafa Park,

Kausa – Mumbra, Dist – Thane.

Cell # +91-981*-**-**-** , Email - ************@*****.***


To have a career full of commitments, innovations, technical excellence and good human relationship in your esteemed organization, where I get an opportunity to bring out the best of my creativity talent.


I have been consistently working since last 6 years as Store Keeper / Stores Supervisor & Stock controller at different levels With Excellent track record of attendance, safety, increased efficiency, and reduction of costs. Motivational leader. and have a broad range ( Mechanical, Electrical, Chemicals , Consumables) of managing Store, Purchase and Dispatch detail. Including Goods Inward Received and maintaining Stock, supervise, or perform a variety of tasks in ordering, receiving, storing, accounting for, distributing, shipping, and issuing equipment, apparatus, materials, and supplies and perform other related duties as required.

Key Skills:

• Materials Maintenance • Production Management

• Cost Reduction • Staff Training

• Vendor Service • Vendor Relations

• Problem Solving • Office Supplies

• Supplier Consultations • Contract Negotiations

• Storage • Competitive Estimates


Career history: Storekeeper / Store Supervisor / Sr.Stock Controller

Duration Designation Organization


July-2008 Store Keeper / Store Executive Globus Stores Pvt Limited (Bandra/Thane)


Sept-2010 Warehouse / Store Supervisor Allana Sons Ltd (Vashi)


Nov-2011 Sr. Stock Controller Almarai Company (Kingdom of Saudi Arab)

Work Experience as of Current Role at Almarai

Almarai company serves and covers majors shares in the products which includes Milk , Juice , Cheese , Cream, Cakes & Poultry products.

Working in Central Store of “ALMARAI COMPNAY” at ‘KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARAB’ as a Senior Stock Controller from November 2010 – October 2011. And handled 15,000 SKS’s, consisting of Mechanicals, Electricals , Consumables , Chemicals and Packaging items etc…. Worked on SAP Software for MM (Material Management)

Work Responsibility

Material Receipts:

1. Receiving of various materials and verification of materials received with reference to Delivery Challans (DC s) and Purchase Order (POs)

2. Preparation of 'Good Receipt Note' (GRN) on daily basis for all Direct and Indirect material received and circulating the copy of information to Purchase section and department concerned

3. Preparation of Good Inspection Report and offering material received for inspection to concerned department / person

4. Ensures updates of daily transactions.

Material Issues:

1. Issuing of materials from all stocks to various departments on Material Issue Slips duly approved by competent authority

2. Following First in First out (FIFO) method of issuing in case of material that have self life constraints to avoid expires and change of properties

Inventory Management:

1. Adoption of various Inventory control techniques viz. ABC analysis, Vital-Essential- Desirable (VED) analysis, etc. for effective inventory control

2. Finalization of Inventory levels viz. Maximum, Reorder, Minimum and Buffer levels for all the production related consumable, keeping in view monthly/ weekly consumption and lead time for procurement

3. Planning of layout of store room so that materials are easily identified and accessible

4. Using Bin cards tagged with respective items to avoid stock-outs and to have better control over the store inventory

5. Feedback to Purchase wing for necessary procurement, action so as to avoid stock-outs

Maintenance of Records:

• Responsible for ensuring proper computerization and documentation

• Good Receipt Note (GRN)

• Daily receipts of materials register

• Daily issues of materials register

• Daily Stock Report

• Monthly physical stock report

• Stock ledger

• Discrepancy Report

• Inspection Report

MIS Reports:

Generation of Inventory related reports like daily, monthly inventory statement, Inventory Cards statements (maximum, minimum, reorder and buffers levels) statement showing the details of money, Stock monitoring materials and forwarding to Department Head and other concerned persons

• Receipts of Material

• Verification of received materials (Physically & Quantity) as per P.O & DC/Invoice.

• Getting the quality inspected & accepting the cleared goods in stores

• Maintain daily receipt register.

• Generate MRN for received materials and Maintaining records and postings on Ledger.

• Issue material as per manual requisition and auto requisition concerned with BOM.

• Preparation of gate pass (returnable/ non returnable), debit note, MTR, MRN and other documents.

• Stock preparation: - monthly/quarterly/half yearly and yearly basis.

• Arrange logistical support such as providing necessary papers and forms

• Maintenance of stores as per location code and implement FIFO.

• Supervision of storing and stocking of all materials related to Division.

• Monitoring and Controlling of Inward and Outward materials.

JOB Profile/ Responsibility:

• To monitor & control the activity of Warehouse.

• Co-ordination with our staff for Receipt of material at warehouse.

• Co-ordination with our staff for smooth functioning of inward activity. (I.e. resolve the discrepancies if any observed in receipts & documentation).

• Do follow up with material dept. to rectify the discrepancies & PO Problem.

• Co-ordination with IT Dept., Finance dept. for System activity.( i.e. GRR Entry, RTV, Rejection delivery note ,GRR Forwarding)

• Co-ordination with QA/CE for inward inspection of items...

• Co-ordination with warehouse assistant in Storage, Engraving & Preservation activity.

• Co-ordination with Material dept. for sending the rejections to supplier.

• Co-ordination with our staff in day to day activity of stores.

• Inform Dispatch Detail to Mktg. Dept.

• Circulate copies of invoices to mktg. Dept. & finance.

• To monitor dispatch activity.


Certificates Year Of Passing Colleges University /Board Percentage

S.S.C 2000 SCHS Thane Mumbai university 59 %

H.S.C 2002 N.K.T.J Thane Mumbai university 71.17 %

S.Y.B.Com 2004 N.K.T.J Thane Mumbai university 67.83 %

Extra Qualification: (Software & Hardware)

P.G. Diploma in Comp. Application (Office XP, MSOFFICE, BASIC, FOXPRO, C. Pro., COBOL, System Analyses. Windows 98 /2000 / XP / 2007,)

Brief Background:

Born and brought up in Mumbai and completed Education from University of Mumbai in 2004 and pursued the Diploma Hardware and Software And Interested in sports.

Training & Programs Attended:

• Team Building and Management Skills

• ISO / HACCP / EMS STANDARDS and its implementations

• Home Science / Grooming and Personal Etiquette

• Personality Development & Public Speaking Etc………….

• Food Hygiene & Safety at Almarai Company

• SAP Training at HO Almarai Company

Personal Details:

Date Of Birth : 18th August 1982

Marital Status : Married

Linguistic Ability : English, Marathi Hindi, Urdu, Arabic

Height : 158 cm (5.8”)

Reference : Available on Request

Present Salary: - CTC. 3,60,000/- INR. (Per Annum ) (At Saudi Arab)

Expected Salary:- CTC . 2,40,000/- INR. (Per Annum )

I do hereby declare that the forgoing information’s are true ,correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Shaikh Nasir .I. Ahmed

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