Mariano Guardo, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE
Royal Palm Beach, Florida 33411-6109
561-***-**** home; 561-***-**** mobile
Emails: *******@*******.***; *******@**************.***
Ph.D. Hydraulic Engineering. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. August 1988.
MSCE. Hydrology and Water Resources. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. May 1984.
Diploma of Civil Engineer (5-year degree). Catholic University (UCAB), Caracas, Venezuela. September 1976.
Professional Summary
Dr. Guardo is a civil/environmental engineer with twenty eight years experience in hydraulics and hydrology (H&H), water resources, earth dams and reservoirs design, wetland hydrology and restoration, environmental studies, water quality, soil mechanics, statistical analysis, modeling simulations (1-D steady flow, hydrologic, seepage, 1-D and 2-D hydrodynamics, groundwater, and regional), project management, and teaching and training. At the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Dr. Guardo provided leadership to multidisciplinary teams of internal and external (engineers and scientists) professionals working on restoration projects in hydraulics, hydrodynamic modeling, seepage modeling, water budgets, and short-circuiting and roughness coefficients in wetlands. His participation in a wide variety of projects at the SFWMD includes design of hydraulic structures, conveyance analysis in major canals, dredging analysis, hydrologic studies, regional modeling, water supply planning, and review of pump calibrations and flow verifications for farms. Dr. Guardo has acquired management skills through experience and training. He was the project manager for projects with Broward County on basin improvements, hydraulic structure replacement, and wetland rehydration; as well as for the Alternative Water Supply (AWS) contracts on projects in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Okeechobee Counties; and for others H&H contracts. He participated in research and cooperative projects with US Geological Survey (USGS) in Reston, VA; US Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville, FL; University of Florida; Florida Atlantic University, University of California, Berkeley; and Florida International University. Additionally, he was involved with projects for Lake Worth Drainage District, Palm Beach County, and Seminole Tribe of Florida. His work experience also includes design and consulting engineering in Venezuela and the United States, as well as consulting for the World Meteorological Organization (UN) in El Salvador. Dr. Guardo was an assistant professor for the Civil Engineering Department of the Catholic University in Caracas, Venezuela, and an adjunct professor for the Civil and Ocean Engineering and Geology Departments of Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL.
Other Relevant Technical Coursework and Training
Soil-Cement in Water Resources, Portland Cement Association, FDEP & ASDSO, West Palm Beach, FL; Wastewater Treatment Processes and Operation, TREEO Center, University of Florida, West Palm Beach, FL; Off-Stream Dam Failure Analysis Using FLDWAY/BREACH Models, FDEP & ASDSO, Tampa, FL; Seepage for Earth Dams, FDEP & ASDSO, Tampa, FL; IS 630 and IS 631, Emergency Management Institute, FEMA, SFWMD; Earth Dam Design and Performance Evaluation, BCI, Tampa, FL; FEMA Public Assistance, FEMA & FL DEM, SFWMD; Stormwater Management and Design, FES, Orlando, FL; HEC-RAS, SFWMD; Treatment Wetlands Short Course, CH2MHILL, West Palm Beach, FL; Water Quality and Hydrodynamic Modeling with CE-OUAL-W2 Portland State University, Portland, OR; Trigrid and 2-D Modeling with FESWMS,USGS, Little Rock, AR; Arc-Info for Modelers, SFWMD; Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling with SWMM-IV, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; Ecological Modeling, Ohio State University, SFWMD; SAS, SAS, SFWMD; C Language, SFWMD; Unsteady State Modeling using DWOPER, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ; 1-D Hydrodynamic Modeling with UNET, SFWMD; Advanced Fluid Mechanics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO; Hydrology for Engineers, SVIH, Caracas, Venezuela; Tower Intakes, Outlet Works and Diversion during Construction of Earth Dams, SVIH, Caracas; Theory and Design of Water Supply Systems, CIV, Caracas; Pipe Flow Design, SVIH, Caracas; River Mechanics, National Hydraulics Laboratory and Colorado State University, Caracas; Soil Mechanics and Design and Construction of Earth Dams, CIDIAT, Mérida, Venezuela.
