Senior Quality Engineer
Andand kumar has 13 years of experience with leading & highly recognized Oil & Gas, Refinery, and Petrochemical & Marine Industry Proven abilities as a self starter in achieving the project targets, significantly contributing towards sustained growth and success of the company, a fast paced competitive and computerized environment. A team leader/ player with abilities in implementing strategies for achieving organizational goals and industry’s best practices with proactive approach in market build up, with clear awareness of leading technologies, customer psychographics and key performance indicators complemented by strong communication, analytical problem solving and relation management skills.
• FPSO/FPS Conversion, Skull, Topside modules, central processing platforms LQ, flares,, Fabrication and Construction of Process Pressure Piping, Heavy Offshore Structures and offshore Pipe lay and riser installation.
• Oil & gas Pipe lines/Flow lines Construction onshore/Offshore.
• Casing, Tubing, Drill Pipe, HPU Units, Hangers, Packers, Tiebacks, Riser Systems, Rigid Jumper fabrication between jigs & Running Tools to maintain X,Y & Z dimensions,
• LNG Plants Construction onshore
• Crude oil & gas gathering station Construction onshore
• Main pumping stations Construction onshore
• Production Stations Construction onshore
• Power & desalination plants Construction onshore
• Oil well pad hook-ups Construction onshore
• On shore Manifolds etc.
• Process separation-Oil & Gas, Produced Water, Flare, Water Injection, Gas Compression, Gas dehydration (TEG), Chemical Injection, Methanol injection, Heat Transfer, Heating Medium, Cooling Medium, Fuel Gas, Drain, Pigging, Power, Integration / Pipe rack.
Experience with Foster Wheeler
Duration : From 06-Mar-12 to till date
Designation : Senior Engineer – Construction (QA/QC)
Project : 15MMPTA Grassroot Paradip Refinery Project
Client : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
• Assign and authorise competent site staff to inspect and monitor the quality of work in accordance with the Site Quality Plan, contractor’s method statements, and inspection and test plans.
• Implement and maintain a system for the compilation and collation of a comprehensive record of construction quality documentation and certification of all construction work, and assist in the satisfactory handover of the completed plant to the Client.
• Ensure that the Contractors Quality Control records reflect the items in the inspection and test plan with strict adherence to identified ‘hold points’.
• Review, coordinate, and accept all contractors’ deliverables as detailed in the Supplier Document Index such as quality plans, inspection and test plans, method statements, procedures, specifications, materials supplies and certification, trade tests, third party inspection etc prior to work commencing.
• Provide construction welding engineering support to the General Superintendent and construction contractors.
• Ensure all welding operations in the work scope are carried out in accordance with Client and National standards and practices.
• Organise, plan and control the work of welding inspections and all site welding inspectors.
• Liaise with Technology Group for the approval of welding procedures.
• Ensure progressive and systematic acceptance and retention of welding records to enable turnover of original records to the Client on handover of major parts of the project.
• Ensure adequate inspection training and procedures to undertake and check all elements of the work process.
Other Experience
Duration : Sep-2010 to Feb 2012.
Origination : Technip KSA for SATORP Projects
Designation : Senior QA/QC Engineer
Job Details :
• Review of QAP's with QC engineer for understanding and readiness of requirements of Third Party Inspection stages and arranging resources.
• Review and Approval of Project documents like Method of Statements, Inspection and Test Plan & Check Lists for all disciplines. Mechanical, Structural, Piping, Civil, HVAC & Coating.
• Coordinate all receipt inspections
• Distribute relevant QA/QC documentation to site subcontractors
• Verify that the quality related site activities are in accordance with the applicable codes and standards
• Participate in the site internal and external site audits
• Coordinate all the quality site inspections through the site QC inspectors
• Ensure all quality control documentation is complied and competed for as-built hand over through the QC turnover engineer
• Control all non-conformance reports and undertake remedial action
• Developing & Controlling Quality documents such as Contract Quality Plan, Quality Control Plan, Method statements and approval from Client.
• Identify weld joints by categories.(Location in Vessel) by types.(How made, double welded, etc)
• Determine the accept/reject values for weld imperfections located using radiography.
