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Solid environmental background, strong knowledge of environmental poli

United States
July 17, 2009

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Nationality: Italian Date of birth: 30/05/1971

Contacts: E-mail: *******.*******@*****.*** Mob: +39-339*******

Address: Via dei Quintili 134 00175 Rome Italy


Professional experiences in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams. Solid environmental background, strong knowledge of environmental policies. Expert in air quality preliminary assessment, monitoring systems optimization, pollution sources identification. Highly committed to work, dynamic, motivated with excellent interpersonal/communication skills. Ability to make effective oral presentations, write clear and concise reports, very proficient in data gathering and analysis. Able to adapt readily to new situations, disseminate information, build synergy in a team. Goal: project management in air quality improvement, soil quality conservation, energy efficiency. Keen on being exposed to a wide range of assignments to challenge skills and provide fresh professional experience. Availability to travel and transfer


From November up to now-Reseda Onlus- Rome - Information and training Officer

• Call for proposals effectiveness evaluation

• Training course coordination • Projects and reports writing

• Project budgets management

• Liaise with teachers, public authority and community groups

From 9/2006 to 11/2008 Urumqi (China) and Rome –

C.N.R- Institute for Atmospheric Pollution- National Research Council –

Technical advisor-Sino-Italian Cooperation Program for Environment Protection-

“Air Quality Monitoring Improvement in Urumqi-Xinjiang-China”

• Project management

• Organization and planning of air quality monitoring campaigns

• Emission inventory

• Optimization and design of air monitoring system

• Documents and reports writing

• Data processing and elaboration • Organization of trainings, meetings and workshops

• Mediation with Chinese government officials

• Liaison with the Italian Ministries for the environment and for the Economic development.

• Consultant for the Municipality of Urumqi to procure an air monitoring system

• Project proposal drafting

From 11/2003 to 09/2006 Rome –

C.R.A. – Experimental Institute for Plant Nutrition- Agricultural Research Council

Research assistantship on: soil quality, soil conservation, soil protection, soil fertility, biological fertility, impact of GMO

• Project coordination

• Experimental plan design

• Field campaign coordination and design

• Qualitative and quantitative chemical and physical soil analyses

• Development and implementation of new analytical methods • Data elaboration and processing

• Presentations of the results

• Visiting lecturer in seminars and workshops

• Project proposal drafting for European Funds

From 5/2003 to 11/2003 Maputo, Mozambique

Kulima NGO- Non Governmental Organization- Environmental project

• Feasibility study

• Drafting environmental conservation projects for IUCN and UE Funds,

• Liaison with donors and stakeholders

• Audit of the ongoing environmental projects of the NGO. KPMG (South Africa)-Consultant Company-Environmental consultant for drafting technical report “Energy survey in Sofala Province” commissioned Mozambique National Energy Department.

• Research and survey to determine the impact of charcoal on deforestation in Sofala province.

• Indication on the different kinds of energy to implement

From 9/2002 to 5/2003 Rome - Reseda Onlus- Cooperative

Information Officer. Environmental educational projects management, elaboration and execution in a regional park. Coordination and supervision of events to promote the Ecological Cultural Centre. Liaison with public authorities.

From 1999 to 2002 Italy- Imperla Cooperative, Tourist Operator Four Season, Tourist Operator Consuv

During my university years: Geological and Environmental guide for students and families in many Italian natural parks

From 1995 to 1999 - Roma – The Italian Student Loan Fund

During my university years Administrative assistant- Conference work (organization and secretarial work), basic book-keeping, liaison with banks, firms, and students


From November 2003 to November 2006

PhD in Agricultural Chemistry- University “Cattolica del Sacro Cuore” Milan -Faculty of Agronomy

Experimental thesis (3 years): “Monitoring of GMP impact on soil ecosystem”. Soil conservation, soil biodiversity, soil quality, soil conservation law. Preparation of lectures, lecturing, preparation of hand-outs and exercises.

February 2002

Advanced University Degree in Natural Sciences. Grade 108/110 University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Faculty of Natural Sciences

Experimental thesis (2 years) in atmospheric pollution (valid as Master degree): “Validation and use of a new diffusive sampler for ozone assessment ”.

Main subjects studied: chemistry, physics, mathematics, geology, botany, ecology, zoology, nature conservation and management, environmental law.

June 1992

High school graduation Grade 48/60


November 2008: Promotion of Energy efficiency in the public sector- 80 hours- Igeam-Rome Province (Italy)

October 2008: European strategy on Energy efficiency- 40 hours- Enea (Italy)

October 2008: Project Management- 40 hours- Enea (Italy)


Mother tongue: Italian: mother tongue

English: Fluent spoken and written

French: Basic spoken and written

Portuguese: Basic spoken and written

Spanish :Basic spoken and written


Computer skills: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Project, Outlook), Windows (95, 98, XP, Vista), Internet Explorer, Statistica Statsoft 6.0

Driving licence: Driving license, sailing license, motorboat license, scuba-diving license, swimming license.

Hobbies and interests: Reading, travelling, sports, music (pop and rock), art, volunteer work

Social skills and competences: Excellent interpersonal/communication skills. Able to achieve a friendly work environment. Reliable and adaptable, highly committed to work, preference for team works.

Organisational skills and competences: Strong sense of initiative, able to maintain work relations at all levels, to delegate multiple tasks, to manage and coordinate professional and technical teams

Technical Reports:

• B. D’Angelo et al. “Air monitoring improvement in Urumqi”. Final report-July 2008.

• B. D’Angelo. “Air monitoring improvement”. Executive plan- December 2006.

• Benedetti, L.Pompili, C.Meconi, B. D’Angelo, L. Nisini, “Biodiversità e Bioindicazione nella provincia di Pavia. Technical report CRA- ISNP -Dicembre 2005.

• Benedetti, S. Mocali, B.D’Angelo, A.Dentice, L. Nisini, “Programma triennale di monitoraggio dell’impatto diretto e differito di colture geneticamente modificate sull’ambiente suolo” Technical report CRA-ISNP, Dicembre 2005.

• F. De Santis, C. Vazzana, B. D'Angelo, T. Dogeroglu, S. Menichelli & I.Allegrini"Validation and use of a new diffusive sampler for ozone assessment in the Lazio Region, Italy"Air Pollution X, WIT Press.

• F. Manes, M.A Giannini, F. De Santis, R. Fiorini, B. D’Angelo. “Biomonitoring of ozone damage on sensitive clover biotipe by mini-stations along a climatic gradient. Atti del Convegno UN/ECE 2001. Trier (Germany).

• F.De Santis, B.D’Angelo, C.Vazzana, S.Menichelli, “Campionamento Diffusivo di Inquinanti Atmosferici nelle Stazioni Agro-meteorologiche dell’ARSIAL”, Technical report CNR - Maggio 2002.

• F.De Santis, B.D’Angelo, T.Dogeroglu, A.Fino, S.Menichelli, R.Ruggeri, C.Vazzana, “Determinazione di Ozono nelle Stazioni Agro-meteorologiche dell’ARSIAL tramite Campionatori Passivi”, Technical report CNR - Marzo 2001..

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