Managerial Coursework and Training
The Art of Negotiating, Everybody Wins, Negotiation Institute, NY, SFWMD; SAP 7900-Project System Comprehensive Course, Project Management Institute (PMI), SFWMD; Time Management and Organization Skills, The Essentials of Dynamic Public Speaking, Managing Multiple Projects, Competing Priorities and Tight Deadlines, How to be a Highly Successful Team Leader, Communicating with Tact and Skill for Managers and Supervisors, Managing Emotions in the Workplace and Excelling Under Pressure, and Creating a Positive Work Environment, Rockhurst University Continuing Education Center, Fort Lauderdale, FL; Leadership Skills for Project Managers, Project Management Methodology, and Writing Effective Statements of Work, SEBA Solutions, SFWMD; Project Management Plans, HDR, West Palm Beach, FL; Budget Management for Project Managers, Project Scheduling for Project Managers, Procurement for Project Managers, and Project Estimating, SFWMD.
Professional Experience
Adjunct Professor for the Mathematics, Engineering and Science Department of the Palm Beach State College, Lake Worth, Florida. November 7, 2011-present. Instruct courses in Engineering. Develop and instruct courses in Civil Engineering.
Lead Engineer for the Everglades Regulation Department of the South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, Florida. September 2008-August 2011. Worked on Non-ECP Basins phosphorus source control, C-139 Basin, Big Cypress Reservation, Pump calibrations, Agricultural AGIs, PC-17A Structure H & H Analysis, Flow verification for EAA farms, Irrigation flows and schedules for Variances (Water Restrictions). Instructed courses on fluid mechanics and pump calibrations.
Lead Engineer for the Everglades Restoration Engineering Department. June 2007-September 2008. Worked on cost restoration projects (reservoirs, STAs, ASR, BMPs), L-40 Conveyance Study, Bolles Canal Preliminary Design, Hydraulic design of S-13A Structure in the C-11 Canal, CERP North Palm Beach County Modeling, S-62 Hydraulic Analysis, DECOMP Project, C-111 Canal, Hydraulic Design for the Replacement of S-197.
Lead Civil Engineer for the Water Supply Department. November 2004-June 2007. Worked on Regional Water Supply Plans, Project Manager for Broward County Projects (wetlands rehydration, hydraulic structures replacement, basin improvements). Hydraulic analysis for additional pumping from C-51 into E-1 Canal (Control No.2) of the Lake Worth Drainage District. Alternative Water Supply (AWS-06&07) Projects in Okeechobee, Broward and Miami-Dade Counties. Hydraulic analysis and dredging for the C-18 E Canal upstream reach, multiple projects in the Indian Prairie Basin, Lake Istokpoga and Brighton Reservation, including the Southern Indian Prairie Operational Plan.
Senior Civil Engineer for the Water Supply, Planning, Research and Ecosystem Restoration Departments. December 1990-November 2004. Worked on H&H preliminary modeling of C-11 Impoundment, hydraulic design of Loxahatchee Impoundment Landscape Assessment (LILA) Project, water resources analysis, STA Design Group. H&H modeling (with MBR/Cascade model) for the restoration of Hungryland Slough and Sandhill Tract in Palm Beach County. Redesign and replacement of PC-18A Structure. Dredge production analysis for C-23 Canal. Worked on many aspects of the Everglades Nutrient Removal (ENR) Project dealing with hydrologic budget analysis, seepage modeling, hydrodynamic modeling, groundwater modeling, and vegetation roughness; and managed: cooperative project with USGS, Reston, Virginia, and Florida Atlantic University on 2-D hydrodynamic modeling in wetlands and seepage/groundwater modeling, respectively. Worked on projects dealing with regional H&H modeling (Palm Beach County calibration), 2-D hydrodynamic modeling, seepage analysis using SEEPN, 1-D steady (HEC-2) and unsteady state (EXTRAN) hydraulic modeling, continuous hydrologic modeling, hydrologic monitoring networks, hydrologic budget analysis, groundwater modeling. Supervised engineering technicians in experiments dealing with seepage evaluations, dye studies to estimate flow velocities in wetlands, and electromagnetic flow meters in channels. Developed preliminary operation scheme of the ENR Project. Managed contracts with U.C. Berkeley and University of Florida on projects dealing with 2-D modeling with RBFVM and use of the tracer SF6 for seepage evaluation. Developed hydraulic prioritization method for the Canal Conveyance Capacity (CCC) Program for maintenance of shoal removal. Instructed courses on open-channel flow and HEC-2 model.
