Santosh Kumar
H.No-A-*, Noble House, Basava Nagar, Near HAL, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Email: *******.******@*****.**.** • Mob: +91-998*******
Results-driven, team oriented Senior Design Engineer with around 3 years 9 months’ experience as Team Leader in Healthcare Industry, seeking a Senior Managerial Assignment as…
Project Leader / Team Leader/Software Engineer in the...
Healthcare / IT / Finance / Telecom Sector
Profile at a Glance
Ø Peak performer, with around 4 years of experience in completing various projects in health care sector.
Ø Remarkable track record throughout the academics.
Ø Received scholarship in all the 3 years of MCA, for the outstanding performance.
Ø Appreciated for the performance with Exemplarily Performance Award twice in the Year 2007.
Technical Skills
Ø Operating Systems : Windows 2K, Windows XP
Ø Languages: C, C++, VC++
Ø Scripting Languages: JavaScript, php3
Ø Versioning Tools: Clear Case
Ø Process Compliance: Undergone Six Sigma Training (DMAIC & DFSS)
Professional Experience
GE Healthcare, Whitefield, Bangalore
(Dec 2004 till date)
Career Graph:
Designation Duration
Senior Design Engineer Apr 2008 till date
Design Engineer Jun 2005 – Mar 2008
Project Trainee Dec 2004 – May 2005
Key Responsibilities:
As Senior Design Engineer
ð Working as Group Lead for Divics Uptime since June-2008. The team is working on serviceability features of Innova X-ray system,
w Key responsibility in this project is to deliver the program deliverables in time with Quality while managing the IB issues reported for existing programs.
w Also to manage the Quality process for the team.
ð Working as the Single Point of Contact for Intellectual Property since June-2008 for Vascular SW modality.
w Helping the team to understand the importance of IP and guiding them in filing the IP disclosure.
ð Responsible for new feature development as well as maintaining the current complex design.
ð Involved in the serviceability feature development and management for Innova X-ray systems.
As Design Engineer
ð Energized the Team of 25. As part of being the GTO-India Energizer representative from Divics India, did an excellent job in energizing the team.
ð Adept in organizing all events in the Vascular SW team and providing gifts for employee personal milestone events.
As Project Trainee
ð Designed & developed Data Dictionary automation.
ð Made system more robust by designing & developing logging & crash handling mechanism.
Projects Undertaken
Project Title Platform/OS Tools/Languages Duration Team Size
Harmony and Elegance Win2k, WinXPe C, C++, php3, Install shield, wix 4 Months 4
Service manager PDS WinXPe C++ 4 Months 1
System Component Tracking System Windows Win2k/WinXPe C++ 6 Months 2
USB Service Key WinXP Alladin proprietary Software 4 Months 1
System Diagnostic Win2k/WinXP C++, JavaScript, VBscript, php3 6 Months 4
Project Profile: Harmony program is basically an obsolescence project. Obsolescence of Hardware used in the X-ray system invoked the initiation of project Harmony. Elegance is whole new project driven by India. This project introduces tilted table, which help intensely in patient diagnosis.
Key Responsibilities:
ð As a Group Leader, managed the deliverables in time with quality.
ð Also worked as the lead developer owning major component as Service Manager PDS, System Component Tracking System, Calibration & other.
ð Worked with other team/developer to identify potential for Intellectual property (patent, trade secret or defensive publication).
Project Profile: PDS is to monitor the Innova X-ray system. The project is to have tracking & trending of the system behavior. Also generate the real time alert for the failures.
Service Manager read the system error and system event log message and covert in a specific xml format and logged in a persistent queue file. It establishes TCP/IP socket connection to PDS processor and sends the log message from the persistent queue file. It ensures no loss of log message and sequence should be maintained properly.
Key Responsibilities:
ð As a Lead developer, involved in developing, implementing and testing of Service Manager for PDS project.
Project Profile: System Component Tracking System scan the complete Innova system and collect all HW, SW and Firmware details at system startup. Service Manager Component collects all the information and converts into a valid .xml file based on a valid dtd. XML file with SCT information will be updated based on system update with respect to SW, HW or firmware.
Key Responsibilities:
ð Lead developer, which involves responsibility of developing, implementing and testing of SCT.
Project Profile: Service Key is a hardware key used for proprietary access of the product. It differentiates the user’s access type.
Key Responsibilities:
ð Initiated the new enhanced and more secure USB Dongle use for Service Key on Harmony & actively retired all the technical risk.
ð Proactively and independently worked with the manufacturer & distributor of the USB dongle from purchasing & retiring risk on usage of it.
ð Actively provided stepwise solution on Install Base up gradation from using old Parallel port service key to use new USB Dongle.
Project Profile: The project is diagnosing each component of the Innova X-ray system. The feature provides a framework, which uses a User Interface to diagnose each component. The result of component diagnostic will be displayed on the User Interface. The component error gets displayed on User Interface with link to help html page.
Key Responsibilities:
ð Lead Developer, which involves responsibility of developing, implementing and testing of DL Diagnostic framework.
Intellectual Property Training
Enterprise Architecture Training
DFSS (Design for Six Sigma) & DMAIC
Advance C++, Object Oriented Analysis & Design Training
ICS Domain Training, Intellectual Property Training
Educational Qualifications
Master in Computer Applications, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, 9.4 CGPA (2005)
Awarded scholarship for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year
B.Sc in Computer Science, St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 74% (2001)
Personal Details
Date of Birth: 3 February 1981
Languages Known: English and Hindi