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QA Manager

Bolwing Green, KY, 42104
November 11, 2009

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Resume for David C. Stewart

**** ********* **. ******* *****, KY 42104

******@***.*** Home phone; 270-***-**** Cell 270-***-****

Objective To acquire a position in Management where I can continue to positively lead and influence both the short and long term goals of a company.

Experience Feb 2008 to Feb 09 Arvin-Meritor, Hopkinsville

Quality Assurance Manager Sal $70,000

Cost savings to date aprox $84,000

Supervise 2 Quality Engineers, 2 Quality Technicians.

Responsible for maintaining TS16949 certification

Tier 1 to Ford, GM, Chrysler Toyota, Honda,

Made major Quality improvement in coating supplier

Began overall improvements to department organization.

Began computerization of quality system documents.

Began program to refurbish quality lab test equipment.

May 2007-Sept. 2007 Playworld Systems Inc. Lewisburg, Pa.

Quality Assurance Manager Supervisor: Matt Miller Owner

Supervised; QA engineer, 2 QA technicians.

Developed direct customer contact system for improved customer satisfaction.

Responsible: developing direction of QA program

Developed and Implemented supplier corrective action system.

Identified powder system waste of $400,000 and coating quality issues

Training of plant staff in ISO purpose of and requirements of ISO 9001

Responsible for failure analysis of structures and parts

Developed priority system for field failure corrective actions.

Researched and corrected anodic corrosion prevention methods on structures.

Incorporating Quality objectives into new product designs and launches.

Revised auditing program to include processes.

Feb 2007-April 2007 Holley Carburetor, Bowling Green, Ky

Quality Assurance Engineer. Temporary position

1993– Oct 2006 Parthenon Metal Works, Div. of Leggett & Platt Laverne, TN

Vice President of Quality Assurance

 Installed initial and continuously improved quality system in plant.

 Led the successful effort to acquire and maintain QS9000, ISO 17025 (Certified lab) and ISO 9001 2000, ISO 14001 and TS16949 registrations.

 Led effort that resulted in reduction of internal rejections by 75% resulting in savings of Aprox. $800,000

 Developed TN sales inititative which increased sales by 9.2 million $

 Implemented shop floor SPC program

 Developed metrics for determining plant quality performance

 Reduced customer returns by 82%

 Responsible for management of quality program and auditing in multiple plants.

 Developed & administered APQP and PPAP system

 Developed and led Continuous Improvement, Lean and Black Belt 6 Sigma program.

 Developed courses and served as instructor for SPC, Problem Solving Techniques and other quality related areas.

 Have worked directly with customers and suppliers on quality issues.

 Responsible for successfully leading effort to improve internal welding process to better than 6 sigma level.

 Led transaction project that transferred part set-up from sales to quality and reduced set up queue time from 3 days to less than 15 minutes thus reducing order set-up to order production by 3 days by incorporating lean principles.

 Designed and implemented paperless plant systems.

 Responsible for failure analysis of product

 Trained lab technicians, quality engineers.

1991-1993 Stewart’ Hallmark Shop Bowling Green, KY


 Owned and managed retail card and gift shop with wife.

 Managed P&L for business.

 Handled personnel hiring.

1976–1991 Eaton Corporation Cutler Hammer Products, Bowling Green, KY

Senior Quality Engineer / Supervisor

 Supervised receiving inspection, metallurgical /nondestructive testing lab and production heat-treat department which consisted of 7 employees.

 Was instrumental in initiating profit improvement projects, which resulted in total savings of 1.4 million dollars.

 Was responsible for investment and permanent molding operation.

 Have been involved in injection and compression plastic molding.

 Increased supplier product quality on brazed contact assemblies by working with suppliers to improve both testing and processes.

 Established internal corporate wide standards on electrical contact attachment quality

 Established metallurgical and chemistry lab.

 Developed powder coating system for electrical enclosures.

 Mentored lab technicians and heat treat personnel.

 Worked I Non-ferrous metals, copper, brass, precious metals

 Worked in Platting, E-Coat and powder coating.

Education/Training “Black Belt Champion” through a course given by “The Six Sigma Institute:

self taught in LEAN having read extensively on the subject and successfully performed several projects.

trained in DOE by Cutler Hammer.

2 years of college training in EE

taken graduate level courses in analytical chemistry.

taken university courses in Industrial Psychology.

have had numerous company sponsored courses on management.

taught courses on ISO 9001.

taught basic and intermediate level statistics at the company level.

self taught in both ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and have interacted with company and supplier graduate degreed metallurgists on various issues at their level.

have been an informal graduate project advisor at the request of WKU faculty on a student’s master degree project involving oxidation of ultra low carbon high silicon metals.

have published a paper on “Ultrasonic characterization of electrical contact bonds” for a NITS symposium.

have been a consultant on several projects involving metallurgical and management issues with both the companies I have worked for and customers.

have taught courses on the properties and fabrication techniques for welded steel mechanical tubing to customers design engineering departments.


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