Hydraulic Engineer for the Water Resources Engineering Department. March 1990-December 1990. Reviewed design of hydraulic structures. Worked on projects dealing with regional H&H modeling. Completed hydraulic analysis of the Sewell Lock (G-54) in the North New River Canal. H&H research on the Upper Kissimmee Chain of Lakes for the Atlas publication. Instructed courses on hydraulic structures and pumps.
Water Resources/Environmental Engineer for Simons, Li and Associates. Newport Beach, California. February 1989-March 1990. Worked on projects dealing with rainfall-runoff event model simulations, erosion and sedimentation analysis, hydraulic structures design, floodplain studies, water resources, drainage improvements, environmental enhancement plans.
Project Engineer for OTEHA (Technical Office for Hydraulic and Agronomic Studies). Caracas, Venezuela. December 1976-October 1981. Worked on projects dealing with hydrologic studies, hydraulic and structural design of spillways, hydraulic design of tower intakes, energy dissipators, stilling basins, valves and outlet works at major reservoirs, design of earth dams (stability and seepage analyses, design of filters, soil specifications during construction, instrumentation), sedimentation processes in reservoirs, design of water supply and sewage systems, economic evaluations of water supply systems, analysis of hydroelectric inventories. Supervised four junior engineers working on earth dam and reservoir projects for a year and a half.
Other Relevant Experience
Public Assistance Coordinator (PAC) for the State of Florida in Tallahassee with FEMA for the counties of Leon, Gadsden, Jefferson, Madison, Taylor and Wakulla after Hurricanes Charlie, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne. October 26 - November 24, 2004.
Reviewer for the Journal of the American Water Resources Association. September 1999 to present. Referee (reviewer) for Environmental Management. Published by Springer-Verlag, New York. February 1995 to present.
Adjunct Professor for the Civil and Ocean Engineering and Geology Departments of Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida. 1994 - 1997. Acted as advisor and participated in graduate committees of Master of Science candidates.
Adjunct Professor of the CIDIAT (Interamerican Center for the Environmental and Territorial Development and Research). Mérida, Venezuela. 1992-1994.
Consultant for the World Meteorological Organization (UN) through FINNIDA (Government of Finland) to the Servicio Meteorológico de El Salvador (Meteorological Service) on H&H modeling. May 1992.
Teaching Assistant for the Colorado Institute for Irrigation Management. Fort Collins, Colorado. August - October 1988. In charge of computer applications and field practice for courses on hydraulics and irrigation.
Tutor for the Academic Advancement Program at Colorado State University. Fort Collins, Colorado. February 1987 - January 1989. Duties included tutoring undergraduate students on Physics, Statics, and Mathematics.
Assistant Professor for the Civil Engineering Department of the Catholic University Andrés Bello. Caracas, Venezuela. March 1980 - October 1981. Duties included teaching Hydraulics I and Practice of Hydraulics II (ninth and tenth semesters, respectively, of the Civil Engineering program) and serving on two thesis committees on Spillways and Energy Dissipators.
Intern for the Ministerio de Fomento (Government Office). Caracas, Venezuela. August-September 1974. Undergraduate assistantship on economic evaluation of projects.
Journal Papers
Guardo, M., R. Oad and T.H. Podmore. Comparison of Zero-Inertia and Volume Balance Advance-Infiltration Models. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE. Vol. 126, No. 6, pp. 457-465, June 2000.
Guardo, M. and K.P. Rohrer. Calibration of a Steady-State Seepage Model from Transient Recovery of Field Data. Journal of AWRA. Paper No. 98076. Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 87-94, February 2000.
Guardo, M. Hydrologic Balance for a Subtropical Treatment Wetland Constructed for Nutrient Removal. ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING. Vol. 12, No. 3-4, pp. 315-337. February 1999.
Moustafa, M.Z., T.D. Fontaine, M. Guardo, and R.T. James. The Response of a Fresh water Wetland to Long-Term "Low Level" Nutrient Loads: Nutrients and Water Budget. HYDROBIOLOGIA. 364, pp. 41-53. July 1998.
Guardo, M. A Volume Balance Solution for Water Flow over Flat Soil Surfaces. Water Resources Bulletin (J. of the AWRA). Paper No. 94018, Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 1089-1099. December 1995.
Guardo, M., L. Fink, T.D. Fontaine, S. Newman, M. Chimney, R. Bearzotti, and G. Goforth. Large-Scale Constructed Wetlands for Nutrient Removal from Stormwater Runoff: An Everglades Restoration project. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. Paper No. 1559, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 879-889. November 1995.
