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Development Pvt Ltd

Redmond, WA, 98052
April 11, 2012

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Curriculum Vitae

Pallavi Agarwal (H* Visa Holder)

*****, ******* ***, *******, *****.

Phone: 425-***-****

E-mail: ***************@*****.***

Career Objective

To work with challenging Biotechnology organization, where I can utilize my Expertise in Assay development in the field of immunology research.


1 3.9 years of Research and Development experience as Biological Scientist in Assay development of Biotechnology Domain.

2 Masters in Bio technology

3 Bachelors in Environmental science

4 Diploma in Computer Science DOEACC ‘A’ level, CCCP-Certified Course in Computer programming

5 In-depth knowledge in Assay development.

6 Worked as a Senior Scientist Staff in Achira labs Pvt Ltd from Aug 2010 to October 2011

7 Worked as a Scientist Staff member in Abexome Pvt Ltd from May 2007 to Dec 2009

8 Research Expertise in Antisera and Polyclonal Antibody Development in Rabbit, Antibody Conjugation , Antibody Characterization, Host-Cell Protein Detection Assay , Pilot-scale Non-clinical Immunne Response Testing , Functional Assays.


Skill Type


Host-Cell Protein Detection Assay

Against a whole cell system of your preparation

Antibody Generation in Rabbits with cascade immunization technique

Antigen Depletion to elicit immune response for less immunogenic proteins

Validation by 1D SDS-PAGE

Antibody Conjugation Services

With HRP, FITC, Biotin, ALP or any other conjugate

Antisera and Polyclonal Antibody Development in Rabbit

Against a customer-supplied protein or peptide

Protein-A and Affinity Purification

Pilot-scale Non-clinical Immune Response Testing

Generation of rabbit polyclonal antibody

Assays for Binding, Specificity and Neutralizing effects

Functional Assays

Generate antibodies and design a suitable assay for Customer requirement

Animal tissue culture

Cell culture,cell line handling and maintenance.

Molecular biology

Cloning and Expression,


Transformation and Transfection

Other Skills

Direct ELISA, Indirect ELISA, Sandwich ELISA, Competitive ELISA and Inhibition ELISA

DNA isolation

Plasmid Isolation


Agarose and Acrylamide gel electrophoresis


Centrifuge techniques

Protein estimation by Lowry, Bradford and BCA Methods.

UV-Absorption Spectrophotometer

Computer skills

IT Tools and Buisness System

Educational Qualification

M. Sc. (Biotechnology) –Apr 2006

Hislop School of Biotechnology, Hislop College, Nagpur University


B. Sc. (Enviromental Science, Chemistry, Botany) –Apr 2004

Institute of Science, Nagpur University


DOEACC ‘A’ Level (Advanced Diploma in Computer application)-Apr 2002

Department of Electronics and Accreditation of Computer Courses (DOEACC) is an autonomous scientific society under the Indian Ministry of Communications & Information Technology

ICSM Nagpur


CCCP-Course (Certificate course in computer programming )-Apr 2000

Anjuman College , Nagpur


H.S.C -1999

Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1, Jhansi (CBSE)


S.S.C -1997

Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1, Jhansi (CBSE)


Employment History:

Senior Scientist in Achira Labs Pvt LTD Aug 2010 -October 2011 onwards, for Bio Chemistry Group , Bangalore


Role demands the Research and Development of lab-on-chip platform to perform rapid, quantitative and multiplexed immunoassays (protein tests) for female infertility and thyroid testing

Standardization of Antibody Conjugation with fluorophores.

Assay development in micro-fluidic chip for prolactin, FSH, LH detection in Clinical samples: Detection of hormones in serum samples with sensitivity down to nanogram levels using FLISA offchip, FLISA on chip, multiplexing of the assay.

Assay development in micro-fluidic chip for T3, T4 and TSH detection in Clinical samples.

Scientist Staff member in Abexome,Bangalore in immunology services – May 2007 –Dec2009,



Assay development of insulin detection in human serum using Sandwich ELISA.

Conjugation of Proteins with HRP/biotin/ALP

Project (2008):

Assay development for Cell viability and Cell proliferation for analysis of growth factor activity: TF1 Cell proliferation for Bio activity of Erythropoietin protein using MTT assay.

Detection of Mycoplasma contamination in the Cell lines by PCR method.

Development of anti human Fab/Fc/Gamma heavy chain/Kappa light chain specific polyclonal antibody: Antigen preparation (Optimization of papain digestion and mercaptoethanol treatment to obtain Fab/Fc and Heavy chain/light chain of mouse IgGs), immunization of host with repective doses of immunogen, preparation of antigen affinity columns, purification of antibody using antigen affinity columns and Characterization of the purified antibody.

Polyclonal antibody development in Rabbit against proteins/peptides: Immunization of host with respective doses of protein, Collection of Antisera, preparation of antigen affinity columns, purification using antigen affinity columns and Characterization of the purified antibody by ELISA and Western Blot.

Project (2009):

Estimation of Total IgGs in Antisera.

Polyclonal antibody development in Rabbit against different proteins/peptides: Immunization of host with respective doses of protein, Collection of Antisera, preparation of antigen affinity columns, purification of antibody using antigen affinity columns and Characterization of the purified antibody by ELISA and Western Blot.

Bioavalability assay development for different proteins/peptides: Immunization of host with respective doses of peptide, Collection of Antisera, purification of antibody using antigen affinity columns/ Protein A columns, characterization of the purified antibody, assay development for the detection of proteins/peptides down to the sensitivity of picogram levels.

Host Cell Protein preparation (HCP), raising antibodies against HCP, antibody generation in rabbits with cascade immunization techniques, antigen depletion to elicit immune response for less immunogenic proteins and validation by 1D page.

Cloning and Expression of STAT5, Transfection of TF1 suspension cell line with STAT5.

Secretion analysis of cytokines by PBMCs: isolation of PBMCs from blood, triggering of the cells by LPS for cytokine secretion, quantitaion of cytokines by ELISA.

Dissertation/Project :Masters in Biotechnology 2006

Importance of sample dilution for the detection of M.tuberculosis antigens TBM and TB patients.

The said project was undertaken at Central India Institute of Medical Sciences (CIMMS), Nagpur, under the guidance and supervision of Dr. R.S. Kashyap, research consultant. The analysis showed that 1:5 is the best dilution for the detection of 30 kDa antigen and 65 kDa antigen in CSF samples of TBM patients and 1:400 is the best dilution for the detection of 30 kDa antigen detection in TB patients.

Personal Details:

Father’s Name: Dinesh Chandra Seth

Mother’s Name: Anita Seth

Husband’s Name: Vivek Agarwal

Nationality: Indian

Marital Status: Married

Hobby: Learning new things, listening to music and painting.

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