Ingrid De Falco
International Credit Analyst
International Account Manager
Business developer
Simultaneous Interpreter/Translator
Ita lia n (Mother tongue) English (Bilingual) Spa n ish (B ilingua l)
F r e n c h (F lu e n t) P or t u gu ese (Fluent)
DOB : 08-05-1985 Email: ******.*******@*******.*** Mobile France: (0033 )761 26103 4 UK: (0044)784-***-****
A qualified and professional International Credit Analyst, International Account Manager, Business developer and
Simultaneous Interpreter/Translator (MA in Interpreting) with a strong international experience as International Mortgage
Broker. Ambitious, with strong interpersonal skills and a high level of commitment. motivated, dynamic, quick learning,
determined, reliable and capable of achieving objectives. Willing to relocate. Hardworking, competent to render high quality
work, able to work under pressure and to meet deadlines. Developed excellent oral communication, presentation, management
and organizational skills. Enthusiastic and helpful with a strong sense of team-work. Capable of using own initiative/creativity
and to match intelligence and sense of humor.
M ar ch 2011-Current : Ba nque P a tr i mo i ne & I m m ob ilie r : (Expatriate & Non Resident Service ):Pa r is
ROLE: Risk Credit Analyst, International Account Manager & Business developer (Europe, US, Australia and Middle East)
• Managi ng t he asset s of int ernational and non resident s wealth y invest ors, a dvi sing them on di ffer ent t ypes of
m ortgage and investm ent product s a vaila bl e.
• Managing and developing a large portfolio of international introducers and wealthy clients. Extensive traveling
involved strengthening the work relationship.
Underwriting the risks of the International financial profiles presented.
• Classi fi ed 4th comm ercial in France for pr oducti on achieved within the bank. E xceeded the objecti ves gi ven and
devel oped a large port foli o of n ew cli ents. (Initial objecti ve 9m € -a chi eved 23m € in 10 m onths in 2011 a chi eved
17m € in 6 m onths in 2012)
• M a n a g e d a n d r e or g a n i z e d a m or e e f f e c t i v e w or k s ys t e m w i t h i n t h e t e a m i n or d e r t o b e m or e r e s p on s i v e
t o w a r d s t h e cl i en t s a n d t h ei r r eq u e s t s .
• Ma rk e t i ng: Studied possibl e n ew more attr active mortgage and in vestment p roducts for t h e i n t er n a t i on a l m a r ket
C r e a t i on o f t h e B a n k w e b s i t e a n d d o c u m e n t a t i on i n I t a l i a n
June 2012 –Current: The P r o p e r ty O r g a n i z e r L td: London, Paris
ROLE: (Freel ance ) It alian Mortgage Broker and Translator /Interprete r
• Liaising with lenders in It al y and R esearching and selecting th e most ben eficial mortg age product fr om a large panel of
reputable l enders..
• T r a n s l a t i n g l e g a l a n d f i n a n c i a l d oc u m e n t s r e l a t e d t o t h e m or t ga g e pr oc e s s .
• Developed new agreements with Italian lenders and Generated a consistent amount of revenue finding suitable solutions
in the current difficult climate.
September 2008-February 201 1 Baydonhi ll FX: London
ROLE: Intern ational Mortgage Broker and Business Developer (Europe, US, Australia)
• Liaising with l en ders of d i fferent countries an d Researching an d select ing th e most ben eficial mortgage product from a
large panel of worldwide reputable l enders mainl y using language sk ills.
• In charge of the de velopme nt of the markets.
• Develop ed new strategies to adverti se I n t e r n a t i o n a l M o r t g a g e S e r v i c e s
• Managed and devel ope d a large port foli o of wealth y cli ents, Generated 60% of th e t otal revenue of th e departm ent.1st
Br oker of th e T eam.
• Wrote a review on “Tuscan
Living”.http://content. yudu. com/ Li brar y/ A1oaa4/T uscanLi vingMa gazine/r esources/ 56.htm + Creat ed th e Italian
websit e of th e com pan y.
• Providin g clients with professional transl at ions of leg al documents acquired
2008– Current : Si mult a ne ous I nt e r p r e t e r and T r a ns la to r : London, Pa r is, Italy, Spain and B elgium, U S.
ROLE: (Freelance) Consecutive, si multaneou s and whispering interpreting.
E xten sive e xp er i en c e in t h e i n t e r pr e t i n g a n d tran slation field: interpreting at intern ationa l con ferenc es in
E urop e and tran slating an y t yp e of docum en ts (l egal, fin an cial, technical, automotive, market research, websit es,
et c
2006-2008: Ve r sa ce and Ha r r ods : London
ROLE: Mul t i li ngual Sale Adv isor and Pe rsonal Shopper
2 00 6 -S e ptember/Octob er/ B ulg a r i: Ve nice
ROLE: PA of the Area Manager of Bulgari Italy :
• Liaising wi th companies in order to organize charity even ts successful l y
• Managing a tight schedul e with exceptional man ag em ents skil ls
• Sta yin g on top of a ll areas to ensure a success ful event
• Responsibilities in cluded th e organization of a chari t y ev ent an d the organiza tion o f a c e l e b r i t y p art y during th e
In ternation al Movi e Fest ival.
MA in S im u ltan eo u s I n t e r p r e t i n g : (London Metropolitan Universit y- London,
U K)
Spanish L i te r a t u r e, Philology & L in gu ist ics
(Un iversidad de Barc elona, Sp ain)-Erasm us Scolarship
Deg r ee in M o d er n W e s te r n C on te m p ora r y L a ng u ag es & L it er a t u r es:
Spanish & English. (Un iversita’ Ca’Foscari- Venic e- Ital y)
A Level : Language & Finance in relation to the In te r n a t i o n a l
T o u r is m Business: French,Sp anish,English. (F.Algarotti In stitut e-Ven ice-
Ital y)
Inter nati onal Engli sh Sc hool : Dubli n, Irel and.
2 00 2
C u l tu ra l E x c h a n g e with “Calvin Institute” in Geneva, Switzerland for a
month : stud yi ng French grammar.
2 01 1 Training on Taxat i on for Fren ch resi dents and Non r esident s
2009 Associat e of th e Chartered Institute of Linguists
2007/2008 Shadowing of a professiona l interpret er at th e European Parliamen t.
Short courses: Note taking for consecut ive interp reting, Legal in terpret ing.
2001 Certi ficat e of T ourist Guide (F. Algarotti Institut e-Venice-Ital y)
2000 Del f 1 -2 (Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Fran çaise)
ECDL – Advanced
Languages, Tra veling ar ound th e world, Rea ding books, Lit erat ure, Cont emporar y fashi on, Latin dance and culture, et c…