• Define the extent of radiography required by code for a desired joint efficiency.
• Determine weld joint efficiencies based on RT markings.
• Determine the E to be used for calculating the required thickness or allowed pressure for seamless shell sections and seamless heads.
• Calculate the required of cylindrical shell based on circumferential stress given a pressure.
• Calculate the Vessel part (MAWP) Maximum Allowed Working Pressure for a cylindrical shell based on a circumferential stress given a metal thickness.
• Rework Tracking system maintenance.
• Raising NCR's for on job specific deviations noticed and resolving and closing them.
• Ensure Timely corrective actions on deviations/Reworks/NCR found during audits.
• Control further processing of Non Conforming works until the deficiency or unsatisfactory condition is corrected.
• Monthly assessment of Percent Weld defects department wise.
• On time final documentation submission to QA.
• On time NDE.
• Calibration and Maintenance of NDT and other instruments.
• Communication with teams to promote quality culture.
• Evaluate and develop improved techniques for control of quality and customer satisfaction.
• To be customer interface, coordinate, respond, and resolve customer complaints.
• Performs standard tests to verify condition of equipment and calibration of meters and gauges, using test equipment and hand tools.
• Evaluates factors, such as materials used, safety devices, regulators, construction quality, and riveting, welding, pitting, corrosion, cracking, and safety valve operation.
• Calculates allowable limits of pressure, strength, and stresses.
• Examines permits and inspection records to determine that inspection schedule and remedial actions conform to procedures and regulations.
• Keeps records and prepares reports of inspections and investigations for administrative or legal authorities.
• Investigates accidents to determine causes and to develop methods of preventing recurrences.
• Confers with engineers, manufacturers, contractors, owners, and operators concerning problems in construction, operation, and repair.
Duration : July-2009 to July 2010.
Origination : Qatalum Projects in Qatar Petroleum
Designation : Senior QA/QC Engineer
Job Details
• Inspects drawings, designs, and specifications for pressure vessels, boilers and piping.
• Review the matrix (list) of Proposed Welding Procedure Specification to ensure that the essential and non essential variables written of proposed WPS covers the code Eg. API 1104 requirements for kind of API materials grouping and filler metals specified are complying to AWS grouping etc
• Installation, Hydro Testing, Pre-commissioning & commissioning of Under Ground (GLASS REINFORCED EPOXY) GRE Pipings for Fire Water & Sea Water system
• Review CAREFULLY the Proposed WPSs variables shall meet the Contract documents and Client (COMPANY) specification. E.g. The usage of type of clamps external or internal only etc.
• Ensure that production coupon mechanical tests/corrosion tests /NDT are carried out as per Company/Code Spec if applicable
• Document dossiers are reviewed and the fabricated items are released with Inspection Release Note.
• NCRs being issued if any deficiencies found during any QMS process during Engineering, mobilization, materials supply process, fabrication & inspection process etc.
• NCRs are closed out with appropriate corrective actions after through investigations.
• Define the Commissioning packages as per system, area & priorities
• Expedite to the subcontractors for complete the job with respect to MC manual.
• Align the construction priorities as per Mechanical Completion requirements
• Carry out MC Check outs prior to release for commissioning for Mechanical, Piping, HVAC & Structural.
• Carry out the commissioning for the different systems as per priorities.
• Coordinate with operations to ensure all the commissioning activities are performed
• Final walk outs with operations prior to handover the operations.
• Commissioning of different systems like fire water, sea water systems includes underground pipe lines.
• Commissioning of Jacket piping with high temperature heating medium.
• Carry out the final inspection of storage tanks and issue the Mechanical Completion Certificate.
Duration : Feb 2003 to July-2009.
Origination : Dry docks World - Dubai., United Arab Emirates.
Designation : QA/QC Engineer (Piping, Mechanical, Outfitting &Coating)
Major projects
• Construction of FPSO Projects including Topside modules under SAIPEM name as Mystras II, Cidade Vitoria, Gimboa
• Construction of FPSO Projects including Top side Modules for FPSO Project under SBM name as Frade, Xikomba.
