Kimberly K. Lewis
PO Box ****
Barrow, Alaska ***23
OBJECTIVE: a Programmer/Analyst position
• RPG III/IV/ILE Programming
• CL Programming
• Subfile Programming
• Interactive and Batch Programming
• DB2 Database Administration
• iSeries AS/400 System Administrator
• SEQUEL Software
• SQL and Embedded SQL
• Kronos
EDUCATION: Fayetteville Technical Community College, Fayetteville, North Carolina
• 1998
• Associate in Applied Science
• 3.7 GPA
• Information Systems/Programming Major
• Classes: RPG, COBOL, C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, UNIX, DOS, AS/400, Windows, Networking, Database Management (Access/Informix/SQL/DB2)
10/10 – Pres. North Slope Borough, Barrow, Alaska
• Create and maintain custom programs written in RPG, RPGLE, Free-Form and CL
• Support JD Edwards World software
• Analyze program and file structures
• Created custom reports including web reports using Krono’s database and structure
• Customized Kronos programs to suit user’s needs
• Utilize SQL and Query to become familiar with JD Edwards’ files
• Attended Commons 2011 Annual Meeting and Exposition to include five days of IBM iSeries education
8/08 – 7/10 Platinum Technologies, Dayton, Ohio
Programmer/Analyst Contractor for Dayton Public Schools
• Supported CIMS Applications to include calendar and fiscal year end processing and annualized file member rollovers
• Created CL and RPGLE programs to interact with CIMS Employee Management System, Financial Management System, Fixed Asset System, Gateway Warehouse System, General Ledger and Account Code Management
• Designed and created employee financial reports for Auditor, State, and Federal agencies
• Maintained CGI, RPG, RPGLE, and CL programs including embedded SQL statements
• Evaluated new and existing software for the iSeries i5 Version 5 Release 4
• Designed and developed programs to create reports in excel and send to users by e-mail utilizing SEQUEL, RPGIV, and CL programming
• Attended Commons 2009 Annual Meeting and Exposition to include five days of IBM iSeries education
10/06 – 3/07 Colorado Boxed Beef Company, Auburndale, Florida
• Created and modified subfile programs written in RPGLE.
• Wrote CL and RPG programs to automate processes requiring human intervention
• Provided quality control for order processing for a new account consisting of more than thirty stores. This process began with order retrieval at 8:00 am and ended with product delivery within 28 hours.
1/04 - 8/06 Time Warner Cable, Western Ohio Division and Southwest Ohio Division, Cincinnati, Ohio
• Created and modified custom programs for the Billing Systems Group
• Designed and developed programs to produce reports used for subscriber tracking
• Developed RPGLE, SEQUEL, and CL programs for Finance, Accounting, Marketing, Sales, Digital Phone, and Road Runner that interfaced with ICOMS files
• Wrote custom programs to perform FTP transfers and process PGP encrypted lockbox payments
• Worked with users to develop programs to meet their specific needs
• Participated in ICOMS upgrade, OS/400 upgrade, data conversion from CSG to ICOMS for Cincinnati Division, and the merge of Western Ohio Division and Cincinnati Division to create the Southwest Ohio Division
• Utilize SEQUEL and ESEND to transfer reports to users in excel and other PC formats from data in ICOMS files
8/98 - 1/04 Source Retrieval LLC / SSTGlobal LLC, Cincinnati, Ohio
Programmer/Analyst Consultant
• Developed a Source Translator Utility to translate RPG II/400 to Free Form RPGLE
• Altered Java programs to suit company’s needs
• Part of a three person team to develop a C++ decompiler on an RS/6000
• Participated in development of a Source Translation Utility to translate RPG to Java programs and Java Server Pages to run on Websphere Application Server
• Tested COBOL programs after decompilation, modified source as needed
• Setup three AS/400"s to function as a national Internet Service Provider
• Configured multiple secure HTTP, SMTP, FTP, Telnet, and POP servers
• Wrote RPG ILE exit point programs for FTP and SMTP
• Created RPG ILE programs to convert RPG III send internet mail, and to maintain a customer database
• Responsible for PTF installation for three AS/400’s
• Implemented java programs to process credit card transactions
• Certified Lotus Specialist for Domino R5 Designer Fundamentals 1999
5/97 - 7/98 Fayetteville Technical Community College, Fayetteville, North Carolina
• Tutored two state funded students in RPG, C++, and Systems Programming
• Both students graduated with an Associate in Applied Science
7/95 - 1/96 Entex Computer Distribution Center, Erlanger, Kentucky
Human Resources Assistant
• Scheduled interviews, administered test, and performed reference checks
• Developed computer templates to track applicants through the hiring process
4/94 - 3/95 Department of the Army, Fort Huachuca, Arizona
• Utilized computer to track and document product testing of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
• Coordinated product and equipment testing with military personnel and logistical support
• Created operational and administrative manuals
• SECRET security clearance
• Recipient of a performance award and cash bonus for superior work performance
12/90 - 1/93 Department of the Army, Bad Hersfeld, Germany
Executive Secretary
• Scheduled appointments and provided clerical support for the three ranking base officers
• Utilized computer to update officer training, awards, promotions, and evaluation records
• Maintained contact between base officials and personnel on field assignments using Procomm e-mail
• Received exceptional Performance and Customer Service Awards, and merit salary increases
US Army
• 1979 - 1986
• Administrative Specialist
• SECRET security clearance
• Honorable discharge
• Fort Jackson, SC; Camp Casey, Korea; Fort Benning, GA; Mannheim, Germany