Guardo, M. and R.S. Tomasello. Hydrodynamic Simulations of a Constructed Wetland in South Florida. Water Resources Bulletin (J. of the AWRA). Paper No. 94059, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 687-701. August 1995.
Newman, S., J. Roy, M. Guardo, and J. Obeysekera. The Florida Everglades Nutrient Removal Project. International Association on Water Quality (IAWQ), No. 9. September 1993.
Publications, Reports, and Proceedings
Guardo, M. Analysis of the Contributions of C-139 Basin to the Water Supply of the Big Cypress Seminole Indian Reservation. Everglades Regulation Division, South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL. June 2010.
Akpoji, A. and M. Guardo. Temporary Pump Tests for Water Supply from the C-51 Canal to the Lake Worth Drainage District. Project Report. Water Supply Department. South Florida Water Management District. West Palm Beach, FL. June 2008.
Guardo, M. S-13A Structure Improvements and Hydraulic Design. Technical Publication ERA-463. South Florida Water Management District. West Palm Beach, FL. January 2008.
Shi, G. and M. Guardo. Variance of Daily Load by Composite Samples. Draft Paper.
Guardo, M. Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis for the Restoration of the Sandhill Tract. SFWMD Publication. June 2002.
Shi, G., J. VanArman and M. Guardo. Variances in Annual Nutrient Load Estimates. Draft paper.
Lee, J.K. and M. Guardo. 2001. Modeling Surface-Water Flow in a Constructed Wetland. Part A: Model Development. Submitted to ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING.
Lee, J.K. and M. Guardo. 2001. Modeling Surface-Water Flow in a Constructed Wetland. Part B: Calibration and Model Results. Submitted to ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING.
Guardo, M. The South Florida Water Management District and Its Projects to Restore the Everglades (phase I of the Everglades Forever Act). Proceedings of the Congress of Civil Engineering Students "Water and Environment." Venezuelan Society of Hydraulic Engineering and Catholic University Andrés Bello, Caracas, Venezuela. June 2000 (in Spanish).
Guardo, M. and A.A. Prymas. Calibration of Steady-State Seepage Simulations to Estimate Subsurface Seepage into an Artificial Wetland. Engineering Approaches to Ecosystem Restoration. Proceedings of the Conference. ASCE. pp. 555-561. March 1998.
Lee, J.K. and M. Guardo. A Finite-Element Surface-Water Model of Flow-Way Cell I of the Everglades Nutrient Removal Project, South Florida. Water-Resources Investigation Report 97-4159. U.S. Geological Survey. Reston, VA, 1998.
Guardo, M., W. Abtew, L. Fink, and A. Cadogan. Water Budget Analysis for the Everglades Nutrient Removal Project (August 19, 1994 to August 19, 1996). WRE 347. South Florida Water Management District. West Palm Beach, FL. November 1996.
Abtew, W., M. J. Chimney, T. Kosier, M. Guardo, S. Newman, and J. Obeysekera. The Everglades Nutrient Removal Project: A Constructed Wetland Designed to Treat Agricultural Runoff/Drainage. Proceedings of the Versatility of Wetlands in the Agricultural Landscape. AWRA and ASAE Conference. Tampa, FL. September 1995.
Guardo, M., W. Abtew, J. Obeysekera, and J. Roy. The Everglades Nutrient Removal Project: Hydrology, Hydrodynamics and Operation. Proceedings of the Interamerican Dialogue on Water Management. SFWMD. Miami, FL. April 1994.
Abtew, W., M. Guardo, J. Roy, and J. Obeysekera. Hydrologic Network Design for a Constructed Wetland. Paper No. 932553. International Winter Meeting of the ASAE. Chicago, IL. December 1993.
Branscome, J. and M. Guardo. Prioritization Method for Shoal Removal Projects. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFM). Atlanta, GA. March 1993.
Guardo, M. An Atlas of the Upper Kissimmee Surface Water Management Basins. DRE 309. South Florida Water Management District. West Palm Beach, FL. February 1992.
Guardo, M. Kinematic Model for Designing Level Basins. Ph. D. Dissertation. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. November 1988.
Notes on Hydraulic Structures, Reservoirs, and Earth Dams (Mariano Guardo collaborator) in the Hydraulic Engineering Handouts by Dr. Carpóforo Olivares. Catholic University Andrés Bello. Caracas, Venezuela. March 1980 (in Spanish).
