William J. Ianuzi
Skills & Experience:
Oil & Gas :
•Mudlogging for Core & Sanborn in Northern Pennsylvania Locations
•Experience with Pason Oilfield Drilling Software
•Experience with Rigwatch Oilfield Drilling Software
•Daily use of Star.Log Mudlogging Software and MainLog Third Party Gas Software
•Assistant Manager for 400+ room Four Star Resort
•Successfully Closed 200+ Real Estate Sales Contracts
•Oversaw training and supervision 100+ employees
Sales & Negotiations:
•Successful & export of 20+ homes to Chiba, Japan
•Presidents Club Award for $1,200,000 in Real Estate Sales
•Negotiated $3,000,000,000 contract for A.F.A.
High Computer Literacy :
•Wrote Excel program for Payroll & Budget of 60+ employee group
•Trained over 3,000 co-workers on new Preferential Bidding System with scheduling cost savings of over $1,000,000
•Experience using multiple software platforms: ie: Presentation, Accounting, Scheduling, Publishing, etc.
Work History
COMPANY: Core & Sanborn Traverse City, MI 9/2011-present
POSITION: Field Geologist / Mudlogger 9/11-Present
Geoogical sample and computer logging service of natural gas wells being drilling in the Northern
Pennsylvania area.
COMPANY: Delta Airlines / Northwest Airlines, Detroit MI
POSITION: Flight Leader / Computer Instructor / Japanese Translator
Managed and co-ordinated service among Flight Attendants on international flights. Handle in-flight emergency services during medical and or any other in-flight emergencies. Other duties included collecting and depositing monies as needed. Computer Scheduling Instruction.(Middle Mgt. Experience)
COMPANY: Coldwell Banker Binghamton, NY
Residential and Commercial Real Estate Sales. Con-current while working for Airline.
COMPANY: Altrade International / United Taiho Corporation
POSITION:Buyer / Purchasing Agent
COMPANY: Turtle Bay Hilton, Kahuku HI
POSITION: Assistant Manager
Education: Brigham Young University, Bachelor of Sciences
Major: International Business Management
Minor: Japanese