**a St Georges Lane, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, UK, FY8 2AD
Mob: +44(0)775*-***-*** Phone: 012**-******
Email: *******@****.**.** DoB 23-07-60
Well motivated and hard working engineer with good leadership skills and a strong technical background. Works well under pressure, good communication and interpersonal skills. Confident team player, but equally comfortable working on own initiative. Adaptable, flexible, always enjoys new challenges and seeking career development.
Oct 2007- Present – A380 Senior DMU Integrator / Configuration Engineer -Assystem UK, Preston
Responsible for ensuring the Configured Digital Mock-up (cDMU), as supplied by client, is accurate, updated and available for all designers, making certain that each Design team has the capability to view the DMU with CATIA V5 and VPM.
This role requires extensive knowledge of the toolsets (PDMLink, VPM, CATIA V5) and the processes required to create and maintain the Product Structure, configuring the Upper Level ( CI/LO/DS), down to detail levels. Leading regular weekly DMU reviews highlighting DMU and configuration issues, providing problem solving skills to resolve any issues raised .Tracking and maintaining the integrity of the Product structure from ADF to ADAP (Concept to Production), through Transition ensuring Quality Checks (QC1) are completed to allow DFM A00 release.
I am responsible for the integrity of the cDMU and Native data vaults. Performing clash detection check and compiling DMU Reports for all interfacing teams while utilising DMU Trouble as the clash detection Tool. Attending design reviews at client sites and reporting to project design leads. Also navigating the DMU product during any on site Design Maturity Reviews. Being aware of evolving design changes embodied by interface partners through design reviews and reporting change to project design leads. Maintaining a close relationship with other RSP DMUi, interface partners and SSCI managers acting as the main point of contact for the multi disciplined teams on DMU issues. Demonstrating problem solving skills, being proactive and generally keep the project teams aware of changes to the working practices of the client.
I have created the Company standard for the Quality Checking Process and Checking Guidelines for DMU and configuration checks which is now utilised internally throughout the program. This has had a positive impact to quality, lessons learned and time saving.
Apr 2005-Oct 2007 – JSF AF-1 - Project Support JSF Extended Enterprise - Assystem UK, Preston
JSF Aft Fuselage, creation and maintenance of TAA 0085-06A Security and Compliance procedures, controlling exported data within the Extended Enterprise facility at Bamber Bridge, Preston, via BAE Secure Network (VPN). Regular Customer project reviews highlighting performance and working practice issues, providing problem solving skills to resolve any issues raised. Liaising with the team design leads on a weekly basis via internal design reviews, creating burn down charts and reports showing outstanding and completed data through design maturity. These reports were used to support workflow and resource requirements. Responsible for on site Systems Performance Management and problem solving, ensuring all working platforms (RS6000 design and SGI Stress)fully functional by monitoring performance, ensuring licensing and security requirements are adhered to under ITAR obligations. Responsible for the work package flow through the BTP Lifecycles within Metaphase adhering to customer Processes and Methodology.
Responsible for the Education of Metaphase and Security Processes and Procedures, to ensure all ITAR and security requirements have been adhered to in compliance with customer requirements.
Sept-2000 - Mar 2005 – A380 IOFLE – Project Engineer/Data Control - Assystem UK, Preston
Create and maintain Baseline Product Structure trackers and Reports to ensure all data sent to the supply chain was captured . Reporting on a weekly basis for burn down charts recording sent and outstanding data. Responsible to convert the data from the trackers and reports and feed this information into EVM tracker (Earned Value Management) utilising time and motion studies to support workflow and resource requirements.
Create a process, working with tool set system experts in CADDS, CatiaV4, Catia V5, UNIX and Metaphase, to ensure local data, designed & stored on internal systems was delivered to the Supply Chain and the Airbus vault via a sealed data route, after approval and verification of the data. Completing the conversion of data from CADDS to Catia and Catia to CADDS for delivery to both supply chain and to the Airbus vault . Ensuring data delivered to Airbus is identical to data being sent out to supply chain, this reducing the possibility of scrap being produced due to corrupt data.
