Resume of Scott Ruberl
**** ***** - ***. #***, **********, Texas 75402
E-Mail: *******@***.*** - Homepage:
• 38 years planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling going concern operating activities.
• Highly motivated “self starter” experienced with key positions supporting multi-million dollar contracts.
• Effective at enhancing profitability, quality and overall competitive performance via simplification, system integration and "Best Process/Practice" implementation/automation.
• Information Technology Specialties include Microsoft Project, Open Plan Professional (OPP), Steelray, Risky Project, Risk+, @Risk, Milestones Professional, Pert Chart Expert, Visio, MPM, DOORS, Cobra, SAP, SharePoint, Outlook, Lotus Notes, WEBEX, Lync, Microsoft Office and Visual Basic (VBA).
• DoD Secret with Special Access.
2/12 – 9/12 Triad/Boeing St. Louis, MO.:
• Performed Open Plan Professional (OPP) Scheduling for $93M segment of P-8A (Poseidon) Program:
Defining Performance Management Baselines (PMB), incorporating Engineering Change Proposals (ECPs), processing Baseline Changes, preparing “At Completion” Estimates/Forecasts/Variances (e.g.: EAC/FAC/VAC) and “In Process” metrics (e.g.: BCWP, BCWS, ACWP, CPI, SPI, TCPI, CPLI, BEI).
Developing predecessor/successor network logic structures with critical path and horizontal/vertical program traceability (e.g.: Event, Accomplishment, Criteria, CLIN, SoW, WBS, CA, WP, PP, SVT, etc).
Teamed with and mentored Responsible Program Authorities ensuring compliance with DI-MGMT-81650, DoD 5000, ANSI/EIA-748, DCMA IMS Assessment Guide, and related acquisition standards/benchmarks/metrics and “Tripwires” consistent with applicable contract mechanics.
6/11 – 2/12 Independent Contractor/Australian Defense Department – Ft. Worth, TX. & Washington D.C.:
• Prepared Schedule Compliance Risk Assessment Methodology (SCRAM) for the F-35 Program:
Evaluated Australia Air Defense “Gap” probabilities concerning $17B segment of $385B Program.
Independently calculated aircraft delivery success probabilities and related schedule margins.
Validated F-35 Joint Program Office Primavera/Microsoft Project Risk Schedule forecasts.
3/10 – 6/11 L-3 Greenville, TX.:
• Implemented IMS for an $80M proprietary aircraft program:
Submitted Monthly MS Project IMS Contract Data Requirement List (CDRL) item.
Prepared Earned Value Management compliance artifacts including WBS Data Dictionary, procedures, instructions, templates, forms, macros, spread sheets and supporting lists.
Prepared Schedule Risk Analysis (SRA) consistent with System Engineering Management Process (SEMP), Risk Management Plan (RMP) and EVMS/IMS CDRL DIDs.
Prepared briefing data packages for Integrated Baseline (IBRs) and Program Management Reviews.
10/07 – 3/11 Steve Meyers & Associates (SM&A):
• Resource loaded and baselineded Microsoft Project Schedules for:
F-35 aircraft flight controls (Moog – Buffalo,NY.);
Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) RADAR (NorthropGrumman – Hawthorne CA.); and
Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Satellite Sensor (VIIRS) (Raytheon – El Segundo,CA.).
1/07 – 10/07 Celeris Systems/Boeing – Seal Beach, CA.:
• Managed Test Assets for Global Positioning Satellite (GPS-IIF) Program:
Dispatched Control Facilities, Satellite Simulators, Antenna systems, test personnel, etc. assignments;
Provided Bi-monthly status briefings for client executives and Air Force customers; and
Successfully negotiated contract schedule extensions and new business proposals.
Resume of Scott Ruberl (Continued)
1/95 - 12/06 (Retired): Senior Scientist, Computer Sciences Corporation, El Segundo, CA
• Performed Information Technology (IT)/Cost/Schedule integration and Integrated Master Scheduling for:
Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) BMC3/SE&I Battle Management Program;
Farmers (Zurich) Insurance;
Common Torpedo (COTS-DV) Naval torpedo Program;
Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles;
Surface Search RADAR (SSR) shipboard RADAR Program;
County Government of San Diego IT outsourcing;
Digital Surveillance Airport Radar (DASR) Program;
J.P. Morgan Bank IT outsourcing; and
Raytheon’s APEX-SAP IT transition/implementation Program.
10/84 - 1/95: Group Program Manager, General Motors Hughes Electronics, El Segundo, CA
• Performed Technology/Cost/Schedule Integration for:
Air Intercept Missile (AIM-9X) air -to-air superiority missile Program;
Corps protection Surface to Air (CorpSAM) tactical missile Program;
Theater High Altitude Air Defense (THAAD) Program;
Vessel Trafficking System (VTS - 2000) maritime navigation /communication Program; and
• Directed the Computer Aided Logistics Support/Commerce At Light Speed (CALS) Program:
Eliminated $3M+ of recurring costs - saved 20+% of schedule.
Aligned Engineering, Manufacturing, Integrated Logistics Support, Data/Configuration and Program Management processes with DoD, DoC and General Motors parent.
Created and maintained metric/analytics dashboards.
Transitioned Industry Data Standards (e.g.: IGES, PDES, CALS) with government authorities.
11/82 - 10/84: Department Manager, Northrop Corporation, El Segundo, CA
• Implemented B2 Bomber related Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) systems:
Staffed 100+ person department - established and communicated goals/objectives, defined methodologies, tasks/activities, and related performance roles/responsibilities.
Innovated applications of three-dimensional solid geometric modeling/interactive computer graphics to composite airframe structure - low radar cross section aircraft.
11/1981 - 11/82: Program Manager, Hughes Aircraft Company, El Segundo, CA
• Directed Program functions including, planning approval, budgets, and work breakdown structure.
6/78 - 11/81: Department Supervisor, General Dynamics, San Diego, CA
• Implemented flexibly automated manufacturing methods, related labor standards, and IT cost systems.
11/77 - 6/78: Chief Manufacturing Engineer, Pullman Incorporated, Hammond, IN
• Increased productivity by simplifying work and integrating/automating fabrication/assembly segments.
6/74 - 11/77: Nuclear Engineer, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Tampa, FL
• Devised work standards/performance measures, manufacturing advances and union teaming actions.
• B.S. Industrial Engineering, 1975, Cornell University
• Earned Value Management (EVM) Certification (Boeing - 2012)
• Schedule Compliance Risk Assessment Methodology (SCRAM - 2011)
• National Cryptologic School Operations Security Certification (OPSEC - 2010)
• Open Plan Professional Version 3.3. Certification (Deltek University - 2009)
• Defense Systems Management College (DSMC) Program Management
• FAA Private Pilot License (Airplane Single Engine Land with Instrument Rating)