John M Stephens
Knoxville, TN 37922
I have been a Human Resource Manager for 1600 people experienced in a variety of management, leadership, and analytical positions throughout a 26 year Navy career. I have a proven record managing an inventory of over 12,000 enlisted sailors in over 40 different specialties. As a seasoned Human Resource professional of 11 years, I have custom designed audience tailored training, managed payroll, tracked safety, and have strong analytical skills. Additionally, I have excellent written and verbal communication skills. I am an expert in all Microsoft Office programs.
Aug 09-Present Navy Operational Support Center Atlanta
Medical Department Head /Human Resource Manager
•Create quantitative metrics that deliver personal and web based training to 80 team leaders (Commanding Officers) throughout the organization.
•Responsible for all levels of training concerning sexual harassment, equal opportunity, and educating personnel on proper grievance procedures.
•Payroll Director and Staffing Director for over 1600 naval reservist, simultaneously tracking over 8,000 drill pay periods for 38 different departments.
•Develops courses for senior and junior enlisted leadership continuums that consistently convey all three aspects of the Navy Core Values. Honor, Courage, and Commitment
•Tracks discipline problems and forms corrective action plans as necessary. Collaborates with all co-workers to increase operational awareness and organizational training proficiency.
•Safety Manger routinely inspects office spaces and industrial areas for possible hazards and insures mandatory industrial hygiene surveys are completed from all units.
Aug/07 - Aug 09 Navy Operational Support Center Knoxville, TN
Senior Enlisted Leader/Employee Relation Specialist
•Employee Relations Specialist responsible to the executive leadership for all issues concerning employee morale, welfare, or any barrier preventing them from executing the organizational mission and strategy.
•Resolve a wide range of customer concerns; apply diplomacy and assertiveness to executive level Human Resources and Career Management decisions.
•Responsible for proper recruitment and solving staffing shortages for 180 sailors in 10 different units.
•Managed the organizational climate by supervising the completion of a Department Equal Opportunity Management Survey for 180 employees.
•Career development manager: generates reports on training and career milestones key to employee progression and improvement.
• Created and implemented an employee recognition program.
Sep/04 - Aug 07 Navy Personnel Command Millington TN
Human Resource Manager
•Populated and designed a digital dashboard, generated other excel based graphics and power point lectures used to make multimillion dollar decisions at the highest levels of the Navy Organization.
•Analyzed organizational historical data over a 30 year history to develop manning initiatives for recruiting goals, employee bonuses and future job requirement forecasting. This complex work insured all naval equal employment policies were being followed at the highest levels of naval leadership.
•As Training Requirement Manager, provided funding and reserved school quotas for 40 job specialties and forecasted attrition rates from earlier recruiting goals.
•Job quota manager for a community of 12,000 sailors. Controlled requirements insuring all critical specialties were manned properly to avoid inventory short falls.
Aug /85-Sep 04 Summary Military Experience over Numerous Duty Stations
Executive Manager/ Clinic Manager / Safety Officer
•Managed three Branch Medical Clinics throughout my Navy career. Responsible for training junior medical personnel on OSHA standards as it relates to work center safety.
•15 years of experience as a Health Benefits Advisor.
•Investigated incidents regarding Navy personnel and the proper use of military discipline, thus protecting the organization’s best interest without violating employee rights.
•10 years experience as the Drug and Alcohol Program Manager at a variety of commands.
•Five years experience as a Urinalysis Coordinator supporting the Navy’s zero drug tolerance policy.
•Drafted numerous policies and procedures that promote equal and fair treatment throughout the Navy organization.
Bachelor of Science Degree in Human Resources, Cum Laude, Park University, Parkville, MO 2007
Associates Degree in General Studies, Cum Laude, Vincennes University Vincennes, IN. 1998
References: Available upon request