Construction of FSO Projects including Top side Modules for FSO Project under Diffenrt Clients name as Jahare Viking, Knock Adoon.
Job details
• Planning, organizing coordinating and controlling the activities of quality inspectors.
• Liaison with the Ship repair manager/Project mangers/Department managers, Supervisors, Owner representatives and classification Surveyors as necessary when planning, performing and reporting results of in-process inspections
• Ensure that the work carried out complies with international construction codes, project specifications, tender, work instructions, procedure and manuals as appropriate.
• Deployment of manpower and equipment in the most efficient way.
• Provide back up to the Senior QC Inspectors for managing and handling projects including providing technical advice as required.
• Ensure that the Contractor is monitoring the Welder Performance and produce a register record for Company’s approval on a frequency.
• Ensure that Company take appropriate action if the overall rejection rate exceeds a specified limit and ensure overall weld quality is being continuously improved.
• A weld map is made showing all details of joint numbers.
• All weld history sheets are reviewed and signed off.
• All NDT reports are reviewed and approved.
• Final documentation reviewed and approved
• Making surveillance visits at fabrication facilities to ensure active quality control is in place by the Contractor and all agreed tests/NDT are carried out.
• Ensure that all work is carried out to the required quality in the best possible manner and within the guidelines of industry's best engineering practices. Encourage the use of proper techniques for undertaking jobs. Ensure optimum utilization of materials & equipment.
• Develop and implement work routine inspection procedures for the department.
• Develop and implement procedures for sophisticated activities and ensure that work is carried out as per the set guidelines.
• Raising Occurrence report (NCR) and approving re-work processes.
• Maintain a record of Qualified NDT technicians. Advise Client's on the technical issues related to the department's work. Produce evidence to prove the subject issue by way of Books of Standards. Historical data and the like
• External auditing for qualifying and certifying sub contractors.
• Internal auditing as a part of Quality management system.
• Preparation/Review of Inspection Test Plan.
• Review of Quality assurance Plan
• Preparation/Review of Work Instructions
• Review of Welding map / welding book for projects.
Duration : August-2001 to Jan-2003
Origination : Reliance Petroleum Ltd. Jamnagar
Designation : Welding Inspector.
Job Details
• Joint Fit-up configuration, attachment of welds and dimensional checking (including electronic)
• Consumable Storage & Handling, Consumable Specification
• Welding process/Equipment Calibration, Welders Qualification
• Welding procedure specification, Welding procedure qualification records
• Welders repair rate controlling, Welder map maintain for each projects
• Visual Inspection for surface appearance and weld soundness
• NDT Procedures / operator qualifications, verifying NDT techniques meets project specification
• NDT requirement comply to project specifications
• Coordination with NDT Technicians/Subcontractors
• Witnessing of NDT activities.
• NDT activities and verify result
Duration : Oct-1999 to Jul-2001
Origination : M/s Furnace Fabric (I) Ltd, Mumbai
Designation : QC Inspector.
Projects : IOCL Panipat, NALCO Damanjodi, VAM ORGANICS Gagrola
Job Details
• Positive material identification (PMI) for various material used on project
• Witnessing fit-ups inspection of pipe spools prior releasing for welding which includes checks on part heat numbers to traceability, dimensions, correct pipe rolling, joint numbers, joint preparation configuration and alignment are as per correct approved Technical spool Drawings drawing and coordinate for class and client witness.
• In Daily activities like monitoring welding, performing weld audits, random inspection whether the assigned welder for the job is qualified as per required WPS & requirement or any deviation from approved W.P.S
• Weld visual Inspection of materials like CS, SS, duplex, super duplex, alloy steel, CR.MO.NI steel, copper nickel.
• In heat treatment witnessing like PWHT
• Re weld visual inspections before offering to NDT,
• Coordinate and wittiness with class and client for Non Destructive tests like Ultrasonic, Radiographic Film Interpretation, Magnetic Particle Inspection and Dye Penetrate Inspection
• Final spool release which includes recheck of N.D.T conformance, dimensions, and spool traceability of joints with joint weld visual inspection and root finish in compliance to standards.