Maheswararao Madireddi
Present Address
Permanent Address
S/o Kannam Naidu,
Andhra Pradesh-535580,
Personal Details
Date of Birth :20th june 1990
Sex : Male
Nationality : Indian
Marital Status : Single
Known Languages :
Contact No :919*********.
Intend to build a career with leading corporate of hi-tech environment committed & dedicated people, which will help me to explore myself fully and realize my potential. Willing to work as a key player in challenging & creative environment.
B. Tech (CSE) – 66.76%,
Year of Passing – 2011
GOKUL institute of technology & Sciences,
Affiliated to JNTU, Kakinada.
Year of Passing – 2007,
Board of intermediate education,
Hyderabad, AP.
X STD (SSC) – 86.17%,
Year of Passing – 2005,
State Board of Secondary Education,
Hyderabad, A.P.
Highly motivated to work as a team.
Excellent technical abilities, good analytical skills, communication skills and interpersonal skills.
Ability to adapt to new technologies.
Skill set
Programming Languages :C,J2SE,J2EE,STRUTS,
Web Technologies : HTML,JAVASCRIPT.
Database : ORACLE11G.
Operating System : Windows 98/2000/XP.
Proficiency in Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
Project Work (B. Tech)
Project Description:
The aim of this project is to develop an interactive voting system with which users can participate using their vote. The project will involve two phases:
The development of a graphical front-end to the voting system, the development of a web-based administration tool. The results from the proposed project will be an integrated system capable of receiving input from users , manipulating the received data and outputting it to users in a graphical form via plasma screens located around the campus.
J2SE development environment. Used for developing the server application.
J2EE development environment. Used for developing the web based application.
ORACLE11G development environment. Used for developing back-end application.
Working Experience
• 3 Months Training on Oracle wih Wipro Technologies
1 C Programming Language
2 J2SE (Version JDK 1.6)
3 SQL(Oracle 11g)
4 PLSQL(Oracle 11g)
5 DBA(Oracle 11g)
6 RLL(Real Life Lab)
Co-curricular Activities
• Participated in technical and non-technical events
1 Technical Events:
• Participated in TEJAS 2011(Paper Presentation) in Gokul Institute of Technolgy and sciences.
• Participated in Akanksha 2009(Paper Presentation) in Gokul Institute of Technology and sciences.
2 Non Technical Events:
• Participated in Blood Bank campaign In the intermediate level
• Participated in the event organized in the year 2010 for economically backward people for education in rural areas near to my college
1 Participated in many Cricket events
Management skills, hardworking, successful team player and can excel when working as an individual and ability to work in any contingencies.
I here by declare that all the above-furnished information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am a hard working and sincere person and can ably work both as an individual and also as part of a team.