May-1999 – Sept-2000 – Nimrod MR4a - Project Engineer - Assystem UK, Preston
Nimrod MRA4 project at Warton, Inbis Preston and Farnborough. Tasks include populating CDP/PM with all manufacturing criteria, required to source, produce and structure all details and assemblies together with creation of structural assembly ASO manufacturing processes for Detail Machined items using Catia V4 and P.E.G.S.
Nov-1998 – May-1999 – Eurofighter - Design Engineer, - Assystem UK, Preston
Eurofighter 2000.Creation of Catia V4 2D design sheets for aid to production, incorporating extensive knowledge of assembly and installation procedures coupled with change incorporation in accordance with latest design build requirements.
July 98 – Nov-98 - CNC Setter/Programmer/Supervisor - Drill Quip, Dyce, Aberdeen
Setting and operating various CNC Machining Centres. Tape proving and administration the work flow, ensuring accuracy and quality is maintain throughout the shift. Responsible for the shift KPIs, editing, setting, fault finding. Maintaining discipline, cleanliness and safety. Manufacture of specialised components for the oil industry. Programming using MAZATROL
Jan 98 – July 98 - Night Shift Setter/Programmer/Supervisor - Goossens , Eindoven, Netherlands
Setting and operating various CNC 4 axis Milling Machine Centres. Tape proving and administration the work flow, ensuring accuracy and quality is maintain throughout the shift. Responsible for the shift KPI’s, editing, setting, fault finding. Maintaining discipline, cleanliness and safety. Manufacture of specialised components for the automotive industry. Programming using MAZATROL
July 97 – Feb 98 - CNC Setter/Programmer - Ronaldsway AC, Isle of Mann
Setting and operating various CNC 4 and 5 axis Milling Machine Centres. Tape proving, ensuring accuracy and quality is maintain throughout the shift. Responsible for development of jig, fixtures and tooling design for new components and assemblies. Editing, setting and fault finding to aid manufacture of specialised components for the aircraft industry.
Jan 92 – July 97 - Toolmaker, (Plastic Injection Dies) - FEP Axxicon, Cleveleys, Lancashire
Setting and operating CNC Milling and Turning Centres, producing quality plastic injection mould tool dies for large corporations including Nokia, Wilkinson Sword and Honeywell. I developed my role into Section Lead planning and allocating work throughout the shop floor and 3 axis CNC tuition.
Electrode Design and manufacture. NC programming using DELCAM DUCT.
July 89 – July 92 - CNC Setter / Programmer - Gretones, St Annes, Lancashire
Setting and operating various CNC 4 and 5 axis Milling Machine Centres. Tape proving, ensuring accuracy and quality KPIs were maintained throughout the shift. Responsible for development of tooling design for new components and assemblies. Editing, setting and fault finding to aid manufacture of specialised components for the aircraft industry
July 77 – July 89 - Toolmaker, (Plastic Injection Dies) - J Fisher & Co, Cleveleys, Lancashire
Production of Plastic Injection Mould Tools, Jig Boring, Vertical and Horizontal milling, CNC Turning, Wire Eroding, Completing my EITB apprenticeship and Advanced CNC studies (Dist)
CNC Milling. EITB time serve Apprenticeship.
Additional Details
I have completed training course on the following systems and have full working knowledge of each,
DMU Trouble M.S.Excel (ADV) M.S.Word (INT) M.S.Project (INT)
CDP/PM Catia 4.2.4 Metaphase Pegs/DPDS
Autocad. 2000 CADInt Cadds 5 MS-Dos
4D Navigator Panoplie Anvil Mechanical Desktop
EITB Craftsman Turning Modules H02, H03.
EITB Craftsman Milling Modules H04, H27.
City and Guilds Engineering and Craft Studies
City and Guilds CNC Advanced Programming (Distinction attained)
Additional Details
Driving License Full, Clean
Marital Status Married