Milledgeville, GA *****
Miekei Thomas
Objective Maintain a career in customer relations as well as extend my knowledge in customer service.
Experience 2007-2008 Kroger Milledgeville,GA
Train new employees
Cash, credit, check transaction
2003-2007 Shoprite Wharton, NJ
Overnight Cashier
Stocking shelves
Cash transactions
Answering phones
Handling customer problems
Shipping and receiving
1998-2003 Fashion Bug Morristown
Assistant Manager
Cash, credit, and check transactions
Train new employees
Daily bank deposits
Yearly inventory
Supervision of employees
Education 1994-1998 Morristown High Morristown, NJ
Graduated 2.9 GPA
2010-Present Everest University Brandon, FL
Working on Associate Degree in MBIC
GPA 3.10
References furnished upon request