I have recently retired after ** years of active clinical practice as an evidence-based chiropractor. I was Associate Professor of Clinical Sciences at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto. I have a Master of Science degree in Human Biology and Biochemistry and am a Diplomate of the American Clinical Board of Nutrition. I have specialty certification in radiology, orthopaedics, clinical sciences, and nutrition and am extremely knowledgeable with respect to various medical diagnostic testing procedures and equipment. I am highly experienced with PubMed/Medline and other medical sites. I have performed research and am published. I was an editorial board member for an indexed medical journal. I was former clinic director and owner of Brantford Physical Rehabilitation Centre working with various medical and paramedical specialists addressing and assessing clients with medical rehabilitation issues, disability issues, functional capacity, ergonomics, work site assessments, pre-employment assessments, return to work programs, and insurer examinations. I was appointed by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario to own and operate a Designated Assessment Centre that addressed disability issues with respect to motor vehicle accidents. I have also worked for numerous other assessment companies in the greater Toronto Area. I am very knowledgeable with the management of compensation case issues within the parameters of the rules and regulations within the province of Ontario. I am able to both give and receive direction. Although recently retired from general practice I am anxiously seeking to change my career path. I have a thirst for knowledge that would benefit the position. I have high energy, excellent health, and am very active. I feel that my experience and knowledge are assets for the position that you are offering. I have vast experience in dealing with the public and health care providers and in my opinion would be an asset for the position. I look forward to meet with you at your earliest convenience.