Andy Gebauer • Spiessstr. *** • Offenbach, *****, Germany • +49-176-******** • *******.****@**********.***
AREVA NP GmbH • Global leader in nuclear energy and major player in renewable energies • Offenbach, Germany
Instrumentation & Control Project Manager • Sept 2009 - current
My key missions as I&C Project Manager are:
- Responsible for successful implementation of renewed and new protection systems in a nuclear power plant in Finland including a reactor protection & diesel generator control system
- Planning the work-load of the licensing documentation
- Measuring the physical progress of the documentation based on self-defined weighting factors
- Scheduling the technical team in cooperation with the technical lead of the Finish customer
- Prepared an overview schedule for the project
- Take care of parts of the licensing process according to YVL, IEC, KTA and ISO standards including preliminary suit- ability analysis, suitability analysis and sub-supplier audits
- Adviser for power supply design of the I&C cabinets & reviewing of power supply design specification
- Adviser for licensing issues of single components like e.g. relays, transducers & sensors
- Validation of the customers conceptual design plans to the original design criteria of the plant, the operating instruc- tions and existing wiring diagrams of Russian I&C
- Verification of an improved version of the Rod Position Indication System to the original requirements
- Verification of the design documents of the calibration software of the Rod Position Indication System for the new generation of the digital I&C platform
- Verification of development documentation for new hardware modules to the requirements of the project
- Contributing to ADRs by supporting the contract management team with technical information
- Negotiation of quotations with the customer
Change Manager June 2009 - current
My key missions as Change Manager are:
- Implementation of a change management procedure according to IEC 60880 and IEC 61513
- Presentation and instruction of the process to the project team
- Supervision of the technical change activities
- Leading the periodic change management meetings
- Support of the commercial team for change progress tracking
- Technical preparation of quotations and their boundary conditions
System Engineer Manager Oct 2006 - Sept 2009
My key missions as System Engineer Manager were:
- Responsible for successful implementation of a patented Rod Position Indication system as part of a renewed Preventive Protection System build up using a digital I&C platform based on PLC technology
- Verification of the transformation of the old Russian I&C wiring diagrams of the Preventive Protection Systems to the new digital I&C platform
- Validation of the new digital I&C logic to the operating instructions and the original design criteria of the plant
- Preparation of a designer’s safety assessment according to YVL standards
- Preparation of a power supply design specification for the renewed system
- Took care of the licensing process according to YVL, IEC, KTA and ISO standards including suitability analysis
- Supervised the factory acceptance test of the renewed Preventive Protection System in Erlangen
- Supervised the commissioning of the renewed Preventive Protection System on-site
- Created operating instructions for the new Rod position indication system, while improving the existing operating instructions for the renewed Preventive Protection System
Dipl. Ing. Elektrotechnik (Informations- & Kommunikationstechnik) • Frankfurt, Germany
German graduated electrical engineering title with 4 years studies, specialized on information & communication technology
University of Applied Scienes Frankfurt • Sept 2002 - Sept 2006
Principal subjects
- Information Technology
- Communication Systems
- Software Engineering
- Computer Science
- Computer Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics
- Control Systems
Minor subjects
- Next Generation Networks
- Broadband Communication
- DSP design with Matlab
- Regenerative Energy Generation
- Sensor Technology
- Speech Acoustics
- Process Visualization
Grade according German grading with 1 very good and 6 failed:
Diploma Thesis: 1.0
Colloquium: 1.0
Average grade: 2.1
Languages: English, German, Spanish
Computer languages: Qt, C++, Java, Python, Bash-scripting, LaTeX
Computer programs: Microsoft Office including Visio, AutoCAD
Documentation tools: Documentum
Engineering tools: Teleperm XS tools, Doors, Matlab, LabView
Project management tools: Microsoft Project, basic knowledge of Primavera P6