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Senior Systems Consultant

Medina, OH, 44256
June 05, 2008

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Richard J. Englehart

*** ******** ******

Medina, OH 44256

Home Phone 330-***-****

Cell Phone 330-***-****




EQUIPMENT: IBM Mainframes, IBM 3890’s, NCR 7780, IBM PC's, BancTec, REI/Trace

MANAGEMENT Microsoft Word, Microsoft EXCEL, Microsoft Access, Microsoft VISIO, Microsoft

TOOLS: Exchange, Lotus 1-2-3, Lotus cc:Mail, Flowcharter 3.0, SPFPC, EXTRA!

SUMMARY: This candidate started right out of the service as a check sorter operator and worked his way up to a systems manager in charge of 50 programmers. He stayed with the same employer for 30 years even though the company name changed three times. At the time Central National merged with Society, he decided to take the technical path. He was much more valuable to the bank as a technician than as a administrative manager.

This candidate is a seasoned check processing expert with extensive CPCS experience. He has both designed and coded custom systems for multiple applications. He has 35 years of check processing experience including programming and operations. He has been involved with hundreds of mergers, releases, and custom projects. He is familiar with most of the CS, Conix, Vector, and Carreker systems and is an MVS expert.

1972 to 2003 Keycorp, Cleveland, OH

Commercial Bank

Highlights of Time at Central National Bank 1972-1986:

At Central National he mastered many jobs and was continually promoted. He started in Check and Computer Operations rising to Third Shift Operations Manager responsible for all computer room and check processing functions. He transferred to the systems group and first shift in 1976. He was elected a systems officer in 1981. At the time of the merger with Society he was a section manager with 50 direct reports.

• Started as a check sorter operator with 1419 sorters.

• Designed and wrote a table driven the Trust 1099 system.

• Designed and wrote the new NOW account system when the government allowed interest bearing checking accounts.

• Installed the REI Trace sorters and SuperMICR replacing a homegrown transit system using 1419 sorters.

• Installed two new releases of Super MICR.

• Designed and wrote the new Combined Statement system.

• Designed and wrote Central’s first control disbursement draft system.

• Designed and wrote a systems to create test documents on a Troy printer.

• Designed and wrote the account cross referencing systems that made bank mergers much easier. No check re-issue was needed in most cases.

• Designed and managed the affiliate and service bureau processing for community banks.

• Was responsible for the maintenance and support of the sort pattern and float tables.

• Installed release 13.0 of the PEP ACH system.

• Maintained Central’s Lockbox system writing all back end interfaces.

• Designed and wrote a new Fed Pricing system

• Designed and created a disaster recovery system with Ameritrust Bank. This system allowed both banks to back each other up in a disaster.

• Responsible for the following applications, Super MICR, Deposits, ARP, ACH, Payroll, ATM, CIS, Financial Planning/Trust.

Highlights of Time at Society National Bank 1986-1994:

After the Central / Society merger he focused on the technical aspects of bank systems. This was timely because the bank needed someone to step into the check processing team lead. Since then he has focused on helping Society become 20 times larger. In that time there were many mergers, application re-works, and package installations.

• Installed CPCS release 1.7.,1.8, and 1.9

• Installed Vector 3 release 2.3. and Vector 3000

• Worked on Vector 5 and Vector 1/10

• Added CPCS item capture sites in Toledo, Indianapolis, and South Bend.

• Created and implemented a disaster recovery check processing system using CPCS.

• Implemented CS Multisite technology into an existing CPCS System.

Highlights of Time at Keycorp 1994-2004:

After the Society / Keycorp merger he continued to work with all aspects of CPCS and related systems. He also was responsible for off hours support of Check and other systems.

• Installed Society’s Vector 3000 system into Key Bank’s check processing sites.

• Designed Cash Balance System.

• Off shift troubleshooting for all major mainframe applications

• 2002-2004 contracted to Keycorp from CTG working in the same areas

Highlights of Time at National City Bank 2004-2007:

Contracted into NCB through Cynergies Solution.

• Designed, Programmed and Installed batch Image Processing System. Interfaced to CPCS

• Created and installed a UFAM interface from Data Server to EDS.

• CICS Testing, including creating CICS Test Systems, structure and data, running CIF/CIM testing for Stress, Production Readiness, System, QA.

• Developed documentation and jobs to create and load the data needed for the various testing.

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