Hailee Blackburn
Hazel Park, MI 48030 586-***-****
Career Objective
My career objective would be working in a office and doing what I can do best, which is keeping things together, filing, and being organized and keep the place going.
Sept. 07 - June 11 Fitzgerald High School
Warren, MI
» I started at Fitzgerald my 9th grade year and completed with my 12th grade year and graduated.
Work Experience
Sept. 10 - Jan. 11 Receptionist
Premier Salons
Madison Heights, MI
» I answered phones, worked the register, filed, balanced, stocked retail, and cleaned.
Volunteer Experiences
Aug. 09 - May 11 Volunteer
Warren, MI
» I was a volunteer to help out with the recycling program with the school. I also volunteered to help children and teens in need of christmas presents.
Skills & Abilities
» Microsoft Excel
» Microsoft Powerpoint
» Microsoft Word
Kathleen Hunt