Flor Ballesteros
Phoenix Az *****
Phone 602-***-****
Objective: To obtain the position as a medical assistant that will enableme to
enhance and ultilized the front and back office trainning that I
have compleated. Work great under pressure,always up for new
Challanges,positive attitude.
Certificications: Cardio Pulmunary Resucitation (CPR)
Skills and Abilities:
Front Office: Patient flow managment
Insurance processing
Appointment scheduling
Specialist refferal coordinator
Medical transcriptionist
Back Office: Vital signs
Positioning for examination
Administer injections
Computer: Micro Excel
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Power Point
Languages: Spanish (fluent)
Education: July 2004 High Tech Institute Inc.Phoenix Arizona
Associated of Science Degree in Medical Assistant
Directors list,Presidents list
Work Experience:
March 2004:Pediatric medical assistant:Taking care of patients and help
the doctor with minor surgeries,positioning patients for examinations,vital
Signs,blood draws, appointment scheduling.
May 2004-2006:Arizona Heart Hospital, 1930 E Thomas Road
Phoenix Arizona 85006
Taking care of cardiology patients,assisting the nurses by doing the
vitals signs, blood draws, EKG's and many other things. I work in all
departments in ICU, PACU,Day Patient, all the floors, i work in OR for
six months helping the anesthesia tech preparing patients for surgery
Prep patientsas necessary for testing. Obtain blood pressure /vital signs
Rhythm strips as needed.Processing staff and patient incoming calls,faxes,and inquaries. Performs patient checkout and scheduling appointments as needed.
February 2007: Phoenix Childrens Cardiology
Back office Medical Assistant, vital signs,EkG,s, preparing patients for
ECHO, assisting doctors.
May 2008-Feb 2012: Desert Mission Community Health Center
Back office medical assistant,rooming patients, taking care of patients
and helping the doctors with minor surgeries, positioning patients for
examinations, blood draws,appoitment scheduling, referral coordinator, assisting with the pharmacy assisting program enrroling patients,VFC coordianator, inventory coordinator,and many other things.
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