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Engineering Design

RI, 02839
April 19, 2012

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Nathan R. Lavallee

** ****** **** ****

Mapleville, RI 02839

401-***-**** **********@**.***.***

401-***-**** **.********@*****.***


Gain a full-time position with a company providing me the opportunity to utilize and develop my engineering-based skill sets, specifically in the areas of mechanical and/or biomedical sciences.


Boston University College of Engineering – Boston, MA

Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering Date of Graduation: May 2009

University of Rhode Island College of Engineering – Kingston, RI

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering/Applied Mechanics Date of Completion: April 2012

Major Projects and Research:

Senior Design Project: Design of Apparatus to Assess the Visual Abilities of Rats

Advised by Professor Christopher L. Passaglia – Boston University

• Design a fully automated behavioral experiment to gain a greater understanding of the limits of

visual acuity, specifically temporal and spatial frequency

• Design of all apparatus parts, as well as a non-invasive method and protocol, assuring that the test

subject’s head is fixed motionless during testing

• Development of a computer program to detect period during which the subject’s head is

motionless and directed forward and generate a signal of a specified temporal frequency or spatial

resolution and display said signal on a monitor in front of the subject

• Implementation of a feature in which the response of the test subject is recorded and compared

with the generated signal and, in the case of a correct response, call for the distribution of a water-based


Graduate Student Research: Development of Mobile Robot System

Advised by Professor Musa K. Jouaneh – University of Rhode Island

• Create a computer program using an image(video) generated by an overhead, low-cost webcam to

determine the Cartesian coordinate location of a mobile robot and target object in an environment.

• Use sensory information to build a map of the environment and calculate ideal path planning to guide the robot to desired destination.

• Incorporate ultrasonic echolocation system mounted on the robot to allow for 3-dimensional mapping of specific objects.

• Design and manufacture all parts/mounts necessary for proper system operation.

Engineering Skills:

Laboratory: Experience in Digital Control, Electronics/Logic Systems, General and Organic Chemistry,

Biology, and Physics

Technical: AutoCad, AutoCad Inventor, C++, Lightwave 3D, MathCad, MATLAB, Microsoft Office,

SigmaPlot, Simulink, SolidWorks, Visual Basic Express 2010, Windows Operating Systems, Xilinx

ISE/ModelSim SE

Work Experience:

SECON of New England: Worcester, MA

Laboratory Technician (June 2009 - August 2010)

• Prepare samples and perform chemical extractions

• Record and analyze gas chromatography results

• Perform daily ELISA drug screening procedure

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