Guardo R, Mariano and Francisco Sucre R. Evaluation of a Highway System for the Apure State, "Evaluación de una Red Vial para el Estado Apure." Thesis for the degree of Civil Engineer. Catholic University Andrés Bello. Caracas, Venezuela. September 1976 (in Spanish).
Conference Presentations
Guardo, M. International Guest Speaker. Restoration of the Everglades, Treatment Wetlands, the ENR Project and the STAs. Congress of Civil Engineering Students "Water and Environment." Venezuelan Society of Hydraulic Engineering (SVIH) and Catholic University Andrés Bello (UCAB), Caracas, Venezuela. June 2000 (in Spanish).
Guardo, M. and K.P. Rohrer. Calibration of a Steady-State Seepage Model from Recovery Data in the Everglades Agricultural Area. Session on Wetlands Hydrology and Hydraulics of Florida Everglades. ASCE International Water Resources Engineering Conference. Memphis, TN. August 1998.
Guardo, M. and A.A. Prymas. Subsurface Seepage Estimates into the ENR Project Using SEEP2D. Session on Modeling Wetland Hydrology (Moderator). ASCE Wetlands Engineering and River Restoration Conference. Denver, CO. March 1998.
Guardo, M. Hydrologic Balance for a Subtropical Treatment Wetland Constructed for Nutrient Removal. Wetland-II Section. AWRA 32nd Annual Conference and Symposium on GIS and Water Resources. Fort Lauderdale, FL. September 1996.
Chimney, M., S. Newman, P. McCormick, W. Abtew, M. Guardo, K. Rutchey, and L. Vilchek. 1995. The Role of Constructed Wetlands in the Preservation/Restoration of the Everglades: Current Status of the Everglades Nutrient Removal Project. Symposium on Watershed Management and Wetland Ecosystem. Association of State Wetland Managers. Tampa, FL.
Guardo, M. The Everglades Nutrient Removal Project. Protection and Restoration Strategies Track. Interamerican Dialogue on Water Management. Miami, FL. October 1993.
Guardo, M. International Guest Speaker. History of the Hydraulic Resources in Venezuela. Public Works around the World Section. International Public Works Congress, APWA. Detroit, MI. September 1983.
Professional Associations
Registered Professional Engineer PE (Civil Engineering) in the State of Florida (License No. 45229).
American Society of Civil Engineers (Membership No. 347902). Engineers without Borders-USA.
American Water Resources Association (Membership No. 17592).
Venezuelan Professional Engineers Association. "Colegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela." (CIV No. 18801).
Venezuelan Committee on Large Dams. "Comité Venezolano de Grandes Presas."
Faculty Association of the Catholic University Andrés Bello."Asociación de Profesores de la Universidad
Católica Andrés Bello (APUCAB)."
Venezuelan Society of Hydraulic Engineering. "Sociedad Venezolana de Ingeniería Hidráulica, SVIH."
Academic and Professional Honors and Recognitions
Member of the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers. Diplomate, Water Resources Engineer (Certificate Number 370).
SFWMD - Team of the Year 2008. Northern Everglades Team
SFWMD - February 2008 Team of the Month. Northern Everglades Team.
SFWMD - Nomination for March 2007 Team of the Month. Alternative Water Supply Project Contracts Team.
CIAPR (Professional Engineers Association of Puerto Rico, Florida Section). Seminar on Everglades Restoration Project, Fort Lauderdale, June 23, 2006.
SFWMD - February 2006 Team of the Month. Alternative Water Supply Program Implementation.
SFWMD - Nomination for September 2005 Team of the Month. Alternative Supply at Control No.2 Pump Station of the Lake Worth Drainage District from C-51 Canal.
SFWMD - March 2005 Team of the Month. Working with FEMA as a State Public Assistance Coordinator (PAC) in Tallahassee.
Member of the Gamma Sigma Delta Honor Society.
Scholarships from Fundación Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho (Venezuelan Government Foundation):
M.Sc. Program, 1981-1984
Ph.D. Program, 1984-1987
Personal Information
Place of birth: Palencia, Spain.
Marital status: Married. One son and two daughters.
Citizenship: American (December 1993).
Hobbies: Classical music, playing soccer and racquetball, Spanish poetry, geography, and photography.
Health: Excellent.
References available upon request