Moshe Kerr
(**) *** **** (054-***-****
To find a position capitalizing on my varied life experience or bring my life skills into a new endeavor.
My varied life experiences and abilities include military training, farming and ranching, metal and wood building construction, bicycle touring, football, politics, and natural healing.
I recently started developing organic livestock feed methods utilizing high protein algae designed to address the lack of grazing land in Israel.
Owner, Shlepper for Hire Movers, Central Israel 2002 - 2006
• Initiated and grew the company from one employee to as many as 8 per job.
• Through attention to detail and outstanding customer service, made the company into the first choice for movers among English speakers in Israel.
• Voted via satisfied clients to be one of the top 5 moving companies in Israel as listed by Midrag.
Partner, Yossi's Dog Kennel, Beit Shemesh, Israel 2001 - 2002
• Responsible for guard dog training
• Disseminated my previous training and experience into a small business
• Established contacts all the kibbutzim in the country
Theological Study, Yeshivat Dvar Yerushalaim 1992 - 2003
• Advanced from complete novice in Jewish studies to top member of the Advanced Learning segment
• Completed study of the entire Talmud
Cattle Barn Foreman, Kibbutz Gan Shmuel 1990 - 1992
• Responsible for cattle barn of 453 head of cattle
• Gained experience learning the milk cattle industry
Advertising Agency Partner, Tulsa, Oklahoma USA 1983 - 1988
• Created silk-screen designs.
• Solicited and bid advertising accounts.
• Delivered finished goods and completed account, ensuring client satisfaction.
• Researched competitive market trends and values for determining lowest bid.
Band Manager, Tulsa, Oklahoma USA 1984 - 1985
• Responsible for booking and billing band performances
Gas Station Manager Dallas, Texas USA 1981 - 1982
• Responsible for inventory, managing books, employees
• Increased sales of full-service gas over self-serve by 40%, highly increasing station profits
• Hands-on Mechanical experience doing car repairs in the garage
Mechanical Engineering Texas State Technical Institute, Waco, Texas, USA 1983
• Studied programmable lathes and milling machines
• Translated machine code to computer code and vice versa
• Learn to translate a theoretical design into practical design that my computer controlled lathes and milling machines could produce.
• Read engineering blueprints.
Liberal Arts University of Texas A&M, College Station, Texas, USA
1977 - 1981
• Major: Russian History Soviet Diplomacy
• Minor: English Literature
• Founding member of nascent Sanhedrin
• Liaison to the US B'nei Noach movement
• Top Schutzhund agitator, competition training
• Art Enthusiast
• Massage Therapist
• Student of natural healing, including Jin Shin Jyutsu
• Devotee of organic bio farming and algae cattle based feeds
• Touring Bicycle Enthusiast